Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO set is releasing on July 1st, but August 5th will see the release of more products featuring the Kanto Starters.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Do you believe this headcanon about Skiploom and Jumpluff from the cards of Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder?
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Vivid Voltage in June 2022 notes drops in value so extreme that they would've seemed absurd last year.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Battle Styles in June 2022 observes little movement of this set as product remains cheap and widely available.
Let's take a look at the Radiant Blastoise card that will be featured in the upcoming Pokémon TCG - Pokémon GO expansion.
Bleeding Cool's nostalgic journey through the history of the Pokémon TCG takes us to Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder. We begin with Chikorita.
Radiant Venusaur from the upcoming Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO expansion has been revealed. The Shiny Grass-type is truly radiant.
Bleeding Cool wraps up its retrospective spotlight on Pokémon TCG's draconic special expansion Dragon Majesty with a complete set review.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Shining Fates in June 2022 marks a huge drop in Shiny Charizard VMAX as product remains on shelves.
Dragon Ball Super CG Pull Rate Quest: Ultimate Squad Part Three examines the new set and finds luck with pulling foil Leader cards.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Chilling Reign sees this Calyrex-themed set remain mostly static in value as packs are widely available.
Bleeding Cool's journey through the history of the Pokémon TCG brings us to the top cards of the Sun & Moon-era special set, Dragon Majesty.
This is the big hit from Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO. Is Radiant Charizard going to be a chase card or does it fall short of the Zard hype?
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO expansion will feature Dragonite VSTAR as one of its main pulls. Take a closer look at this card in a special peek.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game shows Ultimate Squad cards featuring Androids 14, 15, 17, and 18 including both canon and non-canon.
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO set will feature a holographic Charizard showcasing the Fire-type Starter Pokémon flying through the city.
It's Gold Secret Rare time. Our spotlight on the Sun & Moon-era Pokémon TCG special set Dragon Majesty moves to the Gold Trainers.
It's the final installment of Pokémon TCG Pull Rate Quest: Astral Radiance! We open a sixth booster box of the latest set to see what we pull.
Pokémon TCG's upcoming Pokémon GO set perfectly captures the nostalgia of the game's early days with this Mewtwo V Alternate Art.
Our retrospect on Pokémon TCG's Dragon Majesty set moves to the Secret Rares with tips on where a few missing Rainbow Rares can be found.
The Draconic Trainer with a tragic backstory Zinnia is one of the best pulls of the overlooked Pokémon TCG special set Dragon Majesty.
Heritage Auctions has put an exceedingly rare, graded promotional copy of Golem from the Pokémon TCG up for auction!
Learn the history of Cinnabar Gym Leader Blaine in this Pokémon TCG retrospect focusing on the cards of Dragon Majesty.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Fusion Strike in June 2022 notes that this late 2021 Mew and Gengar-themed set has yet to bottom out.
Pokémon TCG shows off new cards from Pokémon GO including Numel & Camerupt, but the internet is also talking about some unconfirmed teases.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Evolving Skies in June 2022 notes steadily high value for most of the set's big hits, making this set an outlier.
The Pokémon TCG featured some terrific draconic cards in Dragon Majesty, but the Full Arts of the Sun & Moon era suffered this fatal flaw.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Brilliant Stars in June 2022 notes this set begin to even out with the biggest hits dropping in value.
Pokémon TCG's upcoming Pokémon GO set pays homage to the hemisphere-switching duo, Solrock & Lunatone, with cards by Sekio & miki kudo.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Astral Radiance in June 2022 notes high value for this new set as we have yet to see the market even out.