Review Archives

Time Before Time #6 Review: Satisfies
In this self-contained issue, Time Before Time #6 takes a closer look at the lucrative business of chronal relocation and shows the desperation many feel
Eat The Rich #3 Review: Horrifying
Whoa. Well, the public perception of the moneyed class has definitely taken some hits in recent years, but Eat The Rich #3 posits a situation where things
Flash #775 Review: Ended Poorly
If you ever found Naruto annoying and tedious, The Flash #775 gives you a chance to find Wally West even less charming and more grating. With guest
Batman 89 #3 Review: Picture Perfect
Like a fine Greek or Shakespearean tragedy, Batman '89 #3 continues to wonderfully depict the fall of Harvey Dent as Bruce Wayne gets reacquainted with
Winter Guard #2 Review: A Lot To Like
A breakneck plot and an intimate, elegant framing device give you a lot to like in Winter Guard #2, but everything’s not what it needs to be in Mother