clark gregg Archives

Clark Gregg
Surprising no one, Clark Gregg is just as big of a fanboy as his Marvel Studios counterpart, Agent Phil Coulson MCU aficionados will no doubt recall the numerous mentions of Coulson's love of Captain America (his cards, in mint condition even!), which make the reveal of Gregg's real-life fandom of a Marvel Character even better. Clark[...]
Whats Gonna Happen in 'Agents of S.H.I.E.LD.' Season 6?!
Fans of the ABC series Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. are no doubt asking themselves, "WHATS GONNA HAPPEN?!" after the possible departure of Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson. If you'll recall at the end of season 5, Daisy Johnson aka Quake (Chloe Bennett) had to make the choice to use the Centipede Serum to stop Graviton rather than to save Coulson,[...]
Marvel Studios Releases New 'Captain Marvel' Trailer
Jackson as Nick Fury, Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn as Talos, Lashana Lynch as Maria Rambeau, Gemma Chan as Minn-Erva and Mckenna Grace as young Carol, Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson, Lee Pace as Ronan the Accuser and Djimon Hounsou as Korath. The film will open planet-wide on March 8th, 2019. In the midst of tremendous anticipation, tonight during Monday[...]
'Captain Marvel' Reshoots Are Apparently Happening Right Now
Sure, sometimes it's more dire than others, but this may be one of those times we shouldn't worry as much. According to (yeah, we know, but they're usually right), both Oscar winning actress Brie Larson and Clark Gregg have been spotted on set. Larson is bringing comic character Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel to the big screen for[...]
The End
This article contains spoilers for the Marvel's Agents of SHIELD season five finale – The End. . . . . . The episode starts with them checking on Coulson (Clark Gregg) who is unconscious in the med-bay and close to dying The team debates whether they should use the centipede serum to save Coulson or stop Tablot (Adrian Pasdar) Though Fitz[...]
Agents of SHIELD Season 5: 2 Sneak Peeks at Tonight's Season Finale
He threatens to take her power and use it himself, but she flat out tells him he's not going to do that. The second sneak peek shows up Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) trying to convince Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) that she is the only one who can stop Talbot now And by the sound of his[...]
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Saved at the Last Minute: Shortened Season 6 Ordered
That's going to be even more interesting now as the life of Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) hangs in the balance, plus there is that pesky Avengers: Infinity War ending they'll have to address in some way. The show was originally crafted around Agent Coulson after fan reaction to his death in the original Avengers movie[...]
Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Episode 21 Recap: The Force of Gravity
In January ABC President Channing Dungy said she was 'cautiously optimistic' about the show being renewed, but the writers have worked towards a season finale that will work as a series finale… and coming out of the penultimate episode of the season, it does feel like we're coming to the end of the line for[...]
Agents of SHIELD: Coulson and Talbot Disagree on Negotiating Tactics
The clip features Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and Glenn Talbot (Adrian Pasdar) having gotten on board the alien ship and going to negotiate with Qovas (Peter Mensah), the representative of the Confederacy There are spoilers in the video for last week's episode, so don't go any further if you don't want to know. The scene seems[...]
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Episode 19 Recap: Option Two
In this episode, other than a brief side story with Daisy (Chloe Bennet) meeting with the Candyman (Jake Busey) and finding that one of the few things left in the Deathlok program that might help Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) stay alive has to do with the scorpion technology that John Garrett (Bill Paxton) used in[...]
All Roads Lead...
He means Yo-Yo (Natalia Cordova-Buckley) of course. Meanwhile, Daisy (Chloe Bennet) puts together a raid with May (Ming-Na Wen) on the Hydra base, but they leave Mack (Henry Simmons), Coulson (Clark Gregg), and Deke (Jeff Ward) behind They raid goes in to get General Hale (Catherine Dent) who gives up immediately in hope of getting SHIELD[...]
The Honeymoon
Meanwhile in the mountains, Coulson (Clark Gregg) is trying to keep Talbot (Adrian Pasdar) moving, but he is down on himself for not staying strong against Hale Coulson tells him that no one will see it that way and that they need to keep moving We see Ruby (Dove Cameron) use the alien device to[...]
Agents of SHIELD General Hale
We saw last episode that what was supposed to be a trap for General Hale (Catherine Dent) turned out to be a trap for Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and some of his team — both Carl Creel (Brian Patrick Wade) aka the Absorbing Man and Anton Ivanov (Zach McGowan) were secretly part of her entourage[...]
For the first time, Clark Gregg was not there The actor who plays the heart of the MCU, Agent Phil Coulson, was in Washington, DC participating in yesterday's march against gun violence He sent a video message to the fans Another big change was how the panel worked Jeph Loeb, head of Marvel TV, usually[...]
SHIELD season 5
We're supposed to find out what's going on with Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg), about the rash on his chest, the deal he made with Ghost Rider, and about the prophecy that he is going to die And we know that the producers are writing the season finale to double as a series finale in[...]
shield season 5
But there is a lot of talk about this possibly being the final season for the series, and while the president of ABC, Channing Dungey, said she was cautiously optimistic the show will be renewed, the producers are telling folks that they are writing the season finale to double as a series finale. There is also[...]
Agents of SHIELD clark gregg
There has been a lot of talk about Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg), the deal he made with Ghost Rider, his death mentioned by future Yo-Yo, and the weird rash on his chest Could the heart of the MCU be killed… again? The title for the 100th episode is 'The Real Deal', and the synopsis reads: "Coulson finally[...]
Phil Coulson
And while we get to meet Dove Cameron's new character of Ruby this week, a lot of the focus is on the following episode, which will be the series 100th and is supposed to be something special. Word is that both Hive and Lash will be back for the episode and we're supposed to finally learn[...]
SHIELD season 5
The episode is described as Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) and whoever else makes it back through the Kree portal, trying to rewrite humanity's fate, not knowing that their actions will drastically change the life of on SHIELD agent. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD returns Friday, May 2nd at 9 p.m ET on ABC. can't be loaded because[...]
Agents of SHIELD chloe bennet
When the team has their chance to head home, she tells Coulson (Clark Gregg) and May (Ming-Na Wen) that she's not going They taught her how to fight, and now she's decided to stand her ground and prevent the devastating future by sacrificing herself. MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD – ABC Television Network (ABC/Eric McCandless) They are still[...]
Dove Cameron
The Disney Channel alum, Dove Cameron, teased an upcoming appearance on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD a while back by posting a fun little video with Clark Gregg who plays Phil Coulson on the show Now, is reporting that Cameron will indeed appear on the series as Ruby, a young woman of cunning intelligence how[...]
This article contains spoilers for the Marvel's Agents of SHIELD season five episode – Best Laid Plans. . . . . . Titles: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Best Laid Plans People: Ming-Na Wen, Clark Gregg Photo by Eric McCandless/ABC – © 2017 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc All rights reserved. The team is split in two and so is the action[...]
The scene takes place on the Zephyr and has Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) meeting the now-elderly Robin (Willow Hale), who has been sort of talking with Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) Robin is the Seer that Enoch (Joel Stoffer) and is the reason the team was sent to the future in the first place. Coulson arrives and[...]