krakoa Archives

And while there are still wrap-ups to come, with a certain Dominion to take care of, as well as the remains of a Nimrod or two, the story that Jonathan Hickman kicked off across the whole of the X-Men titles is coming to an end at breakneck speed. Which makes Doom #1, published today by Marvel[...]
But also, might this suggest where all the other mutants are in From The Ashes? Are they all chilling out in the White Hot Room? With Krakoa in exile, leaving just the main X-Men folk on Earth, and a few assorted mutants to protect and fight for, like in the old days? Not so much[...]
Taking The X-Men Out Of Krakoa in The Daily LITG, 14th of May, 2024
Tom Brevoort, taking the X-Men out of Krakoa, topped the traffic at Bleeding Cool yesterday Where you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead You can sign up to receive it as[...]
Nightcrawler's Mommy Issues With Destiny (X-Men Forever #4 Spoilers)
This was new information to all involved, to one degree or another, thanks to a series of memory wipes and circumstantial evidence. Finally revealed to all in X-Men Forever, the previous issue saw Mystique and Destiny resolve their difference at the barrel of a gun, but also for Destiny to make something very clear to Nightcrawler. And[...]
Tom Brevoort Told To Move X-Men Away From Krakoa Over Studio Concerns
"In the case of X-MEN, I wasn't really given much more than that we wanted to be moving away from the wrapping Krakoa era and that because the characters were going to be of greater importance to Studios in the years to come, it made sense to have a more senior editorial presence overseeing the book[...]
Jonathan Hickman's Namor, Franklin, Sam & Bobby Plans We Never Got
Jonathan Hickman's Krakoan Age of the X-Men is coming to an end, and it seemed to be one that happened quite abruptly, as the X-Men keys are handed off from editor Jordan D White to Tom Brevoort But Tom has already had his hands over parts of it, it seems, as Jordan and other X-Men[...]
She's Called "Kitty Pryde" In Exceptional X-Men #1
Recently, for the Krakoan Age of X-Men, which began in 2019, she took on the name Kate Pryde again as pirate captain of the Marauders This saw her storyline get darker, and for the Fall Of X, she became a ninja assassin, Shadowkat, killing off Orchis soldiers across the world But now, with From The[...]
X-Men Vs Orchis As Final Issues Begin To Drop
Blood Hunt means fewer X-Men books this week, with Krakoan titles relegated to X-Men Forever #3 (of 4), Wolverine #49 (of 50) and X-Men Unlimited #138 (of Infinity) Maybe a mention in Giant-Size X-Men That just means there is slightly less for Doug Ramsey to catch up on, as he has been asleep inside Krakoa[...]
But to take down Orchis, will Tony have to work with the X-Men's former adversary? And will a fight against every Sentinel on Earth be too much for even these two powerhouses? Rated T+In Shops: May 01, 2024 SRP: $3.99 X-MEN #34 MARVEL COMICS MAR240739 (W) Gerry Duggan (A/CA) Joshua Cassara THE END IS NIGH! The Krakoan Age is nearly[...]
X-Men Orchis
It almost feels like I learnt to sight-read the X-Men Krakoan language for nothing now This says "Life Fire" by the way More of that in a minute. This week sees the publication of Wolverine #48, X-Men Forever #2, Rise Of The Powers Of X #4, and X-Men Unlimited Infinity #136 And, as Orchis becomes less[...]
Marvel Comics
In recent years, with the House Of X Krakoan comics working in tight formation, we have seen Professor Xavier abandon his dream of mutant integration with humanity And were then told it was all a feint, leading up to the establishment of Krakoa, as a result of information learned from Moira Mactaggert's many lives Now,[...]
The reading order of the X-Men Krakoan books is a little mixed up this week, as it has been the last few weeks, with certain X-Men titles taking place after books that have yet to be published But the official reading order for today has Invincible Iron Man before Resurrection Of Magneto and it should[...]
From The Ashes, Rachel & Betsy Braddock Get Their Own X-Men Comic
And in the announcement (details of which may need a little going into) they showed the cover for Daredevil #10 by Davi Go, featuring Rachel Summers, host of the Phoenix… …saying "Rachel Summers, AKA Askani, currently playing a pivotal role in Krakoa's final battle in Rise of the Powers of X She will star alongside her girlfriend,[...]
X-Men, Orchis, Fall
Today sees the publication of Krakoan tie-in titles Dead X-Men #3, Amazing Spider-Man #45, Wolverine #45, Fall Of The House Of X #3 and X-Men Unlimited #130 The impact of Orchis and Krakoa continues to spill out across the rest of the Marvel Universe, with Anna Watson still in the Ravenscourt Institute after her Krakoan[...]
X-Men Heir Of Apocalypse
So when will this big X-Men relaunch promised for July happen anyway? The X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse mini-series from Steve Foxe and Netho Diaz that is still part of the Krakoan Age stretched from June to the very end of July… will the new X-Men and everything else launch on the 31st of July? Or[...]
Marvel Comics Wednesday
The end games are coming for the Krakoan Age And all the X-Men comic books are playing their part, some more than others admittedly And Iron Man is playing an even more significant part than some of them This week's titles include Cable #2, Dead X-Men #2, Invincible Iron Man #15, Resurrection Of Magneto #2,[...]
Marvel May 2024 Solicits In Full
As Blood Hunt plays out across pretty much all of the Marvel Universe, and Amazing Spider-Man hits an issue 50 with Marv Wolfman joining Zeb Wells… and Wolverine goes for the big five-oh as well, with Benjamin Percy and Javi Fernández ending the Krakoan Age run, with Larry Hama brought along for the ride[...]
X-Men Solicits For May 2024
But to take down Orchis, will Tony have to work with the X-Men's former adversary? And will a fight against every Sentinel on Earth be too much for even these two powerhouses? X-MEN #34 Written by GERRY DUGGAN Art and Cover by JOSHUA CASSARA On Sale 5/1 The end is nigh! The Krakoan Age is nearly at an end…and what[...]
Marvel Comics
That's even without the giant robot Sentinels coming to get you. But on Marvel Unlimited X-Men #121, some mutants who also happen to be Native Americans have found a loophole to get away from Orchis, on Native American reservations. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see[...]
Marvel Comics X-Men Spider-Man
This week has Fall Of The House Of X #1 as the only Krakoan X-Men title in print… but there's also X-Men Infinity Unlimited #120 over at Marvel Unlimited and the return of Kingpin and Typhoid Mary to Amazing Spider-Man #41… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption[...]
House Of X #1 Preview
Gerry Duggan and Lucas Werneck are creating the end of days for the Krakoan Age of the X-Men with Fall Of The House Of X And the preview below from Comic Book taps into some of the tropes from the Jonathan Hickman relaunch that began four-and-a-half years ago, and will be relaunched again in June[...]
While over in Uncanny Spider-Man in New York, Nightcrawler gets to rewrite Spider-Man's motto. While in Uncanny Avengers, Spider-Man's newspaper, the Daily Bugle in New York,  courtesy of Ben Urich, is reporting on Spider-Man enemy and recent ally of the mutants, The Kingpin of crime, Wilson Fisk, defending the X-Men and attacking Orchis in the press,[...]
Marvel Comics
There's all sorts of judgments regarding Krakoa going on right now From Doctor Doom… X-Men #29 ….to random mutants on the street. Sentry #1 North Krakoa is certainly not safe for all mutants… Alpha Flight #5 Or members of the press. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php[...]
Krakoa, Orchis And Returning Mutants
Marvel's Krakoan X-Men story heads towards its final conclusions with Fall Of X in today's X-Men Infinity Unlimited #115, Ms Marvel: The New Mutant #4, Realm Of X #4, X-Men Origins: Blue, while Howard The Duck has its own New Mutant experience X-Men Origins: Blue gives us a little bit of exposition courtesy of the[...]
Charles Xavier
Immortal X-Men #16, all of seven weeks ago, saw Professor Xavier go up against the Orchis shock troops of Krakoa on a very personal level, leaving them in this state… Immortal X-Men #16 Something that is even a shock to Sebastian Shaw and Selene… Immortal X-Men #16 Even if Charles Xavier wasn't taking responsibility for the deaths[...]
Marvel Comics
And Jean Grey #3 and 4 over the last six weeks… IMMORTAL X-MEN #17 MARVEL COMICS SEP230762 (W) Kieron Gillen (A) Juan Jose Ryp (CA) Mark Brooks X MY HEART! Xavier swore he would stay on Krakoa and defend its memory He's leaving There must be a good reason to leave one doomed island for another – and the dark[...]
First Look Inside Fall Of The House Of X & Rise Of The Powers Of X
The finale of the Krakoan age, Gerry Duggan and Lucas Werneck's Fall Of The House Of X and Kieron Gillen and R.B Silva's Rise Of The Powers Of X We've had a few low-res previews, but here's a better look inside both The classic Fastball Special that inspired all the others, the X-Men back in[...]