CCP Games

EVE Frontier Announces Free Ten-Day Trial

EVE Frontier Announces Free Ten-Day Trial

Developer and publisher CCP Games have confirmed they will launch a free ten-day trial for EVE Frontier, allowing anyone to try the game for a week and a half. Obviously, this isn't a complete build, but it's enough of the game to give you an idea of what they're aiming for and what you can expect […]

EVE Online Reveals Two Expansions &#038 EVE Fanfest 2025

EVE Online Reveals Two Expansions & EVE Fanfest 2025

CCP Games has revealed everything they have planned over the next calendar year for EVE Online, as two new expansions are coming along with EVE Fanfest 2025. As you can see from the image here, they have planned out two yet-to-be-named expansions for Summer and Winter, along with a series of in-game events for fans […]

EVE Vanguard Announces Limited-Time Event Groundbreak

EVE Vanguard Announces Limited-Time Event "Groundbreak"

CCP Games have launched a brand new event in EVE Vanguard, as the new limited-time event Groundbreak is currently underway. During the event, you'll choose a faction and capture artillery cannons, which you'll then use to bombard enemy fleets while influencing territory control in EVE Online's space battles. We have more info about the event […]

EVE Online: Revenant Will Be Released Mid-November

EVE Online: Revenant Will Be Released Mid-November

CCP Games revealed a new expansion for EVE Online that is coming up soon, as EVE Online: Revenant will make an appearance in mid-November. The expansion will continue the ongoing Deathless Saga, as things will take an unexpected turn involving The Drifters. The expansion will let you build stronger groups with enhanced Corporation Project, as […]

EVE Online Reveals New Details For 2024 Crimson Harvest

EVE Online Reveals New Details For 2024 Crimson Harvest

CCP Games have launched their latest event for EVE Online, as the team has given us a new Halloween event with the 2024 Crimson Harvest. Starting today and running all the way until November 5, players will be able to take part in a new event with tons of opportunities to loot and snag rewards, […]

EVE Galaxy Conquest Receives October Release Date

EVE Galaxy Conquest Receives October Release Date

CCP Games have confirmed the official launch date for their upcoming free-to-play 4X strategy game, EVE Galaxy Conquest, which will arrive on mobile devices next month. The game takes a different branching path from the usual EVE Online storylines, as a new evil in the galaxy has pushed into the established empires of this universe and is […]

CCP Games Reveals New Survival Title EVE Frontier

CCP Games Reveals New Survival Title EVE Frontier

Developer and publisher CCP Games have revealed a brand new game set in the EVE universe, as we're getting a new survival game called EVE Frontier. This game looks to put you on edge at all times as you awake from a stasis chamber to find that humanity is not in the position it was […]

EVE Vanguard Shows Off New Roadmap To Early Access Release

EVE Vanguard Shows Off New Roadmap To Early Access Release

After coming off the First Strike era, CCP Games has mapped out a brand new roadmap for EVE Vanguard as they enter the Solstice Era. The team released a new letter and a new video describing all of the new changes that will be coming to the game as they work their way to an […]

EVE Vanguard Launches New Solstice Limited-Time Event

EVE Vanguard Launches New Solstice Limited-Time Event

CCP Games launched a brand new limited-time event for EVE Vanguard this past week, as players can jump into the chaos of Solstice. Running until July 1, 2024, this is your chance to get into a new kind of fight with new weapons, a new map, new gadgets, and more. The game is still technically […]

EVE Online Celebrates Its 21st Anniversary With Capsuleer Day Events

EVE Online Celebrates Its 21st Anniversary With Capsuleer Day Events

CCP Games has launched a special celebration for EVE Online this week, as Capsuleer Day XXI will celebrate the game's 21st Anniversary. Players will be welcomed with several in-game tasks tied to the exploration of newly emerged collapsed conduits across known and wormhole space. All to retrieve some tech and use it to help them […]

EVE Online Reveals Latest Content Expansion Called Equinox

EVE Online Reveals Latest Content Expansion Called Equinox

CCP Games revealed the next major expansion will be coming to EVE Online this Simmer, as Equinox will arrive on June 11, 2024. This is an all-new narrative-driven expansion that will explore more of the colonization side of things in the galaxy as they plan to expand throughout Nullsec space. With expansion comes new places, new […]

EVE Vanguard Launches First Major Content Update

EVE Vanguard Launches First Major Content Update

CCP Games recently launched the first major content update for EVE Vanguard, as the game has added a few key items that might help you out. This particular update comes with a new mining laser prototype, a new combat suit for the Vanguard warclones to utilize, and new contracts that provide mercenaries a choice between […]

EVE Vanguard Announces Dates For Live First Strike Event

EVE Vanguard Announces Dates For Live First Strike Event

CCP Games revealed the first live dates for a new event in EVE Vanguard, the upcoming sandbox FPS module for EVE Online, as players will soon experience the First Strike. From  December 7-11, EVE Online players with an active Omega account will be able to join the pre-alpha playtest, giving Omega subscribers the opportunity to access […]

Chaos Comes To ​EVE Online As The Havoc Expansions Is Unleashed

Chaos Comes To ​EVE Online As The Havoc Expansions Is Unleashed

CCP Games has released a new expansion this morning as ​EVE Online: Havoc has been unleashed onto all of the galaxy. This latest addition gives players a ton of new content and improvements that will put you in a brand new state of panic to a certain degree, as you can either choose to turn […]

EVE Online Launches New EVE Operations Event: Epiphany

EVE Online Launches New EVE Operations Event: Epiphany

CCP Games have launched a new event for EVE Online, as players can take on an entirely new adventure in EVE Operations: Epiphany. This entirely new event will introduce The Deathless, a mysterious pirate figurehead that is opening up an invitation to you to join them on a fresh adventure in space. You will be […]

EVE Online Reveals 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition

EVE Online Reveals 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition

CCP Games have teamed up with Limited Run Games to release a special 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition for EVE Online, complete with some special additions. To be very clear, this is not the game, you are purchasing a copy of the game to play. This is a special collection of items, both physical and digital, […]

EVE Online Launches Microsoft Excel Add-In Today

EVE Online Launches Microsoft Excel Add-In Today

For the hardcore EVE Online player who is basically playing the game like they run a third-world country, there's a new addition available to help you. It's true, if you don't believe it, go look up some YouTube clips, but there are people who get so invested in the way the game is played; they […]

EVE Online Launches New Viridian Expansion With Latest Trailer

EVE Online Launches New Viridian Expansion With Latest Trailer

CCP Games have officially launched the latest expansion for EVE Online today, as players can now jump into the new wonders and options of Viridian. The new content will bring more power to the players as they focus squarely on player-driven corporations. Yes, you get to experience more capitalism in space and all of the […]

EVE Online: Viridian Receives New June Release Date

EVE Online: Viridian Receives New June Release Date

CCP Games revealed the official release date for the next EVE Online expansion called Viridian, as the content is coming next week. In case you missed the reveal for this one, the new expansion focuses primarily on player-driven corporations, as it will add expanded toolsets to aid in group management. As well as additional ways […]

CCP Games Launches EVE Online Fanfest Documentary

CCP Games Launches EVE Online Fanfest Documentary

CCP Games have released the new EVE Online film, Belonging: An EVE Fanfest Documentary, looking back at last year's event in Reykjavik, Iceland. The doc was filmed throughout the 2022 event and is being presented now to help celebrate the game's 20th Anniversary. The team also revealed its official in-house band, Crowd Kon7rol, and the […]