At the end of today's Green Arrow #8, we discover that Amanda Waller has recruited a surprising individual to their cause.
Justice League Archives
Amanda Waller is making it with the Big Bads in Beast World #5, Beast World Tour: Star City #1, Green Arrow #8 and Detective Comics #1081.
Cobra Commander heads right to the top of the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List, pushing past Amazing Spider-Man.
We said they were coming. The full DC Comics April 2024 solicits and solicitations, featuring the launch of Superman's House Of Brainiac,
DC Comics published Wonder Woman #5 today, by Tom King, Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Morey, and an appearance of Darkseid's daughter Grail.
We now have a better look, across the line at DC Comics' new corner boxes logos, that delineate between the different "groups" of titles.
DC Comics has been doing without a Justice League for a couple of years now. But might we now have a Justice Gang for 2024?
Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #1 includes a redeemable code for a bonus digital token in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.
PrintWatch: Fall Of The House Of X, Moon Knight, Justice League Vs, Batman, Animal Pound, Pine & Merramac, GI Joe, Void Rivals and Dwellings
Tom King posts to Threads, "I am using too many 6 panel pages." James Gunn replies, "Not possible." Bleeding Cool takes a look...
You've been very, very good children, definitely on Santa's Nice List and now, finally, you get Justice Society Of America #8.
Amanda Waller continues setting up her role as the Big Bad of DC with Green Arrow #7 and Beast World #3 both out from DC tomorrow
It's the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List! As it does when it's out in a week without a Batman in it, Amazing Spider-Man tops the chart.
The Beast World event continues to play through DC with Beast World Tour: Central City #1 and Nightwing #109 hitting comic stores tomorrow.
Full DC Comics March 2024 solicits and solicitations, including the launch of Suicide Squad: Dream Team, the new Batman story Dark Prisons
William Shatner tweeted last night, "Run, don't walk to your local comic book shop TOMORROW" to order his Batman/Superman cameo in March.
We heard this was coming, now we have a lot more information. a new Suicide Squad team from Amanda Waller from DC Comics for 2024.
? In March 2o24, DC Comics will be publishing their DC’s Ape-ril Special ahead of April Fool's Day. With the Jungle League...
This past week saw DC Comics publish the much-delayed Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs King Kong #1 sound cover variant for $15 each.
It does look as if DC Comics is putting a Black Justice League together in Beast World. At Bleeding Cool, you can always read about stuff.
Yesterday saw DC Comics published a couple of Beast World one-shot tie-ins, Beast World Tour: Metropolis and Beast World: Waller Rising.
Yes, I know, I missed out on the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List last week; major apologies. But I have compiled last week's below...
PrintWatch: Two books getting new printings this week, Conan from Titan and Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs King Kong from DC Comics.
Grant Morrison, revealed how their Wonder Woman Earth One graphic novel series with Yanick Paquette was originally a movie pitch.
Justice Society Of America by Geoff Johns and Mikel Janin still tries to find a schedule that fits. But has lots of friends doing the same.
This week sees the publication of the second issue of Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs King Kong as the Big Beasts hit Gotham and Metropolis.
DC Comics' February 2024 solicits with Joker Year One, Red Hood, Sinister Sons, Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum, Bat-Man: The First Knight.
DC Comics are promoting partial nudity on their variant covers in February 2024, as their "Sweater Weather" variant covers.
Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum was previously announced for May this year but finally up for publication in February 2024.
The Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) Committee has selected the twelve Gold Sponsor comic book titles for 2024 taking place on May 4th.