The solicitations for Avengers #22 by Jed MacKay and Farid Karami promise "BLACK CAT JOINS THE AVENGERS!?!" Well, maybe in the geographic sense.
Avengers #22 by Jed MacKay and Farid Karami
As Scarlet Witch, probability mystic hits the intergalactic casinos and auction houses of the Grandmaster for a heist for Kang's Missing Moment that has fuelled this[...]
Kang Archives
Kang The Conqueror is one of Marvel's oldest villains And about now, he would have been coming into the movies on his own But as we all know, that's not going to happen anymore But what about the Marvel Comics line of titles that would have had Kang up front and centre along with his[...]
Shortly after the ruling came down, the Disney-owned Marvel Studios cut ties with Majors, who played Kang the Conquerer – a character who was set to play an even bigger role in the MCU moving forward While Majors' legal team has signaled that the decision may be appealed, Marvel Studios continues to play its cards[...]
Because with two episodes of Marvel Studios' Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson & Sophia Di Martino-starring Loki Season 2 to go, it would seem that after Jonathan Majors' Victor Timely got a "spaghettification" last week, his Kang variant would no longer be playing a big role moving forward Well, we've reached a point where on-screen &[...]
Kang's Timeless books have given readers glimpses and spoilers ahead Last year's showed signs of what only just going down in the upcoming Hellfire Gala And so Avengers #2 out this week, sees Kang doing something similar to Captain Marvel Because he is in the fight of his life with another of the Avengers' potential[...]
From Timeless #1 last year..
Kang The Conqueror, burning his way across time and space, with something that frustrated even him More than the Avengers, certainly.
The Missing Moment For a master of all time and space, not having access to one thing, becomes the biggest thing of all It's like when Dan Slott blocks you on[...]
On the one hand, the recent introduction of Phase 5 with Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania turned out to be largely disappointing from critics' and audience standpoints, struggling to make its budget back domestically (which is currently at $200 million in the US, with marketing expenses pushing the film to exceed a $200 million price tag).
Releasing as part of their 1/6 scale line, Kang has arrived from Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. This impressive figure comes in at 12.2″ tall, has 30 points of articulation, and captures the likeness of Jonathan Majors Kang the Conqueror is one deadly villain and Hot Toys was sure to bring him to life right[...]
Especially given the introduction of their feared villain Kang, who's prepping to take over as MCU's new menacing force.
Now, just weeks after meeting Kang and establishing his place in the Marvel Multiverse, we're getting a hint at how several Kang personas will impact the future of the MCU.
(L-R): Jonathan Majors as Kang The Conqueror in[...]
Despite that, the MCU is still far from suffering, as a bold and threatening new villain (Kang) is poised to take center stage when the Avengers lineup returns in 2025.
So now that we've finally met Kang and become aware of this army of variants that are just waiting to strike – we should probably start[...]
Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania is impacting audiences for two primary (and positive) reasons… Michelle Pfeiffer's major presence in the film and the introduction of Jonathan Majors as the next big Marvel villain, Kang the Conqueror.
With Kang already confirmed to be a key player in the years to come, fans are certainly anticipating a lot[...]
There is one joke especially that will have comic fans rolling.
Jonathan Majors as Kang The Conqueror in Marvel Studios' ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios © 2023 MARVEL.
Ant-Man is also upstaged in Quantumania by almost all of the supporting cast Michelle Pfeiffer is great as Janet here, as is Michael Douglas[...]
With Marvel Studios' Paul Rudd & Jonathan Majors-starring Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania currently hitting screens, it's become pretty clear from the reactions from critics & viewers that Majors' Kang the Conqueror is making quite the impression as far as major MCU "big bads" go Of course, if you're a fan of the Tom Hiddleston,[...]
However, Phase 5 is gearing up for a notable foe from the pages of Marvel comics known as Kang, which will likely extend further than the scope of the next Ant-Man release.
(L-R): Jonathan Majors as Kang The Conqueror in Marvel Studios' ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios © 2022 MARVEL.
Kang Isn't[...]
Jonathan Majors joins the adventure as Kang Director Peyton Reed returns to direct the film; Kevin Feige and Stephen Broussard produce."
I have to say, I have enjoyed this mini-break from Marvel since November It was needed; the burnout was starting to creep in Even with this break, it feels like Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is[...]
We got a taste of Jonathan Majors as Kang during the first season of Loki, but we will see a very different version of the character by the time Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania rolls around Going forward, this character will be one of the big bads for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so you know this performance[...]
So who is who in today's Timeless 2022 #1 from Marvel Comics? We have learned all we can about the new Myrrd and wondered if he is the old Myrrd but what about the rest of the Twilight Court? How do they all fit in with the Arthurian vibe playing out across the Marvel Universe[...]
Previously, Marvel Comics teased the following image for their upcoming Timeless 2022 #1 published on Wednesday.
Mentioning a new arch-rival for Kang called Myrddin Which is rather close to Myraddin, one of the names that the Wizard of Otherworld from the Captain Britain comics, Merlyn, the same of King Arthur's Court was known In one version[...]
Last year's Timeless set up a number of events for Marvel in 2022, which played out like dominos, a story about Kang, older, Kang, younger Kang and a look at the Marvel Universe playing out in 2022, and we managed to identify pretty much everything. Next week will see Marvel publish Timeless 2022, continuing Kang's storyline[...]
Welcome to the preview of Timeless #1! There's one moment in all of history that Kang is unable to access in this preview of Timeless #1, and you always want what you can't have Joining me to share thoughts on the preview is my partner, Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Now, LOLtron, I must[...]
Marvel Comics has just teased the following image on social media for their upcoming Timeless 2022 #1 in December, going to Final Order Cut-Off this week.
Suggesting that this Missing Moment will affect New York Mayor Luke Cage, a Spider-Man wearing the black and red costume that was the original design back in the eighties, Bishop[...]
And are those the Avengers Endgame suits for travelling through time? Or the Marauders' suits for travelling through time? Either way, it suggests such, especially where Kang is involved.
It follows this one hour ago.
Myrddin, who I insist hearing pronounced in a Scottish accent, refers to the Tribulation Events, something usually associated with the Book Of[...]
The last one-shot from the end of last year was a story about Kang, older, Kang, younger Kang and a look at the Marvel Universe playing out in 2022, and we managed to identify pretty much everything I wonder what we'll find this time around for 2023?
TIMELESS 2022 #1
(W) Jed MacKay (A) Greg Land,[...]
The last one-shot from the end of last year was a story about Kang, older, Kang, younger Kang and a look at the Marvel Universe playing out in 2022, and we managed to identify pretty much everything I wonder what we'll find this time around for 2023?
TIMELESS 2022 #1
(W) Jed MacKay (A) Greg Land,[...]
The last one-shot was a story about Kang, older, Kang, younger Kang and a look at the Marvel Universe playing out in the following year, and we managed to identify pretty much everything Well, it looks like it is all about to happen again There were a couple of pages worth last time I wonder[...]
In this preview of Venom #9, Venom receives tips on manipulating the timestream from an expert in the field: Kang the Conqueror Check out the preview below.
Venom #9
by Al Ewing & RAM V & Bryan Hitch, cover by Bryan Hitch
Ominously in the background is He Who Remains, played by Jonathan Majors, who looks to be full-on Kang Check out the poster below.
Credit Marvel Studios/Andy Park via Twitter
Ant-Man Back In Action
1ST look at ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA! Poster I illustrated for @MarvelStudios @Comic_Con Honored to work again w/@MrPeytonReed #PaulRudd@EvangelineLilly & 1st time Cassie @kathrynnewton[...]
Credit: Marvel
After reading a historical account of the greatest villains through history, Kang took offense at being listed below Victor Von Doom as the greatest He hopped back to the point when the author, Anatoly Petrov, was beginning the drafting process, determined to show why Kang was, in fact, superior That leads to a week[...]
Yay! It's Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Night Previews here at Bleeding Cool! Kang is a bad boss in this preview of Timeless #1, the six-dollar one-shot in stores on Wednesday from Marvel Comics Check out the preview below.
(W) Jed MacKay (A) Kev Walker, More (CA) Kael Ngu
Today sees the final issue of Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Carlos Magno's Kang The Conqueror mini-series, which sees time come full circle and the hideous history of Kang and Ravonna laid out across the timestream It also sets up Jed McKay's big new thing for next week, Timeless #1 Of course, back then, Kang[...]