Agent Archives

I Got You, Allen Liu,
Derrick Chow's agent, Thao Le, at the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency, negotiated the sale. Derrick Chow is a writer, comic creator, and illustrator whose debut prose novel, Ravenous Things, was published in 2022 by Disney-Hyperion His comics have been featured in several anthologies, including Shout Out (TO Comix Press) and Rainbow Reflections: Body Image Comics For Queer[...]
Everyone Is White On The Internet by Nadia Shammas & Molly Murakami
"I just got interested and started learning more about it." First Second logo Jim Ottaviani's agent Judy Hansen at Hansen Literary Management represented Ottaviani, and DeForest was unagented.   Limits of the Human Body by Jim Ottaviani and Dale DeForest is an upcoming nonfiction middle grade graphic novel about both the physiology and mental journey of athletes to push the limits[...]
A Kids & YA Graphic Novel Pitch
The KCU Pitchfest is a gallery showcase of unpublished kids and YA-intended graphic novel projects that are reviewed by a panel of top agents and editors And will cost $120 to take part Participants can submit their pitch to be considered over the next few weeks Participants can also have the opportunity to sign up[...]
Jade Zhang's The Last Giant
Jade Zhang's agent, Erin Casey Westin, at Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency, negotiated the deal for North American rights. Jade Zhang is a queer Chinese-Canadian illustrator and comic artist based in Toronto and a BDes from Ontario College of Art and Design. She is the illustrator of Ghost Circus, written by Adrienne Kress, to be published by Union Square & Co[...]
Love Me to Death by Toonimated
Tara Mueller and Julian Juaregui's agent, Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management, sold world rights. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Love Me to Death by Toonimated Love Me to Death by Toonimated Love Me to Death by Toonimated In 2019, Little, Brown had the directive[...]
Joshua Herron Auctions Team Primo Graphic Novel Rights for Six Figures
Upset about leaving his dad behind, nervous to attend another new school, but excited to connect with his Mexican roots, Jacob processes his emotions the only way he knows how – drawing comics." Joshua M Herron is an LA storyboard artist from Texas who went to school in Missouri, has been working in the animation industry[...]
We Could Be Magic
Marissa Meyer's agent, Jill Grinberg, at Jill Grinberg Literary Management, and Joelle Murray's agent, Laura Rennert, at Andrea Brown Literary Agency, negotiated the deal. Marissa Meyer says "This is a book of my heart, one that I wish I could go back in time to give to teen Marissa A story about defying the biases of those around you[...]
Forest Kids by Laia López
Laia López's agent, Britt Siess, at Britt Siess Creative Management, negotiated the deal. Laia López is a Spanish artist with a following of over 1.3 million on Instagram as well as her illustrated novels, Strawberry Moon and Royalty Witches, and her artbook, Gleaming—The art of Laia López[...]
Kev F Sutherland Asks British Kids What Comics They Read
Smart is represented by Jodie Hodges at United Agents. Liz Cross, managing and publishing director at DFB, said: "What a joy it is to publish Jamie Smart—a comics powerhouse with an almost magical ability to enthuse, entertain, and inspire children We're delighted that our close publishing partnership with Jamie, and with the wonderful Phoenix comic, will[...]
The Girl Who Loves Monsters
Insha Fitzpatrick and Ashley Robin Franklin's agent, Maria Vicente at P.S Literary, negotiated a two-book deal. Insha Fitzpatrick is a New Jersey-based writer and editor, founder of DIS/MEMBER, a horror genre website and the Operations Manager for Storytelling Collective Previous work includes Who graphic novels, Who Was Accused In The Salem Witch Trials? Tituba and Who Sparked[...]
Anzu and the Realm of Darkness
It was published in the USA by Viking earlier this year, with a new cover. Jenny Jacoby, editor at Piccadilly Press, acquired UK and Commonwealth English language rights, excluding Canada, to the two books from Mai K Nguyen's agent  Rachel Clements at Abner Stein, on behalf of Taryn Fagerness Agency for Britt Siess Creative Management[...]
Remy Lai Sells World Rights To Graphic Novel, Me And My Pet Demon
Just as she starts to genuinely care for the demon, ominous signs of an apocalypse start appearing all over town, and she might have to send her new friend back where he came from. Remy Lai by Remy Lai Brian Geffen at Henry Holt has bought world rights to Me and My Pet Demon from Remy Lai's[...]
Everyone Is White On The Internet by Nadia Shammas & Molly Murakami
Danica Novgorodoff and Meera Subramanian's agent, Tanya McKinnon, at McKinnon Literary Agency, brokered the deal for world rights. Danica Novgorodoff is a graphic novelist, painter, illustrator, graphic designer, and writer from Brooklyn, New York and Louisville, Kentucky Her first graphic novel, A Late Freeze, was self-published in 2006 and won the Isotope Award for excellence in mini-comics[...]
Dog Days
Claudia Boldt's agent, Debbie Bibo, at the Debbie Bibo Agency, negotiated the deal. Claudia Boldt is a graduate of the Glasgow School of Art, Kingston University, University College London and University of California Los Angeles, and now lives in Los Angeles She says that her "specialty is to write and illustrate entertaining and slightly absurd coming[...]
Audrey Meeker's Middle Grade Vollyball Graphic Novel, Last One Picked
Audrey Meeker's agent Jessica Mileo at InkWell Management negotiated the sale, Audrey Meeker is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design, where she acquired her BFA in Sequential Art and minor in Creative Writing. Her first graphic novel, Swing, which Bleeding Cool reported on in 2021, , is now to be published this October,[...]
Alina Tysoe Sells Rights to Graphic Novel, My Sister The Werebeast
The next book of which, Purranormal Activity is published in February 2025. Mark Siegel at First Second has bought world rights to My Sister the Werebeast from Alina Tysoe's agent, Maile Beal, at Arc Literary Management. Publication is planned for 2025 First Second Books is a prominent and ground-breaking American graphic novels publisher based in New York City, and an imprint[...]
 Passé It On
Jamie and her classmates find themselves navigating through the pressure to succeed, fear of failure, falling in love, and the journey of figuring out who they really are." Whitney Leopard at Random House Graphic has bought the world publishing rights to Passé It On from Dani Chuatico's agent Kurestin Armada at Root Literary for publication in the[...]
Jeremy Holt (l.), illustrated by Dave Cole, in an exclusive submission. The Gravestone Sessions 
Jeremy Holt and Dave Cole's agent Jessica Mileo at InkWell Management represented them both in the deal. Jeremy Holt is a non-binary author whose comic book works include Venom, DC Pride, Marvel Voices, Gatsby, Made in Korea, Virtually Yours, Before Houdini, After Houdini, and Skip to the End Dave Cole graduated from Graphic Design from Paier College[...]
IDW/Top Shelf Picks Up The Night Fox by Anna Staniszewski & Del Hahn
Anna Staniszeswki and Del Hahn's agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette at Erin Murphy Literary Agency, negotiated the deal. Del Han posted "I have a quick announcement! I'm working on another book!It's called THE NIGHT FOX A story about grief and memories and the pain of moving on So pleased to be on this ride with Anna, Joan, and[...]
Everyone Is White On The Internet by Nadia Shammas & Molly Murakami
Hanna Schroy was represented by her agent Charlie Olsen at InkWell Management. Hanna Schroy graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2017, and both wrote and drew the graphic novel Last Dance from Iron Circus Comics. Sarah Broyles tweeted "So excited for our book! @elefluff" First Second logo First Second Books is an American[...]
Black Bird by Sonny Liew
He has bought world rights aside from France from Sonny Liew's agent Nicolas Grivel at Nicolas Grivel Agency Kidd said Black Bird is the "brilliant and tremendously ambitious" story of "a young cartoonist in Singapore who receives a job offer out of the blue to collaborate on a story with a reclusive billionaire named Quinn," which includes "a fictional[...]
Last Night I Dreamed of Home by Sophie Li
Sophie's agent Brent Taylor at Triada US negotiated the deal. Sophie Li writes "LAST NIGHT I DREAMED OF HOME is a YA contemporary graphic novel about two international students who couldn't be more different as they navigate a new culture." Here are some "thematic illustrations" she created for the pitch. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align:[...]
Raina Telgemeier & Scott McCloud Only Get A 750,000 Printing
World rights were acquired by Cassandra Pelham Fulton and David Saylor at Scholastic in a deal with agent Judy Hansen of Hansen Literary Management and Fulton will edit the book. "The Cartoonists Club, at its heart, is a story of friendship, so it's only right that it came about from the real-life friendship of two titans of[...]
Best Buds,
K-Fai Steele's agent Erica Rand Silverman at Stimola Literary Studio negotiated the sale. K-Fai Steele was an Art Handler at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and worked at the Free Library of Philadelphia, and the National Writing Project A Brown Handler Writer in Residence at the San Francisco Public Library, and a recipient[...]
Sea Legs by Jules Bakes & Niki Smith,
Jules Bakes and Niki Smith's agent Charlie Olsen at InkWell Management handled the negotiation. Scholastic publishes and distributes comics, books, and educational materials for schools, parents, and children Its books are distributed through retail and online sales and through schools via reading clubs and fairs, and its comic book line Scholastic Graphix has made Scholastic the[...]
Everyone Is White On The Internet by Nadia Shammas & Molly Murakami
He was the editor for Paste Magazine's comic section, has contributed to PanelxPanel, The MNT, and The Comics Journal; and worked for five years at Knopf Books for Young Readers, part of Penguin Random House. Mike Amante is a small press cartoonist, creator of comics such as Eek! and Orp!, The Bat Race and Critter Town. He[...]
Kasia Babis From Progressive Polish Politics To My Little Pony To
And before she drew My Little Pony comics, New Yorker cartoons and The Nib. Instagram video screencap Kasia Babsis' agent, Farley Chase at Chase Literary Agency, has sold world rights to Breadcrumbs outside of Polish, to Mark Siegel at First Second Ally Shwed will also edit, and Breadcrumbs will be published in 2025. Kasia Babis previously published webcomics[...]
Palestinian Rapper Tamer Nafar Creating Graphic Novel Set In Israel
Nafar was represented by his agent, Anjali Singh, at the Anjali Singh Agency, and this was the first deal made by Singh at her new agency Singh is best known for having acquired and championed Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis after stumbling across it during a trip to Paris, as well as launching the careers of such[...]
Victoria Ying's Graphic Novel About Toxic Relationship With Cartoonist
Victoria Ying's agent, Jennifer Azantian, at Azantian Literary, negotiated the deal. Victoria Ying graduated from the ArtCenter College Of Design in Pasadena, California, with a Major in Illustration and a Minor in Entertainment Design As an animator, worked on films like Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, Paperman, Big Hero 6, and Moana Based in Los Angeles, she[...]
Kami Garcia and Brittney Williams' Mixed-Up Graphic Novel
Kami Garcia's agent Jodi Reamer at Writers House, and Brittney Williams' agent Charlie Olsen at InkWell Management negotiated the deal. Kami Garcia is a teacher and reading specialist, who has turned to novels and comic books She is the co-author along with her friend Margaret Stohl of the Caster Chronicles book series, starting with Beautiful Creatures,[...]