Review Archives

Slumber #1 Review: Clever Combination
You might think you see shades of Nightmask or Dream Thief or Sleepwalker in Slumber #1, a debut issue that mixes a murder mystery with an otherworldly
Green Lantern #11 Review: Out Of Hand
One of the great things about rollercoaster design is the false sense of things being essentially settled when more madness appears apropos of nothing,
Nightwing #89 Review: Solid
By framing the story in relatable, genuine character moments, Nightwing #89 does a rock-solid job of creating room for a friendship between Dick Grayson
Green Lantern #10 Review: A Big Swing
In a kind of "Days of Future John" approach, Green Lantern #10 has the quest leader Lantern choose his final form and sees what kind of trouble is going
Eternals #9 Review: Messed Up
Following similar thematic directions as the very enjoyable film, Eternals #9 faces people who struggle against the role they've been given as everything
Eat The Rich #5 Review: Enjoyable
There is a distinctive and possibly naive idea behind the bloody conclusion that Eat The Rich #5 shows how far this series is willing to go. The