The Rookie Archives

The Rookie Season 7 Episode 13: "Three Billboards" Overview Released
With ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's The Rookie S07E11: "Speed" set to hit this week, we have a look at what April has in store for the hit series Previously, we had a look at S07E12: "April Fools," with Tim (Eric Winter) and Lucy (Melissa O'Neil) looking to prank the precinct[...]
The Rookie
The good news is that we have preview images for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's The Rookie S07E11: "Speed" that spotlight Angela (Alyssa Diaz), Nyla (Mekia Cox), and Lucy (Melissa O'Neil) – always a good thing The "eh" news? This might be one of the smallest image galleries we've had to pass along[...]
The Rookie
While we're going to keep from dropping any spoilers for last night's episode (for now), we do have some additional images from ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's The Rookie S07E10: "Chaos Agent" to pass along that went live shortly after the episode dropped In addition, we have added the episode trailer to[...]
The Rookie
Between Nolan (Nathan Fillion), Lucy (Melissa O'Neil), and Angela (Alyssa Diaz) investigating a violent attack and Tim (Eric Winter) and the squad dealing with problems involving a prisoner transfer and a wild animal back at the station, this week's episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's The Rookie looks to be living up[...]
The Rookie
With this week bringing a new episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, it's time for us to pass along to you the image gallery for S07E10: "Chaos Agent." While Nolan (Fillion), Lucy (O'Neil), and Angela (Alyssa Diaz) investigate a violent attack, the folks[...]
The Rookie
While we won't dive into spoilers, we do have a mix of updates to pass along for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie First up, we have some new images from S07E09: "The Kiss" that were released shortly after the episode aired[...]
The Rookie
With only hours to go until the next new episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, we're passing along our preview rundown of S07E09: "The Kiss" – including an overview, image gallery episode trailer, and maybe even in sneak peek or two[...]
The Rookie
Heading into this week's return of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, we know that things are not looking good for Harper (Mekia Cox) – personally or professionally Last week, Jenna Dewan stopped by FOX 5 New York's Good Day New York and offered a[...]
the rookie
After taking a break this week due to pre-empting programming, ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie returns next week with S07E09: "The Kiss." As we await the official image gallery to drop, Jenna Dewan stopped by FOX 5 New York's Good Day New York to[...]
The Rookie
Even though ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie was forced to take this week off, that doesn't mean we're taking a break from previewing what the season still has to offer Along with the official overview and episode trailer for S07E09: "The Kiss" (March 11th),[...]
The Rookie Season 7 Ep. 9: "The Kiss" Trailer; New "Wildfire" Images
After last night's intense episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, the hit series is taking a break next week but will be back on March 11th with S07E09: "The Kiss" (which has a much deadlier meaning behind it now) Along with the overview[...]
The Rookie
Earlier today, we took a look at the disclaimer that was posted on social media regarding tonight's episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, with Season 7 Episode 8: "Wildfire" having been filmed before the devastating Southern California windstorms and wildfires from earlier[...]
The Rookie
Though our official preview for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 Episode 8: "Wildfire" will be going live later today, we wanted to pass along a disclaimer that was shared on the show's social media accounts ahead of tonight's episode With one[...]
The Rookie
Earlier today, we passed along the official overview for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 Episode 9: "The Kiss" – with the big headline being that after this week, the series takes a week off before returning on March 11th – with Celina[...]
The Rookie
While we await the official preview images for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 Episode 8: "Wildfire," we have the official overview for Season 7 Episode 9: "The Kiss" to pass along The big headline? After this week, the series takes a[...]
The Rookie
As we're writing this, there are only a few hours to go until ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 Ep 7: "The Mickey" hits our screens The big headline-grabber? It's Celina's (Lisseth Chavez) last day as a rookie – and as Lucy (O'Neil)[...]
Auto Draft
What with today being Valentine's Day and all, we have a different kind of update to pass along as we hit the pause button (for now) on looking ahead to what the seventh season of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie has to offer[...]
After a Valentine's Day-themed episode that still has fans talking (we're holding back on spoilers since it's been less than 24 hours at the time we're writing this), ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 rolls on next week with Ep 7: "The Mickey."[...]
the rookie
What could go wrong – or right – during a Valentine's Day-themed episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie? We're about to find out in a few hours, so we wanted to pass along the latest previews in play for S07E06: "The Gala."[...]
the rookie
Though we have our preview guide for tonight's episode hitting in a few hours, we thought that you wouldn't want us to wait to get you the overview for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 Episode 8: "Wildfire," which has been added to[...]
The Rookie
With a new episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie set to hit screens this week, we're taking a brief break from updating our Season 3 rundown Instead, we're taking a look at what Fillion, Winter, O'Neil, Mekia Cox, Shawn Ashmore, Jenna Dewan, and[...]
the rookie
But ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie looks to celebrate the holiday a wee bit early with S07E06: "The Gala." Previously, we had the official overview (and what an interesting one it is) and image gallery to pass along – but now, we also have[...]
The Rookie
When it comes to our previous updates on ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, we've been focusing a lot on the future – S07E06: "The Gala" and S07E07: "The Mickey," to be precise But with only hours to go until S07E05: "Til Death" hits our screens,[...]
The Rookie
With only hours to go until ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie S07E05: "Til Death" hits our screens, we have a major update to our Season 3 rundown that's waiting for you below After a look at the official overview for S07E07: "The Mickey" yesterday,[...]
the rookie
With February officially getting underway, we now have previews for three episodes of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 set to drop this month Along with an overview, image gallery, and promo for this week's S07E05: "Til Death," we previously shared the[...]
The Rookie
Since we're sticking with our 24-hour rule, we won't be diving into any spoilers about this week's episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie But what we do have to pass along are the preview images for S07E05: "Til Death" – and there are[...]
the rookie
Earlier today, we passed along the official overviews for ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie S07E05: "Til Death" and S07E06: "The Gala." But with only hours to go until this week's episode, we're shifting this spotlight back to S07E04: "Darkness Falling" with a sneak[...]
the rookie
We're back with another update to our rundown of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie Season 7 – this time, with a look at what's on tap with the first two episodes of February With the official overviews waiting below, you've got some very[...]
The Rookie Gets Kelly Clarkson Apology: "I Was an Idiot on That Set"
Instead of a new preview for this week's episode of ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie, we're actually going back in time a little In fact, we're heading back to 2023, when singer, daytime talk show host, and serious fan Kelly Clarkson guest-starred in S05E12 "Death[...]
the rookie
Yesterday, we had a look at what's ahead with ABC and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley's Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, and Melissa O'Neil-starring The Rookie S07E04: "Darkness Falling." Today, we're starting things off with a quick look back – specifically, a look back at S07E02: "The Watcher" and how it performed with viewers[...]