Niantic Archives

Zekrom Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Road to Unova
Credit: Niantic Top Zekrom Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Zekrom counters as such: Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Breaking Swipe Primal Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades Mega Garchomp: Dragon Tail, Earth Power Mega Salamence: Dragon Tail, Draco Meteor Shadow Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades Origin Forme Dialga: Dragon Breath, Roar of Time Origin Forme Palkia:[...]
Yveltal Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Dual Destiny Season
Credit: Niantic Top Yveltal Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Yveltal counters as such: Mega Diancie: Rock Throw, Dazzling Gleam Mega Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Shadow Raikou: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge Shadow Rhyperior: Smack Down, Rock Wrecker Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Dragon Ascent Shadow Electrivire: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge Shadow Zapdos: Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt Shadow Rampardos:[...]
Mega Latias Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Dual Destiny Season
Credit: Niantic Top Mega Latias Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Mega Latias counters as such: Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Breaking Swipe Dawn Wings Necrozma: Shadow Claw, Moongeist Beam Mega Garchomp: Dragon Tail, Outrage Mega Tyranitar: Bite, Brutal Swing Origin Forme Dialga: Dragon Breath, Roar of Time Mega Latios: Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw Mega Sceptile:[...]
Shadow Regice Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Dual Destiny Season
Credit: Niantic Top Shadow Regice Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Shadow Regice counters as such: Dusk Mane Necrozma: Metal Claw, Sunsteel Strike Mega Lucario: Force Palm, Aura Sphere Mega Charizard Y: Fire Spin, Blast Burn Mega Blaziken: Fire Spin, Blast Burn Shadow Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash Mega Heracross: Counter, Close Combat Terrakion: Double[...]
Origin Forme Dialga Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Max Out Season
Credit: Niantic The Raid Hours this special week of Wild Arena-focused events Pokémon GO are: Tuesday, November 19: Nihilego (can be Shiny) Wednesday, November 20: Tapu Koko (can be Shiny) Thursday, November 21: Origin Forme Dialga (can be Shiny) Friday, November 22: Origin Forme Palkia (can be Shiny) Top Origin Forme Dialga Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and[...]
Festival of Lights 2024 Comes to Pokémon GO Next Month
Niantic has announced new details for this year's Festival of Lights event in Pokémon GO The event, which was previously teased with only a few scant details, has now been fully revealed It will feature a new costume for Pikachu, incense encounters, and a special on-location celebration for Trainers in Bengaluru. Festival of Lights 2024 graphic[...]
Mega Sableye Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Max Out Season
Credit: Niantic Top Mega Sableye Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Mega Sableye counters as such: Mega Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Dragon Ascent Enamorus: Fairy Wind, Dazzling Gleam Shadow Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Dragon Ascent Shadow Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Tapu Koko: Volt Switch, Nature's Madness Tapu Lele: Astonish, Nature's Madness Tapu Bulu:[...]
Mega Gardevoir Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Max Out Season
Credit: Niantic Top Mega Gardevoir Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Mega Gardevoir counters as such: Dusk Mane Necrozma: Metal Claw, Sunsteel Strike Shadow Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash Dawn Wings Necrozma: Shadow Claw, Moongeist Beam Origin Forme Giratina: Shadow Claw, Shadow Force Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash Mega Aggron: Iron Tail, Heavy Slam Shadow[...]
Dynamax Pokémon & Max Battles Arrive in Pokémon GO
Ever since Niantic began teasing Dynamax Pokémon in Pokémon GO, Trainers all over theorized on how this mechanic would show up in the game Now, Niantic has announced that the new GO Big event will introduce Max Battles to the game along with five species that will be able to Dynamax[...]
Wiglett Arrives in Pokémon GO Along With New Changes
Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Rediscover Kanto event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Monday, April 22, at 10:00 a.m to Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 8:00 p.m PDT New Pokémon: Starting now, Wiglett the Garden Eel Pokémon can be found in the beach biome. Event bonuses: Increased XP for a seven-day PokéStop spin streak. Increased XP for a[...]
What Is The New Biome Feature in Pokémon GO?
First, Niantic introduced a controversial update to Avatars Then, they followed it with the Rediscover Pokémon GO initiative, which is attempting to bring lapsed players back with quality-of-life changes, new visuals, and events The biggest change is the introduction of biomes with catch screens that reflect the real-life biome in which the Trainer is playing. Rediscover Kanto[...]
Cleffa Hatch Day Increases Shiny Hatches in Pokémon GO
Niantic has announced Cleffa Hatch Day, giving this Baby Pokémon a boosted Shiny rate. Cleffa in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for Cleffa Hatch Day in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Sunday, April 28, 2024, from 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m local time Shiny Rate Boosted: Cleffa will be hatching, according to Niantic, with "much more" frequency[...]
Sustainability Week Increases Shiny Odds for Pokémon GO Hatches
Niantic has announced a Pokémon GO event with few details listed Let's take a look at what exactly is happening (or maybe what isn't happening) with Sustainability Week in 2024. Sustainability Week graphic in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Sustainability Week2024 event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Monday, April 22, at 10:00 a.m[...]
Registeel Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: World of Wonders
Credit: Niantic Top Registeel Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Registeel counters as such: Primal Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades Mega Blaziken: Counter, Blast Burn Mega Charizard Y: Fire Spin, Blast Burn Shadow Chandelure: Fire Spin, Overheat Mega Heracross: Counter, Close Combat Shadow Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades Mega Garchomp: Mud Shot, Earth Power Reshiram: Fire[...]
Mega Aggron Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: World of Wonders
Credit: Niantic Top Mega Aggron Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Mega Aggron counters as such: Primal Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades Mega Blaziken: Counter, Blast Burn Shadow Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades Shadow Excadrill: Mud-Slap, Scorching Sands Mega Garchomp: Mud Shot, Earth Power Mega Heracross: Counter, Close Combat Terrakion: Double Kick, Sacred Sword Shadow Machamp:[...]
Dazzling Dream Brings Shiny Cutiefly To Pokémon GO Today
Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Dazzling Dream event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 10:00 a.m to Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 8:00 p.m local time New Shiny Pokémon: Cutiefly will be released in its Shiny form in Pokémon GO for the first time. Wild Spawns: Clefairy (can be Shiny), Jigglypuff (can be[...]
Tonight is Kyurem Raid Hour Hour in Pokémon GO: Timeless Travels
This follows one of Niantic's most notable slip-ups when they mistakenly released White Kyurem and Black Kyurem to Pokémon GO Trainers as a GO Battle League encounter Neither White Kyurem nor Black Kyurem are expected to be available tonight during Kyurem Raid Hour, which is actually leading to some public animosity in the community, as[...]
Pokémon GO Announces Details For First Part of Holiday 2023 Event
Niantic has announced the arrival of Cetoddle in Pokémon GO, just in time for the Winter Holiday Event 2023 Let's get into the details. Holiday 2023 Event Part One graphic in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Winter Holiday Part 1 event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Monday, December 18, 2023, at 10:00 a.m[...]
The Next Pokémon GO Season is Called Timeless Travels
With the "Adventures Abound" season wrapping up in Pokémon GO, Niantic has announced the next season: Timeless Travels Along with it, they have broken down what is coming to the game in December 2023. Vanillite in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic These are the Pokémon that will appear in Tier Five raids in Pokémon GO this December 2023: December 1st[...]
Tonight is Cobalion Raid Hour in Pokémon GO: Adventures Abound
Credit: Niantic Here are some tips for Cobalion Raid Hour in Pokémon GO: The top species to Mega Evolve in order to do damage against Cobalion are Primal Groudon: Mud Shot, Precipice Blades; Mega Blaziken: Counter, Blast Burn; Mega Charizard Y: Fire Spin, Blast Burn; and Mega Garchomp: Mud Shot, Earth Power. The top Shadow Pokémon to use against[...]
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Pokémon GO in November 2023
Credit: Pokémon TCG Here are the top valued cards of Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO with market values observed on TCGPlayer as of this writing: Mewtwo VSTAR Rainbow Rare 079/078: $30.05 Dragonite VSTAR Rainbow Rare 081/078: $20.86 Mewtwo V Alternate Art 072/078: $16.63 Mewtwo VSTAR Gold Secret Rare 086/078: $14.48 Melmetal VMAX Rainbow Rare 080/078: $11.82 Professor's Research Trainer Supporter Rainbow Rare 084/078:[...]
The Harvest Festival 2023 Begins Today In Pokémon GO
Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Harvest Festival event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m to Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 8:00 p.m local time Pokémon debut: Smoliv, a new Paldean species, will arrive in the game, continuing the Paldean generational rollout that began with the new Adventures Abound season[...]
Guzzlord Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Adventures Abound
Credit: Niantic Top Guzzlord Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Guzzlord counters as such: Mega Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Shadow Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Shadow Granbull: Charm, Play Rough Mega Diancie: Tackle, Dazzling Gleam Xerneas: Geomancy, Moonblast Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Outrage Mega Alakazam: Counter, Dazzling Gleam Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Togekiss: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Shadow Donphan: Charm,[...]
Pokémon GO Announces Azurill Hatch Day Event For September 2023
Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Azurill Hatch Day event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m local time Focus Pokémon: Azurill will feature in 2 KM Eggs It will have increased Shiny odds, which is interesting considering it already uses the boosted Egg-only Shiny rate. Event bonus: You'll have[...]
Today is Grubbin Community Day in Pokémon GO: Full Details
Credit: Niantic Here is what's happening today in Grubbin Community Day  in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m local time Featured Pokémon: Grubbin will be featured with a Shiny release. Evolving Grubbin or Charjabug all the way up to Vikavolt will unlock the special Electric-type Fast Attack of Volt Switch: Trainer Battles:[...]
Niantic Will Make Routes More Available In Pokémon GO
Credit: Niantic Niantic posted the following update to Routes on the Pokémon GO blog: We hope that Trainers are enjoying Routes and exploring their surroundings in brand new ways! We've continued to make improvements to this feature since its launch Here are some of the updates Trainers can enjoy right now! Increased Route availability across the globe. A lower level[...]
Pokémon GO Reveals Psychic Spectacular 2023 Event
Niantic has announced the details for the annual Psychic Spectacular event, beginning next week in Pokémon GO Let's see what this new Shiny Solosis and Mega Energy-themed event will bring to the game. Psychic Spectacular 2023 Event graphic in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the Psychic Spectacular 2023 event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Wednesday,[...]
Bombirdier Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Adventures Abound
Credit: Niantic Top Bombirdier Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top ten Bombirdier counters as such: Mega Diancie: Rock Throw, Dazzling Gleam Mega Gardevoir: Charm, Dazzling Gleam Shadow Electrivire: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge Shadow Raikou: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge Mega Manectric: Thunder Fang, Wild Charge Mega Tyranitar: Smack Down, Stone Edge Xurkitree: Thunder Shock, Discharge Shadow Zapdos: Thunder Shock,[...]
Ultra Unlock: Paldea Introduces Frigibax Today in Pokémon GO
Credit: Niantic Here's what's happening for the new Ultra Unlock: Paldea event in Pokémon GO: Date and time: Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 10:00 a.m to Friday, September 15, 2023, at 8:00 p.m local time New Pokémon: Nymble, Lokix, Pawmi, Pawmo, Pawmot, Bombirdier (can be Shiny), Frigibax, Arctibax, Baxcalibur Ultra Unlock bonuses continuing from the Paldean Adventure event: Unown will[...]
Today is Kartana & Celesteela Raid Hour in Pokémon GO: Part One
Credit: Niantic These are the Pokémon that will appear in Tier Five raids in Pokémon GO this September 2023: September 1st – September 8th: Kartana in the Northern Hemisphere and Celesteela in the Southern Hemisphere September 8th – September 16th: Kartana in the Southern Hemisphere and Celesteela in the Northern Hemisphere September 16th – September 23rd: Burn Drive Genesect[...]