Fans of STARZ's American Gods rejoice! The Neil Gaiman adaptation has been renewed for a third season; and Charles “Chic” Eglee is set as EP and showrunner.
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The literal first shots were fired in the now very real war between Old Gods and New Gods in the second season premiere of STARZ's American Gods Shadow Moon (Ricky Whittle) is now in the hands of Mr World, while Mr Wednesday (Ian McShane) deals with the fallout from the loss of an Old God…[...]
To celebrate the second-season premiere of American Gods, STARZ hosted an official red carpet premiere screening - for both "gods" and "mere mortals" alike.
Fans of STARZ's American Gods know full well that the war between the Old Gods and New Gods is about to come to a head: after inspiring Easter to reclaim her season as a shot across, through, and under the bow of Mr World (Crispin Glover) and the New Gods, Mr Wednesday (Ian McShane) recruitment drive rolls along[...]
So where does your faith lie?
With only a little more than two weeks to go before viewers are bleesed with the second-season premiere of STARZ's American Gods, now is as good a time as any to get reacquainted with the new gods, old gods, and the "'tweeners" before the series' Sunday, March 10th return[...]
With the second season premiere of 'American Gods' still a month away, reports are that STARZ is close to giving the series a season 3 renewal.
Pictures planned New Gods film being helmed by Ava DuVernay In fact, the most recent thing we know for sure is that DuVernay just signed a pretty big multi-year deal with Warner Bros Television back in November.
This COULD mean that maybe the New Gods film project is shifting to the television realm, but there is no real confirmation[...]
The bugs are furious, with Mantis declaring that the New Gods have no honor and deserve death Forager isn't so sure about that, however…
Bear boom-tubes to Happy Harbor to request Conner's assistance The Forever People of New Genesis have been investigating the growing violence between the bugs and the New Gods and they have discovered[...]
PT on Saturday, fans were able to join cast members on social media as they shared their favorite moments from the first season while the cable network airs all eight episodes back-to-back. With the tagline "Your Worship Will Be Rewarded," viewers were expecting at least another teaser, an official trailer, or a behind-the-scenes video – but[...]
Looking to get caught up on the the war between the "new gods" and "old gods" before it reignites for a second season on Sunday, March 10? Well, your friends at Starz have heard your prayers and are offering a unique binge-watching opportunity to get viewers up-to-speed on their adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods.
Starting at 3 p.m[...]
With the war between the "new gods" and "old gods" ready to reignite for a second season on Sunday, March 10, 2019, at 8 p.m ET, Starz is offering a unique binge-watching opportunity to get viewers up-to-speed on their adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods Starting at 3 p.m ET/12 p.m[...]
He has other responsibilities and another show he's doing, but Neil Gaiman is the heart and soul of 'American Gods,' so I can't imagine there's a version where he's not involved."
As for the look and feel of the new episodes, Zlotnick believes that fans of the first season will like what they see: "Jesse has[...]
Ibis) took to the stage at Dragon Con 2018 on Friday to talk anything and everything having to do with Starz's adaptation of Neil Gaiman's popular novel — with some serious second-season spoiler security in play.
Bleeding Cool's very own Mary Anne Butler was covering the panel, and here are some of her takeaways:
● When asked if there[...]
The Green Lantern Corps are on their last legs fighting the Darkstars, and it's up to Hal Jordan and Hector Hammond to save the day. Is it a good read?
John Stewart enacts his plan against the Darkstars, and the Green Lantern Corps fly in to close the trap. Can the Corps win? Is it a good read?
The Green Lantern Corps makes their final stand against the Darkstars while Hal, John, Guy, and Kyle enact their plan. Is it a good read?
Kyle Rayner and Space Cabbie are still imprisoned by the New Gods, but Orion is up to something.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #47 cover by Barry Kitson and Hi-Fi
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #47 wraps up the recruitment subplots in preparation for the final showdown with the Darkstars.
These go more or[...]
This pack works with any of the sets you've already purchased or mixed together, with the added bonus of playing as one of the New Gods or their rival Super-Villains, including Orion, Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, or Darkseid This seventh crossover pack is 26 cards in total with no duplicates from previous[...]
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are spread across the universe searching for help against the Darkstars. Is it a good read?
Hal Jordan returns to Earth to investigate the death of an old foe. Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and Kyle Rayner seek help against the Darkstars across the universe. Is it a good read?
is closing a deal with A Wrinkle in Time director Ava DuVernay to direct a big-budget adaptation of Jack Kirby's The New Gods Once the deal is done, Deadline is reporting that a screenwriter will be chosen to craft the narrative and work closely with DuVernay The expected budget should be $100M plus and shows[...]
Wednesday, and the New Gods and the Old, to some very strange places I'm glad that we, and the cast and crew, will have Jesse shepherding us on the way."
Credit: Starz
In The Hollywood Reporter's reporting, some very interesting highlights also came up from their sources (so keep that in mind when reading:
● Fuller and Green's six[...]
It's a hidden world where magic is real, where the Old Gods fear both irrelevance and the growing power of the New Gods, like Technology and Media Mr Wednesday seeks to build a coalition of Old Gods to defend their existence in this new America, and reclaim some of the influence that they've lost As[...]
After all, who could he have become? Could he be Superman? Or maybe, ironically, Captain Atom?
Of course, it's not like we don't have theories here at Bleeding Cool.
If Doctor Manhattan is posing as a DC Universe character, could he be almost hiding in plain sight? Could he be someone else with a cold, dispassionate and[...]
Broadway star and goddess Easter herself Kristin Chenoweth says she isn't sure if she'll be back for American Gods Season 2.
For an early sign of the American Gods' Bilquis-to-come, then look no further then Yetide Badaki's turn as mysterious Keira in Crackle's Sequestered.
Review: Mister Miracle #4 from DC Comics by Tom King and Mitch Gerads continues to be a truly astonishing series and a vital read for any comic reader.
Wednesday) over their love for European football, and quickly segues into a brief tongue-in-cheek tirade against American "football." Whittle emphasizes the chemistry that he and McShane developed off screen as being essential to the quality of their work onscreen; and also praises a number of other cast members (nut nearly forgets his "work wife" Emily[...]
[rwp-review-recap id="0"]
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #29 cover by Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey
With Highfather of the New Gods in tow, Hal Jordan is on his way to reunite with the Green Lantern Corps Meanwhile, John Stewart learns that the Nth Metal Golems intend to free Yuga Khan, the father of,[...]
Grail is hunting down the old gods. Giganta is hunting down ancient artifacts. Wonder Woman must stop them both. Is this a good continuation to the series?