movies Archives

Thor: Love and Thunder: How Starlord is Different Plus 2 Images
Regarding Marvel movies, there are a few things that fans agree on, but when it comes to the weaker entries into the franchise, there tend to be some reoccurring titles that keep coming up One of those titles is Thor The Dark World, one of the bigger messes that Marvel has made, which is made[...]
Rian Johnson Has Revealed The Title for Knives Out 2, Glass Onion
The cast was absolutely fantastic, and there was a running joke that if everyone in the world wasn't in the two Avengers movies, then half of Hollywood was in Knives Out The movie made a decent amount of money at the box office, but the critical acclaim and the fact that it ended up shortlisted[...]
The Old Guard 2: Henry Golding and Uma Thurman Join the Cast
The Old Guard was one of the biggest movies for Netflix in 2020, but unlike other big movies for the platform, like Enola Homes or Extraction, we haven't heard much about a sequel In June of 2021, star Charlize Theron confirmed that the script was done, and by the following August, we found out that Victoria[...]
Jurassic World Dominion: New Behind-The-Scenes Featurette and Poster
All Rights Reserved. It really wasn't a surprise when they decided to make Jurassic World back in 2015. Jurassic Park remains one of the classics, and there are people making movies now that got into movies because of that film However, there were a few things that World seemed to miss from the source material[...]
Dwayne Johnson Calls Black Adam "A Bad Mothf*cker" Plus Images
It seems weird to think about comic book movies being in development hell for many years these days, but there was a time not too long ago when studios were a little less willing to commit Ten years ago, Christopher Nolan was wrapping up his Batman trilogy, and we were still waiting to see if[...]
Netflix Releases a Clip from the Russo Bros. Film The Grey Man
The Gray Man is being touted as one of the most expensive movies that Netflix has made so far, and that is a big push considering the year that they have had They need a movie that is massive on a bunch of different levels that bring in new subscribers and convinces people not to[...]
Netflix Releases a Trippy Clip from Spiderhead
One of the weirder movies coming out on Netflix soon is probably Spiderhead The whole film deals with using inmates for drug experiments, and then the clip they released with Geeked Week really messes with the idea of consent In fact, almost everything that the drugs in this movie do takes away the concept of[...]
Bros Before UFO's In The New Trailer for Netflix's Blasted
It's good that Netflix uses the Geeked Week stuff to show off some of the international movies and not just everything coming out of the United States markets, which is awesome to see There are so many good things coming out of international Netflix, so it's awesome to see more and more people checking them[...]
Comic Store In Your Future: 25 Hot Comics by Rodman Comics
With all the upcoming movies and other media comic-related upcoming releases, comics can be hot.  One comic may be in a store's dollar bin with no interest one day, then the next day it seems everyone wants it Or the opposite happens I try to keep up with what is in demand in the comic[...]
Tahar Rahim Has Joined the Cast of Sony's Madame Web Movie
The Sony universe of Marvel movies continues to grow We got a sequel to Venom last year that was a lot better than it had any right to be; Morbius is coming back to theaters for some reason that is a mystery to scientists,  and Kraven the Hunter is well into production We found out that[...]