Pokémon TCG Japan's next set Paradigm Trigger includes Pokémon from other generations inspired by Pikachu: Morpeko, Togedemaru, & Dedenne.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG reprints the Rayquaza VMAX from Sword & Shield - Evolving Skies in the Target-exclusive VMAX Dragons Premium Collection.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Battle Styles in October 2022 notes the Empoleon V Alternate Art on the extreme upswing this month.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Champion’s Path in October 2022 marks high value for the two Charizard chase cards while the other cards bottom out.
The special Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO expansion includes cards paying homage to Dragonite's rarity in the pre-Shiny days of the game.
Pokémon TCG Japan's upcoming Paradigm Trigger set features the Legendary Swords of Justice: Virizion, Terrakion, and Cobalion.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Darkness Ablaze in October 2022 marks this as the easiest, cheapest set to complete from the Sword & Shield era.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Rebel Clash in October 2022 notes the two top cards possibly on the rise as this becomes a more distant release.
Melmetal VMAX is one of the final species to see its Gigantamax version get a VMAX in the special set Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO.
Pokémon TCG Japan's next set Paradigm Trigger features the Archen line culminating in a holographic card featuring Archeops.
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO special expansion pays homage to Niantic's game with cards evoking the Lure Module & Golden Razz Berry mechanics.
Pokémon TCG Japan's upcoming Lugia-themed Paradigm Trigger will apply the VSTAR power to Trainer Cards for the very first time.
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO special expansion includes nods to the Buddy Gift and GO Snapshot mechanics with these Eevee & Sylveon cards.
If you missed Shaymin VSTAR from Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Brilliant Stars, here is your chance to get it without having to crack packs.
The Pokémon TCG has announced yet another Walmart-exclusive product coming this fall. Much like the Shaymin VSTAR Premium Collection
Purchasing a booster box of Pokémon TCG Japan's Paradigm Trigger set will earn a five-card promo pack in which special cards can be found.
Get all of the Eeveelution Vs in the new GameStop Pokémon TCG: Eevee Eeveelutions Premium Collection coming in November 2022.
Our spotlight on Pokémon TCG's special Pokémon GO expansion features Pikachu cards which pay homage to aspects of the game.
Pokémon TCG Japan is set to close out the main series Sword & Shield-era sets with Paradigm Trigger, which will of course feature Pikachu.
The spotlight on Pokémon TCG's special Pokémon GO expansion continues with cards featuring Magikarp & the ferocious Gyarados.
Pokémon TCG Japan's Paradigm Trigger will include Unown VSTAR, which is likely to appear in the English Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest.
Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO features a Shiny Blastoise ready to let loose a powerful attack on this Radiant Blastoise card.
Evoking the classic Neo sets, Pokémon TCG Japan's Paradigm Trigger will close out Sword & Shield with Unown and Lugia cards.
Pokémon TCG has announced another Best Buy-exclusive product in addition to the Mew V box: a Kyurem V box with a reprint from Lost Origin.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Chilling Reign in September 2022 notes next to no movement in this set as the market seems somewhat settled.
Pokémon TCG's special Pokémon GO expansion features the entire Squirtle evolutionary line, culminating in a holo-rare Blastoise.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Lost Origin in September 2022 notes an increase in value of the set's Alt Arts due to difficult pull rates.
Pokémon TCG Japan reveals the first secret rare card from the upcoming Paradigm Trigger set: Lugia V Full Art bt 5ban Graphics.
Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO includes holo-rare cards featuring the Legendary Birds of Kanto, evoking memories of Tier Five raids launching.
The legendary Mitsuhiro Arita brings his talents to Lugia for a stunning addition to Pokémon TCG Japan's Paradigm Trigger.