for honor Archives

For Honor: Year 9 Season 1
Ubisoft revealed new details about the next update coming to For Honor, as Year 9 Season 1 – Ascend will bring Theaters of War to the game Some of the new content on the way includes an all-new gladiatorial 2v2v2 special event that will test how well you can fight with just one person at[...]
For Honor
Ubisoft released a new update this week into For Honor, as players have a new Hero they can fight with known as the Khatun The team has described him as "oppressive and brutal in combat" as he represents the warriors who fought in Mongolia Along with his addition comes a new update to the title[...]
For Honor Has Launched Year 8: Season 4 - The Serpent Sword
Ubisoft launched the most recent seasonal content for the game For Honor this past week, as Year 8 – Season 4: The Serpent Sword is available now The story brings about a conclusion to the current happenings since the year began, in a sense, as Wu Lin ruler General Zhi offers an allegiance to Astrea,[...]
For Honor Will Launch Year 8: Forged In War Starting On March 14
Ubisoft revealed new details about the content on the way to For Honor, as the first season of Year 8: Forged In War will officially kick off on March 14 The first season of which will bring with it some heavy-hitting content and a number of new challenges, as well as a fresh Battle Pass[...]
For Honor Reveals New Details For Year 7 Season 4
Ubisoft dropped new details this past week for the next season of For Honor, as Year 7 Season 4 will launch on December 7 Going by the name "Treason," this season will bring back the holiday-tradition Ice Brawlers mode, along with a free Event Pass, a new Battle Pass to purchase, and a makeover for[...]
For Honor Reveals New Details For Year 7 – Season 3
Ubisoft revealed new details this week about the next season to launch in For Honor, as we have an idea of what's coming to Year 7 – Season 3 Running for the next few months, the net leg of the story opens with the Ghost Festival, a Wu Lin celebration to honor the dead, several[...]
For Honor Will Add New Hero Ocelotl On July 27th
Ubisoft has revealed their plans for Year 7 Season 2 of For Honor, as players will be getting a brand new Hero in the form of Ocelotl The hero has been inspired by the Aztec civilization, as the storyline will have him seeking vengeance against the greedy Conquistador The season will also see the launch[...]
For Honor Reveals Year 7 Season 1 Launching Next Week
Ubisoft revealed details this week for the upcoming launch of Year 7 Season 1 in For Honor, which will come with a ton of new content Year 77 is on-par to have the most amount of content released for the game, more than any year before it This will include four seasons with two new[...]
For Honor Will Add Brand-New Hero In Early February
Ubisoft revealed a brand new hero being added to For Honor, as they will arrive in the game on February 2nd, 2023 Players will experience the start of Year 7 with the fallout of Commander Ravier having destroyed the Celestial Sphere To stop him, the game will be getting The Aferra, which is armed with[...]
For Honor Year 6 Season 4 Set To Launch Next Week
Ubisoft has revealed the next season of content coming to For Honor with the reveal of Year 6 Season 4, set to launch next week The season is being called Shattered Fates and will bring about an end to this year as they start the ramp-up for Year 7 This particular piece of the game[...]
For Honor Launches Their New Halloween 2022 Event
Ubisoft has revealed its release plans in For Honor this week, as they have unveiled their new Halloween 2022 event The event will be called "The Web of the Jorogumo" and will be running from October 20th to November 10th Along with this event, players will experience Phase 2 of cross-platform play, which is available[...]
Auto Draft
Ubisoft has revealed more info and a trailer for their upcoming Medjay Hero coming to For Honor, who will arrive next week The new Egyptian hero will arrive in the game on July 28th as part of Year 6 Season 2's content, which you'll be able to buy for $8 in a pack that also[...]
For Honor Reveals Year Six Season One To Launch Thursday
Ubisoft revealed new details to Year Six Season One of For Honor as they will officially launch the content this coming Thursday The season is being called the "Golden Age", which will officially launch on all platforms on March 17th The story for this one started with a very special relic, an ancient chalice, that[...]
For Honor Is Getting A New Pirate Hero In Latest Update
Ubisoft revealed details to the next major update coming to For Honor as the game will get a new pirate hero for Year 5 Season 4 The game will be getting a major title update on January 27th, which will add the new playable Hero archetype to the game: Pirates Each one is armed with[...]
For Honor To Launch Year 5 Season 4 On December 9th
Ubisoft revealed more info today about the upcoming addition to For Honor as we enter Year 5 Season 4 called Frozen Shores As you may have guessed from the name, this is essentially going to be the final chapter to this new winter-based arc that's been going on the past few seasons, as all factions[...]
Dead By Daylight Comes To For Honor For Special Event
Ubisoft has revealed a brand new event kicking off tomorrow in For Honor as they're doing a special crossover with Dead By Daylight In a very special partnership with Behaviour Interactive, you're getting a chance to play with one of their more infamous killers as The Trapper will be joining in as a replacement for[...]
For Honor’s Year 5 Season 3 Tempest Will Launch On September 9th
Ubisoft just revealed a ton of details for Year 5 Season 3 of For Honor, which will be launching on PC and consoles on September 9th As you might suspect from the name of the season, Temptest, it will bring in some harsh weather conditions you'll need to battle through including cyclonic winds and torrential[...]
For Honor's New Kyoshin Hero Will Arrive On July 22nd
Ubisoft dropped a few new details about the next new hero coming to For Honor as players will soon experience the Kyoshin According to the info about the hero, the Kyoshin are mystical Samurai who wield a concealed blade, "whose elegance and prowess will leave everyone in awe on the battlefield" In other words, you're[...]
For Honor Announces Year 5 Season 2 Will Launch Next Week
Ubisoft dropped details today for what's to come in For Honor, as Year 5 Season 2 will be launching next week As you can see from the trailer we have for you down at the bottom the season brings with it a brand new hero will be joining the game's Samurai faction later on as[...]
Ubisoft Launches A Special April Fool's Day Event In For Honor
Ubisoft decided to get into the April Fool's Day spirit in the game For Honor with their own special event for you to enjoy The developers are welcoming you to the playground as they have shrunk the game down to its basic elements and make this more of a kids game as if you were[...]
For Honor Year 5 Season 1 Will Launch March 11th
Ubisoft revealed a few more details today on Year 5 Season 1 coming to For Honor next week as it will be called Asunder Things are going to be escalating to a new level this year as you continue the battle between the two factions of the Chimera Alliance and the Order of Horkos The[...]
For Honor Releases Shovel Knight Content For Fourth Anniversary
Things are about to get a lot more honorable in For Honor as Shovel Knight makes his way into the game for a limited time In a special collaboration between Ubisoft and Yacht Club Games, the two have come together for an in-game crossover with the iconic shovel-wielding hero, which is available now for all[...]
Ubisoft Reveals A New Hero Coming To For Honor This Season
Ubisoft revealed this week that there's a new heron on the way to For Honor in Season Four of Year Four happening on December 10th The new hero is called Gryphon, as you can see from the artwork here According to his backstory, this hero was originally a part of the Order of the Lawbringers[...]
Ubisoft Shows Off The For Honor Halloween Event Plans
For those of you still rocking it in Season Four of For Honor, Ubisoft revealed details of the Halloween event coming to the game this week Monsters Of The Otherworld will be bringing about some terrifying creatures into the game in which you'll have to do battle against in new game modes Not to mention[...]
Ubisoft Reveals For Honor Will Be Playable On Next-Gen Consoles
Those of you loving For Honor will be happy to know Ubisoft will be bringing the game to PS4 and Xbox Series X when they release This week the company revealed that they will indeed be bringing the game over to both the next-gen consoles sometime in December 2020 Like other titles, both versions with[...]
Samurai Shodown's Next DLC Character Will Be A Crossover
Today SNK revealed that the Warden from Ubisoft's For Honor would be the next character added in a major crossover for the game Ubisoft was so proud of the event, they even went out of their way to make a video to talk about the character's inclusion in the game. Samurai Shodown's next DLC character is[...]
Ubisoft Reveals "Prince Of Persia" Event In "For Honor"
The next For Honor event will kick off tomorrow with another Ubisoft property getting involved, as the Prince Of Persia will drop in for a fight The event called "Blades Of Persia" will have you seeing some familiar faces in a mode that will take you to two different chapters As part of the experience,[...]
"For Honor" Celebrates Third Anniversary With New Content
Ubisoft is celebrating the third anniversary of For Honor in style as they kick off the Peace Festival, a two-week in-game event with some new content Running from today until February 27th, players can take part in the Honor Games to celebrate the Truce of Wyverndale You can see more details and a trailer below[...]
"For Honor" Kicks Off Year Four With A Plea Of Hope In Season One
Ubisoft has officially launched Year Four in For Honor, and has started off Season One of this year with a simple statement: Hope You can read about it below and see the latest trailer showing off the details Along with the new years comes a new Battle Pass This one comes with a new progression[...]
Ubisoft Launches The Last "For Honor" Event Of Season Four
Ubisoft has finally added the last event of Season Four in For Honor, as players will now tackle the challenges within Zhanhu's Gambit This brings about what is essentially the final chapter to the Year Of Reckoning You will delve into the journey of Sun Da, filling out his role in the conflict between the[...]