This Full Art Iono card is going for over $200 in Japan. Will this bring back the "Waifu Craze" in the Pokémon TCG when Paldea Evolved drops?
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Scarlet & Violet in May 2023 examines if the cards in this set are falling in value or if they will rise.
This week's Pokémon Trading Card Game Artist Spotlight focuses on TOKIYA who debuted in the hobby with a Steel-type Arceus card.
Our spotlight on Pokémon TCG's special Crown Zenith set continues as we cover the second row of Kouki Saitou's special connecting collection.
Onix brings major Kanto vibes in Pokémon TCG Japan's newly revealed card from the special set Pokémon Card 151 set for a June release.
Pokémon TCG Japan's newest set Clay Burst features a variety of Full Art Pokémon ex including Tinkaton, Bellibolt, Noivern, & more.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Astral Radiance in May 2023 observes some drops in the Character Super Rare cards from the set's Trainer Gallery.
Our spotlight on Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith continues to Kouki Saitou's special set-within-a-subset of connecting Illustration Rares.
Pokémon TCG reveals more cards from the Kanto-focused Pokémon Card 151 set coming to Japan, with today's selection featuring Fossils.
The Treasures of Ruin from the region of Paldea, Chi-Yu and Ting-Lu, appear as Full Art Pokémon ex cards in Pokémon TCG Japan: Clay Burst.
Teeziro brings a strong sense of humor to this Latias card from Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith's Galarian Gallery subset of Illustration Rares.
Naoyo Kimura, an artist who has been contributing to the Pokémon TCG since Southern Islands, illustratres Raichu from Pokémon Card 151.
Pokémon TCG Japan's newly released expansion Clay Burst will feature the new evolution Farigiraf on an Illustration Rare.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Lost Origin in May 2023 examines this Giratina-themed set, but will we ever see its major chase card fall?
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Crown Zenith in May 2023 notes a major drop in the set's chase card, the Giratina Origin Forme Gold Secret Rare.
Pokémon TCG Live, the app for digital gameplay that will replace Pokémon TCG Online, is now just a month away from global launch.
Magnezone & Altaria both get Galarian Gallery cards in the special Pokémon TCG expansion Crown Zenith that debuted in January 2023.
Pokémon TCG is previewing cards from Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic, a special reprint product which features Rattata & Wooper.
The special Pokémon TCG expansion that closed out the Sword & Shield era Crown Zenith gave the Dark-types Absol & Thievul some love.
Pokémon TCG Japan's newly released Clay Burst expansion features an Illustration Rare of Nacli from the Scarlet & Violet games.
The Alolan Ghost/Ground-type Pokémon Sandyghast gets an Illustration Rare in Pokémon TCG Japan's newly released expansion Clay Burst.
Pokémon TCG's special Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic won't just reprint Base Set cards but also reprints cards from modern sets.
The Bibarel Illustration Rare from Crown Zenith was the Pokémon TCG debut of Amelicart who went on to draw the Squawkabilly ex Secret Rare.
Artists kantaro, GIDORA, and Yuu Nishida take on the middle evolutions of the Kanto Starters in Pokémon TCG's upcoming Pokémon Card 151.
There was once a time when only final evolutions and breakout species like Pikachu & Eevee got Secret Rares. Pokémon TCG has changed that.
Pokémon TCG Japan completes the trilogy of Kanto Starter ex cards in the upcoming special Pokémon Card 151 set with Blastoise ex.
Dunsparce & Miltank featured on Illustration Rares in the special Galarian Gallery subset of Pokémon TCG's special Crown Zenith expansion.
Pokémon TCG Japan has released Clay Burst in Japan, which features a Heracross Illustration Rare with the Johto speices never looking cuter.
Pokémon TCG reveals another card from Pokémon Card 151: Venusaur ex by 5ban Graphics, but will there be a Full Art or Illustration Rare?
This week's Pokémon Trading Card Game Artist Spotlight focuses on Kawayoo, who has been contributing since Platinum - Rising Rivals.