Posted in: Comics | Tagged: action comics, Amazing World Of Gumball, American Legends, Artifacts, axis, Blood Queen, bloodshot, boom, chew, Cloaks, Comics, dark horse, day men, dc, detective comics, Dr Mirage, dynamite, empty man, entertainment, eternal warrior, fairy quest, Fiction Squad, future's end, game of thrones, garfield, ghost fleet, god hates astronauts, gotham academy, grayson, green arrow, guardians of the galaxy, hulk, image, jennifer blood, john carter, Life After Logan, Lil Vampirella, lobo, marvel, Nailbiter, over the garden wall, Penny Dora, real heroes, Regular show, robocop, Solar, suicide risk, superman unchained, top cow, Turok, velvet, Weapon X Program, Woods, world's end
47 Thoughts About 46 Comics – Axis, Game Of Thrones, Superman Unchained, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Bloodshot, Suicide Risk, Fairy Quest, Garfield, Fiction Squad, Hulk, American Legends, Artifacts, Life After Logan, Weapon X Program, Dr Mirage, Regular Show, Eternal Warrior, Woods, Empty Man, God Hates Astronauts, Ghost Fleet, Day Men, Gotham Academy, Amazing World Of Gumball, Grayson, Over The Garden Wall, Real Heroes, Nailbiter, Velvet, Cloaks, Futures End, Penny Dora, Lil Vampirella, Detective Comics, Action Comics, Green Arrow, Lobo, Turok, Robocop, Worlds End, Chew, John Carter, Blood Queen, Jennifer Blood And Solar
Is everyone excited about today's comics?
Thank you Regular Show: Skips. Well, let's get on with it then!
And… all the excitement has gone. Man, it's a tough day at the office on Cadmus Island, in Futures End…
Turok #9 extols the attraction of my own country and I find it very hard to argue against. Though we may not have quite as many castles any more, our clothes are from Primark and our dancing is more big fish, little fish, cardboard box. But at least it's safe.
Talking of establishing shots, from Worlds End, when you say it's London do you always have to show Big Ben clock tower? There must be other building in London somewhere mustn't there?
Penny Dora & The Wishing Box gets a great big "awwww" out of me.
Gotham Academy is such a strange, scary place that even DC Comics teachers smoke there. Aren't there other activities that take place at a school worthy of spotlighting?
There we go. From Grayson, I believe this is known as the female gaze. Who needs a face to look at when you have a bod to lust over? Anyway, it's always good to go from one extreme…
…to the other, courtesy of Robocop #5. Nice stencil detail.
Brian Bendis pops up in Nailbiter, though as you can see, his nails are very nicely trimmed.
While Bryan Hitch shows that you can do huge action scenes in comics with very human reactions, without anyone actually having to be raped, courtesy of Real Heroes.
In Green Arrow, even though the back pages have lost the cast of Channel 52, it's good to know they still have a place in continuity. Also, while we're at it, here's how they covered yesterday's Mid Terms.
If you had a problem with Lipstick Lobo, Fauxbo, whatever you chose to call him, how will you cope with Prince Charming Lobo? Another cute nickname?
While Francis Manapul may have departed Detective Comics, John Paul Leon can still bring innovative page layouts out of the bag when needed. This works. More of this, please.
While God Hates Astronauts just brings us the wackiest anthropomorphism it can with insane detail…
And Action Comics may be a little late of Hallowe'en – it could have been more effective to have Lana's parents as mist-animated zombies lurching around Smallville if it had come out last week. Today? We should just put V For Vendetta masks on them, pop them on a big pile of kindling and kick off Bonfire Night a few hours early.
Though burning Lil Vampirella Holiday Special would be criminal, even if she is also a week late for her own particular holiday… in fact there's a lot of tardiness about right now.
Dr Mirage #3 gives us an appointment long overdue. And I thought I had a long wait in the hospital yesterday.
From Superman Unchained #9… hang on, hasn't Lex Lthor been reading the comic? Or he'd know exactly what Nagasaki was now in New 52 DC continuity and wouldn't be making such a flippant reference…
Kitty Pryde seems to be discovering that her third Peter is as unreliable as the other two, in Legendary Star Lord. Stellar art from Paco Medina here. Just saying.
This is what foreshadowing looks like, in today's Hulk.
In Life After Logan #1, what quite a few people have been saying about over-a-hundred-years-old Logan for quite some time. Looks like he ducked out early before Operation Yewtree got to checking his background.
Although, in Weapon X Program #1, he still seems to be hanging around. Surely Jabba The Hutt has claimed him by now?
Meanwhile, American Legends #1 brings us to the Wild Frontier…and when we say "wild", we mean Mardi Gras. I believe beads are in order?
In the main story of Artifacts #40 by talent hunt Winners Steve Foxe and Adalor Alvarez, we hear word of an old enemy of the Witchblade, as a thief hunts through the Heart of Darkness for the mysterious Artifact. Which has an "armless" side effect…
Despite his eyes, Bloodshot is clearly not iron deficient. Still, we should always value food and try not to waste a scrap. Nose to tail is the only way to cook.
Something Simple Simon knows very well after meeting a pieman going to a fair. Still he managed to get them all without having any money, so there are skills there, straight from Fiction Squad #2.
Eternal Warrior: Days Of Steel #1 treats us to philosophy at the end of a point of a knife, or axe. I don't know about you but I'd feel very truthful at that point I think.
Woods #7 starts the Sixth Sense speculation early. That's the sort of question I ask every time I experience any story nowadays. Who is the ghost?
Empty Man #5 reminds us that the customer is never right.
Day Men #5 also seems to have a similar nihilist attitude towards, well everyone. Come on, folks, a smile is just a frown turned upside down!
Suicide Risk #19 at least has a more relatable world weariness about it.
Fairy Quest: Outcasts #1 doesn't ask the question I would – if rain does, why don't I? Fairytale physics at work here…
Heart-breaking kitties at the door are one thing in Garfield #31, but there really should try creating internet memes out of them instead. But not the only character exploiting sadness. Over in Axis #3…
Oh I don't know. SAD HULK has hashtag written all over it.
While Over The Garden Wall seems to be having an Axis Inversion event all of its very own.
Amazing World Of Gumball #4 gives us a strong expectation of cause and effect.
Ghost Fleet #1 teaches us the value of wearing a seat belt when driving. If you get shot, you'll only make a mess over the back seats.
Cloaks #3 makes travel arrangements very clear. Something it shares in common with this week's Velvet with, again, the most gorgeously illustrated cars.
And hey, you can still eat Chinese in the trunk, but you might not want to use… what was it Chew?
It's entertaining to see John Carter: Warlord Of Mars #1 , published in accordance wit Edgar Burroughs' estate, with an as skimply dressed Dejah Thoris as they once objected to…
Blood Queen #6 sets out her position on the chess board. I'm betting on a Rook…
Jennifer Blood: Born Again #4 talks about pulling all sorts of triggers… is that a trigger fingering by any chance?
Game Of Thrones #22 is just begging for a DC crossover with Batman's gallery. Dynamite and DC do play nice with each other. Surely it's only a manner of time? 75 years after George R R Martin's death?
Solar #6 faces up to the dangers that keeping a pet at home can bring. Actually, I think Chew has something to say about that as well…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, proud to announce their first in a line of new programming vents, a directors commentary on the first Southern Bastards collection by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour. Places are rather limited…