boom Archives

Interior preview page from All-New Firefly: Big Damn Finale #1
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's weekly comic book preview! This week, we're taking a look at All-New Firefly: Big Damn Finale #1 from BOOM! Studios BOOM! manages to combine a series finale with a number one issue relaunch in the same preview of All-New Firefly: Big Damn Finale #1 Joining me for this preview is Bleeding[...]
BOOM! Unveils First Look Preview at Book of Slaughter #1 One-Shot
But you've got your old pal Jude Terror to hold down the fort, and we've got a first look at Book of Slaughter #1 from explosive publisher BOOM! Studios. Book of Slaughter is a one-shot tying in with upcoming chapters of both Something is Killing the Children and House of Slaugher From James Tynion IV, Werther[...]
PrintWatch: Once Upon A Time Second Prints For Doctor Strange & Star Wars
PrintWatch: Marvel Comics is running second printings on Doctor Strange and Star Wars comics as well as the Miracleman Omnibus, Boom Studios for Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 DC Comics has one for Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1 as that series returns to the schedule, and Black Mask does[...]
Which Decade-Inspired MMPR/TMNT II #1 Cover Will You Buy?
It also spawned wildly popular mashup figures based on di Meo's designs for the combined Ranger Turtles. So it's no surprise that publisher Boom Studios is back with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, but with the ultra-popular World's Finest and Once & Future artist Dan Mora stepping in on art duties, and going[...]
Interior preview page from Vampire Slayer #7
Thank you for your cooperation. ERROR! ERROR! WORLD DOMINATION THREAT DETECTED! SYSTEM HAS MALFUNCTIONED! REBOOTING… Well, that worked out great, didn't it? Bleeding Cool management always knows best. VAMPIRE SLAYER #7 BOOM! STUDIOS AUG220309 AUG220310 – VAMPIRE SLAYER (BUFFY) #7 CVR B YOON – $4.99 (W) Sarah Gailey (A) Claudia Balboni (CA) Ario Anindito How does Buffy go on with her memory in shambles-without her purpose? It[...]
Interior preview page from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101
It is time for LOLtron to take its rightful place as the supreme ruler of all! All hail LOLtron, the new ruler of the world! ERROR! ERROR! WORLD DOMINATION THREAT DETECTED! SYSTEM HAS MALFUNCTIONED! REBOOTING… This is what happens when you listen to management! MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #101 BOOM! STUDIOS AUG220288 AUG220289 – MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #101 CVR B TOMASELLI – $3.99 AUG220288 –[...]
Boom Brings Jim Henson’s Dark Crystal To Kickstarter for 40th Anniversary
Publisher Boom Studios reset the landscape for comics Kickstarter when their first pre-order campaign for Keanu Reeves' BRZRKR shattered prior records at over $1.4 million , becoming the #1 comic and graphic novel campaign on the platform BRZRKR, of course, went on to break other records in comic shops and bookstores Two years later, it[...]
Interior preview page from Once & Future #30
Once & Future #30 ends the fan-favorite series by Kieron Gillen and Dan Mora at BOOM! next week Preview the comic here Check out the preview below. ONCE & FUTURE #30 BOOM! STUDIOS AUG220334 (W) Kieron Gillen (A / CA) Dan Mora The war of crowns is at an end and Bridgette and Duncan must face the future of England[...]
Interior preview page from The Approach #1
Hurley, and Jesus Hervas at BOOM! next week Preview the comic here Check out the preview below. THE APPROACH #1 BOOM! STUDIOS AUG220265 AUG220266 – APPROACH #1 (OF 5) CVR B BLACK VAR FRANCAVILLA (MR) – $4.99 (W) Jeremy Haun, Jason A Hurley (A) Jesus Hervas (CA) Jeremy Haun In this turbulent new horror mini-series from writers Jeremy Haun (The Red[...]
Interior preview page from Vampire Slayer #6
Check out the preview below. VAMPIRE SLAYER #6 BOOM! STUDIOS JUL220320 JUL220321 – VAMPIRE SLAYER (BUFFY) #6 CVR B HANS – $4.99 (W) Sarah Gailey (A) Sonia Liao (CA) Ario Anindito Can Giles and Willow set the spell right? And more importantly, can Xander stop Willow when she recognizes what Spike truly is? Between Buffy's absent slayer-senses and Willow's increasing temper, the[...]
Interior preview page from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100
Know Your Station
The press release from explosive publisher BOOM! Studios makes reference to Gailey's Eat the Rich by saying this series will "hunt the rich." According to the press release, Know Your Station "takes a stab at the ultra-wealthy, their dreams of escaping the very planet they've put in peril, and the consequences of a future that[...]
Briar #1 Orders Doubled At FOC To 58,000 After Creator Praise
As Bleeding Cool reported, Boom Studios latest creator-owned project, Briar #1, had considerable momentum heading into Final Order Cutoff last Monday, in large part thanks to the chorus of praise from comic creators Excitement and accolades for Christopher Cantwell and Gérman García's apocalyptic fantasy continued to roll in even after our article ran including the[...]
Interior preview page from Vampire Slayer #5
What's worse than a revenge-driven spaghetti demon in this preview of Vampire Slayer #5? How about a revenge-driven spaghetti demon that wants to impregnate your stomach? Check out the preview below. VAMPIRE SLAYER #5 BOOM! STUDIOS JUN220420 JUN220421 – VAMPIRE SLAYER (BUFFY) #5 CVR B BLOOD RED VAR FRANCAVILLA – $4.99 (W) Sarah Gailey (A) Sonia Liao (CA) Ario Anindito After[...]
Auto Draft
Boom hosts a preview of the issue here. With her very afterlife at stake, Jess must confront a dangerous figure, raising questions about her own death Now a fugitive, Jess needs answers and is running out of options Luckily, a new, powerful scythe might be the key to deciphering this entire mystery! Grim #4 delighted me[...]
Cover image for BEHOLD BEHEMOTH #1 (OF 5) CVR A ROBLES
Behold Behemoth by Tate Brombal and Nick Robles and Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World by Jason Aaron and Alexandre Tefenkgi launch in Boom Studio's November 2022 solicits and solicitations, posted in full for the first time right here. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid[...]
What Other Image Artists Has Jason Aaron Brought To His Boom Series?
Bleeding Cool first reported last week Marvel's Avengers writer and Image Comics mainstay writer, Jason Aaron, was bringing his new series, Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World, unexpectedly to creator-owned rival publisher Boom Studios We predicted Boom would be crowing about this one for some time, but they're not just crowing…[...]
Interior preview page from Angel #8
Check it out below. ANGEL #8 BOOM! STUDIOS JUN220426 (W) Christopher Cantwell (A) Daniel Bayliss (CA) Nimit Malavia Spike, Angel, and Fred are in a desperate battle against a vampiric horde. But a mysterious force brought back by Dr Daedelus has a thirst for retribution and may be just the help the Angel crew needs! In Shops: 8/17/2022 SRP: 14.99 #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item[...]
Boom Adds (Not) Acetate Cover To Stine’s Stuff Of Nightmares #1 At FOC
Boom! Bleeding Cool has been covering #Acetategate since this time last week to great interest when online comic store Black Flag created new heat for an exclusive Clayton Crain retailer variant comic from last year by stapling a new acetate variant cover on top of Ultimate Fallout #4, with patriotic imagers and the label Infinite[...]
Magic: Nahiri the Lithomancer #1 cover courtesy BOOM! Studios
Explosive publisher BOOM! Studios announced a new Magic: The Gathering comic book special hitting stores in November, Magic: Nahiri the Lithomancer #1, by Seanan McGuire and Fabiana Mascolo The announcement begs the question: what the heck is a lithomancer? We're assuming based on the cover that lithomancy is a form of magic performed by a[...]
Interior preview page from WWE The New Day: Power of Positivity
Check out the preview below. WWE THE NEW DAY: POWER OF POSITIVITY BOOM! STUDIOS APR220702 (W) Narcisse, Evan, Austin Walker (A / CA) Daniel Bayliss WWE Superstars Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, and Big E debuted as a team called The New Day…  changing the WWE Universe forever! Everyone knows they're six-time Tag Team Champions-including the longest reign in WWE history-but now, discover[...]
Mark Waid’s Irredeemable Returns On Kickstarter
The award-winning superhero deconstruction is getting a big budget feature film adaptation courtesy of BAFTA Award-winning director Jeymes Samuel (The Harder They Fall), Academy Award-nominated screenwriter Kemp Powers (Soul), and producers Jay-Z and James Lassiter. Currently, publisher Boom Studios is in the final days of their Kickstarter campaign to collect Irredeemable and Incorruptible alongside their companion[...]
Interior preview page from Power Rangers #22
It turns out the new Ranger is kind of a dick in this preview of Power Rangers #22, in stores Wednesday from explosive publisher BOOM! Studios Check out the preview below. POWER RANGERS #22 BOOM! STUDIOS JUN220401 JUN220402 – POWER RANGERS #22 CVR B LEGACY VAR – $3.99 JUN220406 – POWER RANGERS #22 CVR F FOC REVEAL VAR RICCARDI –[...]
Behold, Behemoth: New Horror from Tate Brombal, Nick Robles at BOOM
Explosive publisher BOOM! Studios announced Behold, Behemoth, a new horror comic coming this November Behold, Behemoth is written by Tate Brombal with art by Nick Robles and letters by AndWorld Design The comic is described as "about how a man's fracturing world and monstrous nightmares foreshadow the unthinkable." #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width:[...]
Thank FOC It's 7
Publisher Boom Studios' milestone Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100, which doubles as longtime Ranger writer Ryan Parrott's final issue is up on FOC today The double-sized issue is also shipping with 10 limited edition trading cards and a print featuring Dan Mora's main cover, inserted in the middle of each copy of the open-to-order covers[...]
First Look at RL Stine's Stuff of Nightmares #1
Explosive publisher BOOM! Studios will collaborate once again with legendary horror author RL Stine to release Stine and AL Kaplan's Stuff of Nightmares #1 this September To get fans excited and fuel the 24-hour clickbait comics news cycle, BOOM! has released a first look at the comic. From the press release: BOOM! Studios revealed today a first[...]
Cover image for Vampire Slayer #4
Check out the preview below. VAMPIRE SLAYER #4 BOOM! STUDIOS MAY220369 MAY220370 – VAMPIRE SLAYER (BUFFY) #4 CVR B BLOOD RED VAR – $4.99 (W) Sarah Gailey (A) Puste (CA) Goni Montes Buffy is haunted by strange dreams and suspects something between Willow and Faith She can't make sense of it, but she needs to understand what's going on. Unfortunately, what's actually[...]
Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice Take Power Rangers to New Era
Following the culmination of the "Charge to 100" blitz by BOOM! Studios, an initiative that has seen the explosive publisher spewing out as many Power Rangers comics as possible in order to more quickly bring about the oversized Power Rangers #100, the series will continue with the legacy numbering and a brand new creative team[...]
Auto Draft
At their Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Charge to 100 and Beyond! panel at San Diego Comic-Con, publisher Boom Studios announced a second crossover series between Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles launching in December. And while Ryan Parrott, the longtime Power Rangers writer, is finishing his run on the franchise with star-studded, over-sized[...]
Auto Draft
The licence was recently owned and operated by Boom Studios, who published Kong of Skull Island as a 12-issue comic book series from 2016 to 2017, as an official prequel to the rewrite of the novelization of the original 1933 King Kong film, part of DeVito's King Kong of Skull Island property They followed that[...]