zeb wells Archives

MC Robinson Writes To Say He Must Replace Zeb Wells, Marvel Prints It
And reckons that he could write a better Amazing Spider-Man comic than the most recently departed writer Zeb Wells, who has written the comics for the last few years And probably the new folks as well So he wrote to Marvel to tell them this And they published it and replied, in today's Amazing Spider-Man[...]
Peter Parker And Mary Jane in Zeb Wells' Final Amazing Spider-Man #60
Spoilers, obviously. Zeb Wells, the current writer of Amazing Spider-Man, has his final issue published today, Amazing Spider-Man #60, drawn by John Romita Jr and Ed McGuinness, who have most consistently drawn this sixty-issue run on the book. Wells and Romita relaunched Amazing Spider-Man from Marvel Comics over two years ago after both spending a number of years working on the character (though John a little more than[...]
Zeb Wells Leaves Joe Kelly A Nasty Surprise In Amazing Spider-Man
So how is Zeb Wells going to leave Amazing Spider-Man for Joe Kelly? Will everything be as it was, or will there be a few pieces left? Spoilers on… and there may be a few more to follow. Because no, I'm not talking about Paul, Jackpot or Mary Jane I'm talking about Rek-Rap A demon from[...]
From One Side Of Show To The Other- MCM London Comic Con October 2024
Zeb Wells is the writer of Amazing Spider-Man who has taken an inordinate amount of slack for not writing Peter Parker and Mary Jane as a couple, something that was decided by Marvel Editorial before he took over writing the book And doesn't look like it's changing any time soon Now on top of that,[...]
DC Comics
Amazing Spider-Man #56 gives Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr with Lee Gatlin the chance to wrap up a few of the loose ends left dangling, before when Zeb Wells was originally going to leave, and the start of the Eight Deaths Of Spider-Man relaunch coming And while a return to the Daily Bugle teases where[...]
Comics Spoilers
Zeb Wells doesn't half get it in the neck from certain Amazing Spider-Man comic book fans But then, that was the same with previews Spider-Man comic book writers Dan Slott and Nick Spencer, who also somehow didn't manage to get Peter Parker and Mary Jane back together as a married couple Zeb Wells also committed[...]
Auto Draft
Marvel Comics confirmed what Bleeding Cool scooped last week, that Joe Kelly is taking over from Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr on Amazing Spider-Man, for ten issues at least, with artist Justina Ireland, as well as Ed McGuinness, Gleb Melnikov and more for The Eight Deaths Of Spider-Man. "THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN Following Zeb[...]
Joe Kelly To Take Over Amazing Spider-Man Ongoing Comic For Marvel
And while I haven't seen inside, and I don't know anyone willing to rip the bag right now, it seems that Joe Kelly will be taking over the Amazing Spider-Man ongoing series for Marvel from Zeb Wells Based on nothing more than a circle label on the back cover of Moon Knight: First Of Konshu[...]
Zeb Wells & John Romita To Quit Amazing Spider-Man After Final Arc
Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr relaunched Amazing Spider-Man from Marvel Comics over two years ago, after both spending a number of years working on the character (though John a little more than Zeb) With guest artists such as Ed McGuinness, Romita drew the lion's share of the run It hasn't been without controversy, it[...]
People Magazine in The Daily LITG, 24th of April, 2024
Zeb Wells' personal life hitting People Magazine topped Bleeding Cool traffic yesterday Where you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. Zeb Wells[...]
Zeb Wells' Personal Life Reaches People Magazine
But Zeb Wells married Saturday Night Live performer Heidi Gardner fourteen years ago in 2010 And so, a split makes the headline of People Magazine, which in this case reads "SNL's Heidi Gardner Details 'Painful' Split from Husband Zeb Wells: 'I Went Through the End of a Relationship'". Zeb Wells by Gage Skidmore And quotes Gardner from the[...]
Marvel Exonerates Kevin Feige Over The Death Of Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel
On social media, Zeb Wells and Amazing Spider-Man editor Nick Lowe are saying nothing. The Amazing Spider-Talk video blog with Dan Gvozden ran an interview with Amazing Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Spider-Man writer Cody Ziglar who talked about his version of events regarding the death of Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, in Amazing Spider-Man, before being revived[...]
Ultimate Comics Solicits
The storyline "Easy Being Green" starts in Amazing Spider-Man #50 next month, and this is Ed McGuinness' cover for #53, revealing all in July. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #53 Written by ZEB WELLS Art by ED McGUINNESS & TODD NAUCK Cover by ED McGUINNESS Here are the others leading up to it, before Gang War interrupted everything. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top:[...]
Marvel May 2024 Solicits In Full
And then #50 is the big double-sized special with Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness and Terry Dodson bringing the return of Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin, and new stories from classic Spider-Man writer/editor Marv Wolfman and something new from Nikesh Shukla, the British writer and editor behind the influential 2016 collection of essays The Good[...]
So This Is How Spider-Man Becomes Evil - The Black Costume Goblin?
And big changes for the character in a new storyline by Zeb Wells and Patrick Gleason Today's Amazing Spider-Man #32 kicks it off, but it has roots going back a few years Once upon a time, Norman Osborn was a bad guy The Green Goblin, on and off Then he got shot by the Sin-Eater,[...]
Spider-Man Knows The Punisher Is A Villain
More recently some have described him as an anti-villain, an antagonist who has or may have noble or honourable aims, but pursues them destructively. In today's Amazing Spider-Man #32 by Zeb Wells and Patrick Gleason, Peter Parker may have a new love interest on the horizon Or, rather, going on a not-date with Michele the lawyer,[...]
Bad Idea Screw Up, Do A Great Reset On David Lapham's The Ends
Yesterday, Bad Idea launched a Kickstarter for David Lapham's The Ends, promising a premium digital comic book experience to shame Amazon, as well as a print collection and a number of comic books drawn by David Lapham and written by big names such as Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Mark Waid, Jim Cheung,[...]
Bendis, Aaron, Brubaker, Waid, Duggan, Dastmalchian Write David Lapham
Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Mark Waid, Jim Cheung, Gerry Duggan, Zeb Wells, Tony S Daniel, Gary Dauberman, Matt Kindt, Robert Venditti, Joshua Dysart and David Dastmalchian are the first writers announced for new stories written to be drawn by David Lapham for the new digital comic book from Bad Idea Comics, and[...]
Zeb Wells, Writer Of Ms Marvel's Death, Also Wrote Her Upcoming Movie
Let's headline it.  Zeb Wells is the writer of Amazing Spider-Man, including the death of Ms Marvel. And he has been for these past few years He has written the death of Ms Marvel in the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #26 and has been working his way up to it for the past year or two. The Marvels teaser[...]
Full Marvel Comics August 2023 Solicits & Solicitations
As Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr are finishing their first year on Amazing Spider-Man for Marvel with whatever will go down in Amazing Spider-Man #26, there is another Spider-Event coming which will be the keystone of their second year on the series And Amazing Spider-Man #31 in August will be setting the Spider-Event up,  spinning[...]
Marvel Promises Most Shocking Spider-Man Since The Death Of Gwen Stacy
This is the solicitation for Amazing Spider-Man #27, to be published in June, written by Zeb Wells and drawn by Ed McGuinness. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #27 Written by ZEB WELLS Art and Cover by ED MCGUINNESS Grief looms over Peter after last issue's shocking death! Spider-Man's villains are more than happy to keep him distracted… Your eyes don't deceive you,[...]
As a mystical doctor, though, his lack of specific insight is rather worrying. Because in today's Amazing Spider-Man #22, we are starting to place Zeb Wells' Spider-Man jigsaw together, with part from his previous run and from his Brand New Day run from fifteen years ago And the missing sixth-month gap, why Peter Parker and Mary[...]
Gerry Duggan to Launch Substack Comics Too, But First a Book of Photos
It's a globe-spanning experience that provides a peek behind the curtain in Hollywood, and behind the scenes in comic books." Photos include those of Patton Oswalt, Meredith Salinger, Matt Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Brian Posehn, Bob Odenkirk, Weird Al Yankovic, Tom Lennon, Jon Hamm, Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Rick Remender, Clint Eastwood, David Lynch, Martin[...]
Marvel Previews May 25th
Such as Amazing Spider-Man #2 by Zeb Wells and John Romita out of the 25th of May, following up on that shocker of a first issue ending, with Norman Osborn paying a visit Is this where he gives Peter Parker his new Spider-Suit complete with Spider-Glider? Amazing Spider-Man #2 First Look Or is he just coming by[...]
What Did Mary Jane Watson Do? Amazing Spider-Man #1 Spoilers
relaunching with a new Amazing Spider-Man #1 for the character's sixtieth anniversary, we pointed out that how in the most recent Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #93, we had Peter Parker back in the Spider-Man suit, his Aunt May defending him. Amazing Spider-Man Volume 5 #93,And Mary Jane Watson talking about moving in with Peter Parker again,[...]
Amazing Spider-Man #93 Leaks Future Of Ben Reilly (Spoiler)
might this be more Amazing Spider-Man #298 than it is One More Day? AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #93 MARVEL COMICS JAN220890 (W) Zeb Wells (A) Patrick Gleason (CA) Arthur Adams THE BIG FINALE OF "BEYOND"!!!  SPIDER-MAN VS SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for. Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade[...]
Amazing Spider-Man #900
Marvel Comics has announced news of Amazing Spider-Man #900 by Zeb Wells and Ed McGuinness to be properly announced tomorrow But this teaser seems to show Spider-Man and a Sinister Six all in one person A Sinister Super Adaptioid? There's Doc Ock, Kraven, Elektro, Sandman and Green Goblin at least… Here's what we reported last week[...]
Zeb Wells Will Tell Us What Peter Parker Did In Amazing Spider-Man
After a fair few teases, Marvel just dropped the news about an Amazing Spider-Man #1 relaunch written by Zeb Wells and drawn by John Romita Jr in April 2022 that will tell us… what exactly Peter Parker did, for the character's 60th anniversary… with The Rose, White Rabbit and signs of the Green Goblin. His "Shed"[...]
Peter Parker Lost His Trademark To Amazing Spider-Man #75 (Spoilers)
He has his own Spider-Man suit courtesy of the Beyond Corporation, his own redhead girlfriend in Janine, but no one seems to have given Peter Parker the heads up about the situation. Amazing Spider-Man #75 by Zeb Wells and Patrick Gleason Still, New York having two Spider-Men – sorry, three or four Spider-Men, there's Miles Morales and[...]
Pat Gleason, Sara Pichelli, Michael Dowling Draw Amazing Spider-Man
Last week, Marvel announced that a team of writers for Spider-Man Beyond would showrun the new run of Amazing Spider-Man from #75 onwards, Zeb Wells, Kelly Thompson, Saladin Ahmed, Cody Ziglar, and Patrick Gleason, taking the comic book thrice-monthly, Now we know that Patrick Gleason will also be the lead artist, leading the design and[...]