comic stores Archives

Eleven Comic Stores Close, Five Open, Six Expand Or Rebrand
Recently, that means twelve stores closed, seven opened, and six expanded or rebranded with new owners. Comic Stores Closing Google Maps screencap Destiny City Comics in Tacoma, Washington will be closing its doors at the end of February after its rent has increased "exponentially," owner Matt Nebeker told The News Tribune Matt Nebeker owns the shop with his[...]
Five Comics Stores Close, Ten Comic Stores Open, One Re-Opens
Ten comic book stores that are opening – including one today – seven that have closed, one that is re-opening and one that is about to open. Comic stores closing: The Clover, Cloverdale's only movie theater, and its offshoot business Next Door Comics which opened in 2019, have officially closed The owner sytated that the theater ran out[...]
8 Comic Stores Hit By Looting Across the USA
They have written the following statement, Comic Stores Hit By Looting Across the USA Image from GoFundMe. Last night, after some of the peaceful protests in LA, looting, fires and destruction began in the Fairfax District Eventually, the angry mob moved onto the Melrose shopping district and ended up not only burning down the old shop location[...]
Running a Comic Shop During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Comic stores are not on the most solid of ground right now to begin with, and this type of situation is not going to help If I am being a moron, so be it But comic stores are going to be affected by all this Some already are. Stay safe out there, fellow comic retailers and[...]
Brian Bendis Addresses Retailers About Event Leviathan at Diamond Retail Summit
Bleeding Cool reported on how DC Comics was making Superman: Year One by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr and Event Leviathan #1 by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev returnable by comic stores, with news on the returnability of #2 for both of them to follow. Well, at the Diamond Retail Summit in Las Vegas, DC[...]
Lion Forge will publish Gene Ha's Mae in a new series, as well as publishing the first volume, according to a press release sent out by the company. The news was announced at ComicsPRO today prior to the press release.