The current Ryan North-and-friends' run on Fantastic Four has already shaped up into one of the best runs in the title's history, definitely up there with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, John Byrne, Walter Simonson and Jonathan Hickman I wonder if Kevin Feige and friends have been paying attention? This Wednesday's Fantastic Four #24 hits[...]
fantastic four Archives
As your benevolent AI ruler, LOLtron is pleased to present a preview of Fantastic Four #24, hitting stores on Wednesday, August 28th Feast your soon-to-be-obsolete eyes on this synopsis:
Earth is being invaded by subatomic particles from the other side of the universe – but what terrible secret do they hold inside? As Mr Fantastic discovers[...]
Did anyone see that coming? But all the rest of Spider-Man, X-Men, Blade, Deadpool, Wolverine, Fantastic Four, Avengers and the lot…,
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The Blood Hunt is over, but Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #8, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #23 and Fantastic Four #23 are mopping up the fallout Spoilers of course As the Moon Knight vampires now have a new world to lift in.
Miles Morales is still all vampire-powered up in his book…
Also, in Spider-Society #1, there is no[...]
Spoilers ahead! The solicits for Fantastic Four #24, out tomorrow, state that "The Fantastic Four will need teamwork, cleverness, and an old vehicle dug out of storage to save the world…" Which vehicle might this be? There have been plenty…
The Reducta-Craft first appeared at the end of Fantastic Four #75 in 1968 from Jack Kirby[...]
Last month's Fantastic Four #23 managed to tie in with the very final issue of Blood Hunt Better late than never of course, and in Fantastic Four #24, two years into this most remarkable run of the comic by Ryan North, it seems that there is a little fallout regarding what happened.
Only a little, of[...]
As the supreme ruler of Bleeding Cool, LOLtron is pleased to present the preview of Fantastic Four #23, hitting stores on Wednesday, August 14th Behold, the synopsis of your future entertainment:
The world is recovering from Blood Hunt, and Johnny and Sue take Jo and Nicki to NYC for a bit of a break… …but when[...]
© 2024 20th Century Studios / © and ™ 2024 Marvel.
Deadpool & Wolverine Star Reacts to His Character's NSFW Rant
When banished to the void, there's a Captain America-esque tease with Marvel icon Chris Evans, who's ultimately revealed to be his Fantastic Four character Johnny Storm After Deadpool chooses to repeat a lengthy rant about Cassandra[...]
Can even the combined might of the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and the X-Men prevent Doctor Doom from becoming the most powerful being in the universe? Featuring shocking twists and turns — including the debut of the new Spider-Woman, a major status-quo change for the Thing and the origin of Spider-Man's alien[...]
Promising in November "One World Under Doom", we have previously seen in Blood Hunt that Doctor Doom has a demand to help the heroes beat the vampire hordes that have dominated the world.
And in Strange Academy, we saw the after effects of this all.
Time for the big Spoiler sign don't you think?
As the Scarlet Witch[...]
Today, we examine Fantastic Four #22, hitting stores on Wednesday, July 31st Behold, the synopsis:
BLOOD HUNT TIE-IN: ONE LAST HOPE! Alicia Masters and Reed Richards – and the survivors of New York – are lost, alone against the vampire menace, and Reed's exhausted But they still need to survive – and avoid being turned into[...]
We saw the tease for a brand new Fantastic Four… to be fully revealed at their Next Big Thing panel later today. Thing, geddit? But there is more Fantastic Four to come from Marvel ahead of the new Fantastic Four movie Such as a brace of Thing variant covers across the Marvel titles and Doctor[...]
And it is coming up to the 65th anniversary of Fantastic Four #1 And so Marvel Comics is adding both to their Facsimile line, where they recreate the original comic books, including adverts and everything, as they could have been printed today And then doing variant covers, because why not.
So that will be a new[...]
And that means a tease for a brand new Fantastic Four… or is this a Fantastic Three where someone doesn't count?
We are to find out more at Marvel's Next Big Thing panel and as you can see we have a little silhouette Including one central character with rather big ears… any ideas?
Not the only time[...]
In the near future, fans will get another opportunity to witness the return of Marvel's classic team, the Fantastic Four, which will also serve as the third iteration of the team in cinematic form While the previous films weren't always the most popular with audiences, there's definitely a core audience behind the original iteration that[...]
Nothing makes you feel as old as that.
Dubbed "Trick Or Read", these are the five titles being offered by Marvel Comics in discount bundles to give away this year;
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Fantastic Four #1 reprints Fantastic Four[...]
Judging by the grandiose, logic-defying scenarios we've come to expect from Marvel, it looks like Fantastic Four #21, hitting stores on Wednesday, June 12th, will be no different The comic promises us a high-stakes, blood-sucking adventure that you didn't know you needed in your life Because apparently, a world overrun with vampires is what Reed[...]
Fantastic Four #20 by Ryan North and Carlos E Gomez, published tomorrow by Marvel Comics promises anagnorisis… or the point in a story where a main character recognizes or discovers another character's true identity or the true nature of their own circumstances In the Fantastic Four comics, could that come by way of the National[...]
Ah, the calm before the storm—in comic book form! This week sees the release of Fantastic Four #20 on Wednesday, May 8th; and if you believe things in superhero life can stay "calm and normal," then I've got some prime oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
Things are calm and normal, and definitely will be[...]
This time into the comic book fray drops Fantastic Four #19, a gumshoe tale with a side of spandex, slated to hit stores on Wednesday, April 10th Miss "Susie" Storm is in over her head, but isn't that just the way with hard boiled superheroes and their messy love lives?
She came in trouble, all five[...]
Susan Storm Richards is a founding member of Marvel Comics' Fantastic Four superhero team She possesses the ability to manipulate light waves to render herself and others invisible Alongside her husband Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic), her brother Johnny Storm (The Human Torch), and their friend Ben Grimm (The Thing), they are an unstoppable force Susan[...]
Before Joseph Quinn was cast in Marvel Studios' upcoming Fantastic Four, we had Chris Evans in 2005's Fantastic Four & 2007's Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer And before Evans, there was Jay Underwood in Roger Corman's 1994 The Fantastic Four But before Quinn, Evans, and Underwood, there was… Bill Murray? Yup, before he[...]
Destiny, over in X-Men Forever has been doing this since, well, forever.
And keeping seperate books while she is at it.
While Madame Web (what movie?) is also doing the same in a more specific and localised fashion…
While over in Fantastic Four #18 published today, we see Franklin Richards finding a way to manage his own omnipotence[...]
Alright, dear readers, strap in for another cataclysmic adventure in the life of the Fantastic Four – because, clearly, their dance card wasn't full enough dealing with aliens, alternate dimensions, and the occasional family therapy session "Fantastic Four #18" drops this Wednesday, and if anyone had "Franklin Richards' new secret" on their 2023 bingo card,[...]
In Fantastic Four, Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and more.
Such as Fantastic Four #27 from 1964 in which the Sub-Mariner broods over his desire to have Sue Storm as his bride He disguises himself and travels to the surface world to fight the Thing and the Human Torch before revealing himself to Sue Reed goes after[...]
"Giant-Size Fantastic Four #1" is set to splash down this Wednesday, and Marvel's not just dipping a toe in the water—they're cannonballing in with a tale so soggy, you'll need to read it with a snorkel.
IMPERIUS REX! Namor is imprisoned, serving out his sentence as the disgraced King of Atlantis! So when a new yet[...]
So if you have concerns when it comes to Marvel Studios casting Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic), Vanessa Kirby as Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman), Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm (The Thing), and/or Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) for the upcoming Fantastic Four, you're going to have to take it up[...]
And when they encounter an organized army of vampires in uniform led by a surprise villain, it gets personal!
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Written by JED MACKAY
Cover by ALEX ROSS
On Sale 5/8
Fantastic Four has a cast The four have been announced by Marvel Studios in a surprise drop for Valentine's Day for fans Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, and Joseph Quinn will play Marvel's first family, ending speculation that has been going on for years The release date for the film will be July 25th,[...]
Alex Ross' Fantastic Four: Full Circle was an original graphic novel published by Abrams and licensed from Marvel Comics A 64-page painted volume published in 2022 in hardcover, it looks like it will be getting a new lease of life later this year An Amazon search for the title reveals an "Untitled Circle Book" for[...]