brian k vaughan Archives

Image Comics Full June 2025 Solicits
Brian K Vaughan and Niko Henrichon have been serialising Spectators, their adult graphic novel on Exploding Giraffe through Substack over the last three years It will now be published in a complete hardcover form, in June 2025, from Image Comics Vaughan wrote on substack earlier this month, saying "over the past few weeks, Niko, our[...]
First Two Pages Of Saga #71. Delayed Until January 2025
In his latest newsletter, after getting distracted by many other projects, Brian K Vaughan got around to talking about the future of Saga. And Saga #71 should have been out about now It is currently listed for the end of the year, but may get later than that. "First of all, the good news: this issue is completely done, 100%[...]
Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples' Saga #69 Issue Will Be The Sex Issue
One might ask which issue of Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples' comic book Saga is not a sex issue? But with Saga #69, they have gone all out with this cover, as part of Image Comics's September 2024 solicits and solicitations I am reminded of when I was a radio advertising copywriter, writing for[...]
Garth Ennis Joins Brian K Vaughan on Battle Action, From 2000AD
Garth Ennis and Brian K Vaughan are teaming up on a brand new series of Battle Action, launching this August from Rebellion/2000AD A ten-issue magazine-sized monthly anthology will also see John Wagner, Torunn Grønbekk, Chris Burnham, Dan Abnett, Rob Williams, John Higgins, Henry Flint, John McCrea, Steve White, Keith Burns and Tom Foster. This includes a[...]
Saga #57 Preview
Vaughan & Fiona Staples Cover Of April's Saga #57 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples SAGA #57 (MR) IMAGE COMICS JAN220296 (W) Brian K Vaughan (A/CA) Fiona Staples Long-term relationships are easy? LYING.In Shops: Mar 23, 2022 SRP: $2.99 Cover Of April's Saga #58 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples SAGA #58 (MR) IMAGE COMICS FEB220248 (W) Brian K[...]
Preview: Saga #56 by Bryan K Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Today sees the second issue of the second half of Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples' Saga with Saga #56 We have a preview of the first pages of the comic book, right here Because we love you lots Out in comic book shops today. Of the comic, Brian K Vaughan says; This Wednesday, Saga is back on[...]
First Page Of Tomorrow's Saga #56 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples
Tomorrow sees the second issue of the second half of Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples' Saga And Vaughan, as part of his Substack, showed off the first page of tomorrow's comic book, published by Image Comics. First Page Of Tomorrow's Saga #56 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples This Wednesday, Saga is back on shelves less[...]
Preview: Saga #55 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples for $2.99
Last night, a number of comic book stores had midnight launches of the long, long-awaited first issue of the second half of Saga by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples Here's how three comic book stores showed it off. Challengers Comics + Conversation of Chicago, IL: Next week is the long-awaited, hotly-anticipated return of SAGA: and[...]
Texas Asks if V For Vendetta & Y The Last Man are in School Libraries
But he has demanded answers by the 12th of November, noting that a number of Texas school districts of late "have removed books from libraries and/or classrooms after receiving objections from students, parents, and taxpayers." These include (and why this story is running on Bleeding Cool) graphic novels such as V for Vendetta by Alan Moore[...]
Saga by Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples Returns In January 2022
Announced at the In Conversation with Brian K Vaughan panel at New York Comic Con, as part of a video chat between Brian and Fiona Staples, they announced the return of Saga, with Saga #55 published by Image Comics on the 26th of January, 2022 "Other than my own family, collaborating with Fiona Staples on[...]
Sorry Folks, That Wasn't Fiona Staples Confirming The Return Of Saga
She proceeded to answer questions about working on the series, what her favourite characters were to draw, and her relationship with writer Brian K Vaughan The only problem was that it wasn't actually Fiona Staples. YouTube screencap – not Fiona Staples Bleeding Cool contacted Brian K Vaughan, Fiona Staples, and Image Comics to get clarification, as the[...]
Brian K Vaughan Confirms He And Fiona Staples Are Working On New SAGA
Brian K Vaughan has taken to the solicitation of a trade paperback box set of his Saga comic book so far, at its half-way point, to assure readers that the second half by him and Fiona Staples is coming And coming soon Writing to the comic book shop owners who will buy this, and many[...]
A Sales Record Coming For Saga #1 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples
We have been missing new Saga comic books from Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples for some years now I understand that Image Comics intends to announce the second half of the epic space opera soon, which may draw greater attention to its first issue.  A couple of copies of the first issue are up[...]
Brian K Vaughan Promised New Issues Of Saga Will Be Worth The Wait
Saga is a major work of sci-fi in the comic book medium by creators Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples, published by Image Comics But we have been waiting quite some time for the next issue And they did leave it on quite the cliffhanger. It tells the story of star-crossed husband and wife, Alana and[...]