WotC Archives

Dungeons & Dragons Reveals The Wild Beyond The Witchlight
Which is an interesting circumstance as usually leaks like this have a bunch of info, but this time around WotC has outplayed Amazon's failure to keep a secret with them and instead turned it into an advertisement for their upcoming event Which, let's be honest, is kind of brilliant. The special cover for The Wild Beyond[...]
Wizards of the Coast's "Summer of Legend" For Magic: The Gathering
Courtesy of WotC Magic Arena Has More In Store Magic: The Gathering's online interface, Magic Arena, has a glut of new innovations and events coming this summer as well! The next Magic Arena Open begins this Saturday, May 8th, while the Strixhaven College Cup begins on Thursday, May 13th. Jumpstart will be coming back to Arena on Friday, June 4th, and[...]
Magic: The Gathering Artist Issues Apology After Art Theft Claims
I've waited to make a public response because I wanted to reach out to the affected artists Kitt Lapeña, Raymond Swanland and WotC first I was overworked, but that's no excuse I messed up and I'm trying to make amends. — Jason Felix (@Art_JasonFelix) March 31, 2021 While being overworked may be seen as a[...]
Magic: The Gathering Illustrator Jason Felix Under Investigation
(and I've sent application/portfolio many times to WotC.) Now someone told me my art made it into a Card! Ironically,in a somewhat s̷t̷o̷l̷e̷n̷ way #MTGStrixhaven pic.twitter.com/1HvUXOgGZk — 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚝 (@omgscarypet) March 28, 2021 Later analysis shows that another artist, Raymond Swanland, may have had his art for Ugin, the Spirit Dragon appropriated as well, although details of its[...]