ms marvel Archives

Giant-Size X-Men To Rewrite Marvel Comics Continuity
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran the news that Marvel was to launch a new Giant-Size X-Men #1 from Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and suggested that it may have something to do with the appearance of Ms Marvel written into earlier X-Men continuity, and the teased Second Genesis plotline Well, Marvel has confirmed it all with a[...]
SCOOP: Disney To Revive Marvel Double Feature In July 2025
The reprints were mostly Captain America and Iron Man, but by the end it switched to Captain America and Black Panther. Now Marvel's Double Feature is to be revived by Disney's Marvel Press Book Group with Black Panther and Doctor Strange, and then Spider-Man and Ms Marvel, both scheduled for the 1st of July 2025.  Attached creators have not been[...]
Ms Marvel Was Always an X-Man in The Daily LITG, 5th of January, 2025
Ms Marvel potentially having always been an X-Man made the top of Bleeding Cool traffic yesterday Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround for the biggest stories the day before – as well as over the past six years Founded fifteen-and-a-half years ago and steeped in a history of comic book industry gossip[...]
Marvel Comics Christmas Day
WHO is it? Only Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing can tell you!" Timeslide #1 by Steve Foxe and Ivan Fiorelli The recent Timeslide #1 by Steve Foxe and Ivan Fiorelli showed us a new timeline in which Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, joined the X-Men much earlier in the timeline, in the Chris Claremont/John Byrne days fighting the[...]
Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, to Join The X-Men in Hellfire Gala
Then it was revealed that she was also a mutant, able to be revived by the Krakoan Resurrection Protocols as a result, but her Inhuman nature prevented her mutant powers from working, the ability to create hard light structures, similar to her powers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width:[...]
Marvel Comics
Iman Vellani plays Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel in the TV series of the same name and The Marvels movie She has also been writing a number of Ms Marvel comic books as well And in today's Marvel 85th Anniversary Special she takes that further than before, set in the 85th century, with stories of the past,[...]
Spoilers, spoilers, many Amazing Spider-Man #53 spoilers ahead! But I think this one is more of a tease, with Ms Marvel leading a new team against the Green Goblin, with Dr Curt Connors using the sentient Doc Ock arms, making him Doctor Septapus The Living Brain now in his Living Robot form And, yes, Rek-Rap,[...]
Marvel's Next Avengers Will Be A Team Made Up Of Villains (Spoilers)
Ms Marvel died in Amazing Spider-Man So did her secret identity, Kamala Khan She was then brought back to life as a mutant in the X-Men comic books And Emma Frost had to wipe the minds of those closest to her so they all forgot her death, her funeral, the whole deal. Spider-Woman #8 The only problem[...]
Ms Marvel's Mutant Power Revealed As Inhumans Take It Away (Spoilers)
Ms Marvel is all over the place in Marvel Comics titles today Her future mapped out amongst mutants and humans in X-Men #35/Uncanny X-Men #700. While she is also annoying Norman Osborn over in Amazing Spider-Man #51. But in the final issue of Ma Marvel: Mutant Menace Fall Of X crossover series, she had found her Inhuman[...]
This week sees the publication of the final X-Men Forever #4, Ms Marvel #3 and X-Men Unlimited Infinity #139 Say, when Tom Brevoort said "I've felt like a lot of the X-Projects over the past several years have felt just a bit random to me… their casts seem to have been assembled based on who happened[...]
Marvel Exonerates Kevin Feige Over The Death Of Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel
The Amazing Spider-Talk video blog with Dan Gvozden ran an interview with Amazing Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Spider-Man writer Cody Ziglar who talked about his version of events regarding the death of Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, in Amazing Spider-Man, before being revived by the Krakoan Protocols in the X-Men (predicted by Bleeding Cool at the time),[...]
Marvel brings us Ms Marvel: Mutant Menace #2, hitting the racks on Wednesday, April 10th, where the stars align for just the kind of rebooted reality show catastrophe that could only spring from Mojo's mind. THE (IN)FAMOUS X-MAN! Now that Kamala is very notably and very publicly an X-Man, she is attracting all sorts of attention…and[...]
What If... Alien
This week sees Marvel publish X-Men #32 and Ms Marvel: Mutant Menace #1 in print, and X-Men Unlimited #129 digitally But there are also moments relevant to the whole Krakoa/Orchis fight in Thanos #4 and Avengers #11 Spoilers ahead of course. Ms Marvel: Mutant Menace #1 While all manner of other aspects of modern life get dragged[...]
This Wednesday, Marvel is dropping Ms Marvel: Mutant Menace #1 on us, with Kamala learning that being on the X-Men's roster is about as prestigious as being the last pick for dodgeball in gym class. HATED AND FEARED! Ms Marvel has officially come out to the world as a mutant and a member of the X-Men…and[...]
Marvel Comics
In the Ms Marvel TV series and the movie The Marvels, Kamala Khan gains her powers through a genetic heritage as a hybrid between being a mutant and from an interdimensional race from the Noor Dimension known as the Djinn, as well as her Quantum Band, found on a Kree body in the forties by[...]
Iman Vellani To Write Ms Marvel: Mutant Menace In 2024
The Ms Marvel: The New Mutant series concludes with its fourth issue for the Fall Of X, co-written with Ms Marvel herself, Iman Vellani Well, Vellani and her co-writer Sabir Pirzada, continue Ms Marvel's X-Men journey in a new mini-series in March, Ms Marvel: Mutant Menace, drawn by Carlos Gomez, from March, 2024. Ms Marvel: The[...]
Well, it looks like it isn't just the Deadpool books that have a monopoly on the "unalive" term if this preview of tomorrow's Ms Marvel: The New Mutant #4 by Ms Marvel herself, Iman Vellani, Sabir Pirzada and Carlos E Gome is anything to go by. Well, I guess she is "down with the kids" What's[...]
Well, folks, it's that special time of the week when we brace ourselves for another high-octane episode of mutant mayhem with Ms Marvel: The New Mutant #4, hitting the shelves this Wednesday Just when you thought it was safe to dust off your "Welcome to the X-Men" banners, along comes Kamala Khan to remind us[...]