The Jurassic World franchise is set to roar back to life with its next entry, Jurassic World Rebirth, penned by original Jurassic Park screenwriter David Koepp Now, Koepp, who also wrote The Lost World: Jurassic Park, has revealed that the upcoming movie will return to the tone and spirit of the very first Jurassic Park[...]
jurassic world rebirth Archives
As you may probably know by now, Universal Pictures has announced the next thrilling installment in the Jurassic Park franchise, Jurassic World Rebirth, set to hit theaters on July 2, 2025 Directed by Gareth Edwards, known for his work on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the film promises to bring back the excitement and[...]
The new film, Jurassic World Rebirth, is currently filming and star Jonathan Bailey was at the Emmy's speaking to Variety They asked him about what it was like acting against "dinosaurs," and he confirmed that the new film would be using a combination of animatronics and VFX.
"They're great; they're really committed to the moment[...]
However, it seems that someone decided that the ecological angle of this entire concept was finally one worth exploring, something we have personally been thinking about since the concept was first introduced in the second film back in 2018. Jurassic World Rebirth is the title of the new film and we have a logo, a title[...]