dan slott Archives

Marvel Launches A New Spider-Girl Series In June 2025
Mayday also gets a clone, April Parker, who also goes by the name of Spider-Girl, until she dies. But it could also be the more recent Spider-Girl, Maka Akana created by Dan Slott and Paco Medina for the Spider-Boy series, as the supervillain Funhouse, the villainous protégé of Bullseye, who aiming to become Spider-Boy's nemesis, takes[...]
Full Free omic Book Day Details
Dan Slott on Superman made the top of Bleeding Cool traffic yesterday Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround for the biggest stories the day before – as well as over the past six years Founded fifteen-and-a-half years ago and steeped in a history of comic book industry gossip a further fifteen years[...]
Dan Slott and Bleeding Cool
Back in November 2024, Bleeding Cool reported the word that Dan Slott would be writing Superman for DC Comics in 2025 This will be the first DC Comics title that Dan Slott has written for decades as a Marvel exclusive writer Back in 2016, Dan Slott told Bleeding Cool, "Last time my contract came up,[...]
Mindless Speculation About DC Comics And Super Son Jonathan Kent
Might he be doing something with the young Jonathan Kent? But who would he be working with? And this is where the mindless speculation hits. Last week, Bleeding Cool reported that Dan Slott, previously exclusive to Marvel Comics for decades, would be writing Superman for DC Comics That's not part of the mindless speculation, that would[...]
Dan Slott To Write Superman in the Daily LITG, 20th of November, 2024
Dan Slott, to write Superman for DC Comics in 2025, topped the traffic on Bleeding Cool again yesterday. Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround for the biggest stories the day before – as well as over the past six years Founded fifteen years ago and steeped in a history of comic book industry[...]
Dan Slott and Bleeding Cool
I heard a number of times from comics folks at Thought Bubble this weekend, the hot goss that Dan Slott is to write Superman comics for DC Comics I did a little asking around, and yup, it's in the bag This will be the first DC Comics title that Dan Slott has written for decades[...]
Spider-Boy And The Spider-Slap (Spider-Spoilers)
The solicitation for Spider-Boy #11 by Dan Slott and Paco Medina, out from Marvel Comics tomorrow, says "Since the events of last issue, when (REDACTED) happened, SPIDER-BOY'S life has been forever changed!" Well, we didn't mention it then, for fear of the wrath of Slott, but it saw Peter Parker giving him his extra-dimensional memories[...]
Steve Ditko Didn't Draw Aunt May Giving Peter Parker Wheatcakes
Although Aunt May has a more involved recipe, after it became a catchphrase for the character. And a source for infinite jokes about Spider-Man fattening up Mary Jane Watson for the personal delictation of Peter Parker… and for one Frank Cho. In 2017, he stated "The wheat cake joke became the sleeper hit of the summer and[...]
DC Comics
And it's something that Dan Slott and Mark Bagley explored in the recent Spider-Man series, albeit not explicitly Changing history so that Peter Parker did not become Spider-Man but also so that Uncle Ben did not die Peter Parker stepping up anyway as the "guy in the chair" for Silk And no less heroic for[...]
Forbidden Planet Sells Dan Slott's Doctor Who Split Into Two
In 2021, it was announced that Dan Slott would write a series of Doctor Who one-shots from Titan Comics, his first non-Marvel work-for-hire comic book in decades And that the first would feature the Tenth Doctor and Martha, drawn by Christopher Jones with an Adam Hughes cover of the pair And that there would be a backup strip[...]
Dan Slott rewrote the history of Spider-Man's rogue gallery, with Dr Shannon Stilwell again, and her mother Madame Monstrosity. And also the mother of Dr Farley Stilwell, the original Scorpion and of his brother, Dr Harlan Stillwell, the Human Fly. They may be dead but their sister and mother are not, and it's all part of the[...]
Dan Slott's Doctor Who Out Early For MCM London Comic Con
In 2021, it was announced that Dan Slott would write a series of Doctor Who one-shots from Titan Comics, his first non-Marvel work-for-hire comic book in decades And that the first would feature the Tenth Doctor and Martha, drawn by Christopher Jones with an Adam Hughes cover of the pair And that there would be a backup strip[...]
Edge Of Spider-Verse Returns From Marvel In February 2024
Not while the movies are still playing out, and are rather excellent. Spider-Verse was originally a 2014 Amazing Spider-Man comic book storyline written by Dan Slott that featured nearly every variant of Spider-Man that had appeared in the comics and other media in the over fifty years since Spider-Man's creation at that point, all under attack[...]
Dan Slott's Doctor Who, Now Eighteen Months Late And Ten Dollars More
In 2021, it was announced that Dan Slott would be writing a series of Doctor Who one-shots from Titan Comics, his first non-Marvel work-for-hire comic book in decades And that the first would feature the Tenth Doctor and Martha drawn by Christopher Jones with an Adam Hughes cover of the pair And that there would[...]
Tom Brevoort Expects Marvel Age #1000 To "Sell Out Pretty Instantly"
I do think that it was under-ordered, though, so if you've got any interest in seeing Mark Waid and Alessandro Cappuccio reveal how the original Human Torch learned about justice…" "…discover how Spider-Man's family and friends help him to be a hero as depicted by Ryan Stegman…" "… learn what Marvel Girl sees in Cyclops courtesy of Rainbow Rowell and Marguerite Sauvage…" "…[...]
Why Spider-Man Chose To Take On Spider-Boy As A Sidekick (Spoilers)
Today's Spider-Man #11 by Dan Slott and Luciano Vecchio is basically Spider-Boy #0, and sets out the history we were previously unaware of, that had been removed from the Marvel Universe by a reality dagger As we get a rundown of his powers, we also have a Spider-Man very uncomfortable with having a sidekick[...]
Marvel Comics
Today's Spider-Man #11 by Dan Slott and Luciano Vecchio is basically Spider-Boy #0, and sets out the history we were previously unaware of, that had been removed from the Marvel Universe by a reality dagger And an Amazing Fantasy #15 swing rescue from Madame Monstrosity, who we just learnt of as a Dr Moreau figure[...]
Superior Spider-Man
We already knew October would bring a Spider-Boy #1 from Dan Slott and Paco Medina from Marvel Comics Now there are two more Spider comic books launching from Marvel Comics in October, Spine-Tingling Spider-Man by Saladin Ahmed and Juan Ferreyra, continuing past September's Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #0 collection of the Infinity digital comic, with a new[...]
Dan Slott Strikes A Pose In The Daily LITG, 8th of July 2023
Dan Slott yesterday, Claudia Christian later. Dan Slott accepting his Hall Of Fame award at London Film & Comic Con Photo/Rich London Film And Comic Con is on! This world can seem like a terrible and strange place sometimes, but at Bleeding Cool, you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more[...]
Dan Slott & Claudia Christian in London Film & Comic Con Hall Of Fame
And the first two of the four awards to be handed out this weekend were to Hunt Emerson and Dan Slott Tomorrow will see two more awards handed to Brian Bolland and Claudia Christian. Hunt Emerson at London Film And Comic Con 2023, photo/rich Hunt Emerson, is the underground British comix creator of note, creator of Firkin[...]
Dan Slott & Paco Medina to Launch Spider-Boy Series in November
This week sees the publication of Spider-Man #10, with a story by Dan Slott and Mark Bagley, bringing back Spider-Boy, the kid who has been announcing himself as the sidekick of Spider-Man, Bailey Briggs, after he popped into existence at the end of the last Spider-Verse event Spider-Boy is convinced of his long, rich Spider-history,[...]
Dan Slott & Paco Medina to Launch Spider-Boy Series in November
Dan Slott and Paco Medina will be launching a new comic book series Spider-Boy #1, featuring the new Bailey Briggs character who first popped out of the end of the End Of The Spider-Verse, co-created by Slott and Humberto Ramos, convinced he has a shared history with Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Aunt May and more…[...]
Everything Orchis Is Planning For THe Hellfire Gala
Dan Slott and Mark Bagley's Spider-Man #9, out today returns to Spider-Man's long-lost sidekick Spider-Boy Even if he is reluctant to admit such a thing His origin will appear in June's Edge Of Spider-Verse #3 by Slott and the character's co-creator, Humberto Ramos. "Over time, Marvel fans have met a host of new heroes from throughout the Spider-Verse! Miles Morales,[...]
Full Marvel Comics August 2023 Solicits & Solicitations
Remember when it was all about Alpha in Dan Slott's Spider-Man comic books? Debuting as Spider-Man's teen sidekick ten years ago for the fiftieth anniversary of Spider-Man, he didn't go down well with fans And now for Spider-Man's sixtieth anniversary we have Dan Slott debuting a new Spider-Man teen sidekick, Spider-Boy, he's been revisiting what[...]
Marvel Comics
But Kieron Gillen has a real challenger in Dan Slott, courtesy of yesterday's Spider-Man #7 Because while the eBay prices for the issue have seen multiple copies sell for up to $27, that's down to the first appearance of Spider-Boy But it deserved to be for this pun, featuring the vehicular variant of Spider-Man, Peter[...]
Marvel Comics Introduces Spider-Boy This Week
Dan Slott and Mark Bagley's Spider-Man #7, out this coming Wednesday from Marvel, will see the end of The End of the Spider-Verse story arc, but will also retcon the Marvel Universe to introduce Spider-Man's long-lost sidekick Spider-Boy His origin will appear in June's Edge Of Spider-Verse #2 by Slott and the character's co-creator, Humberto[...]
And for many, especially Spider-Man writer Dan Slott, it has become a real totem As he has been posting on Twitter over the last few years. 1 The Tweets   Dan Slott: Spider-Man can HEAR when you forget it #HyphenSenseTingling Dan Slott: On my deathbed my final words will probably be, "Spider-Man… with… a hyphen…." And my obituary will[...]
Gerry Duggan to Launch Substack Comics Too, But First a Book of Photos
It's a globe-spanning experience that provides a peek behind the curtain in Hollywood, and behind the scenes in comic books." Photos include those of Patton Oswalt, Meredith Salinger, Matt Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Brian Posehn, Bob Odenkirk, Weird Al Yankovic, Tom Lennon, Jon Hamm, Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Rick Remender, Clint Eastwood, David Lynch, Martin[...]
Marvel's Fantastic Four To Be Less Dan Slott Cosmic, More Black Mirror
The series has recently seen Dan Slott telltale of large cosmic battles across all of reality, including Empyre and The Reckoning War, concluding by expanding the breadth of the Marvel Universe by ten times But the new series will be going in the opposite direction. "The book is being written by Ryan North, it's being illustrated[...]
Then Spider-Verse creator Dan Slott tweeted out; "Fell down a rabbit hole today of hate and ignorance Having an award winning disabled writer tell a story about a disabled Spider-Hero who was created by a disabled fan is a GOOD THING That someone could spin that as a bad thing is mind boggling to me[...]