miles morales Archives

In this preview of What If Miles Morales #2, if regular Wolverine has six claws and two dicks, then since Milesverine has eight claws, he must have… 2.66 dicks?! How does that even work? Is one just smaller? And what is it used for? If the first is used for f***ing and the other for[...]
Shift gets grabby with Ultimatum in this preview of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #37, and Ultimatum doesn't care for it Will he press charges? Or just try to murder him, and Miles too? Check out the preview below. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #37 by Saladin Ahmed & Chris Allen, cover by Taurin Clarke Miles and Shift survived Beyond and are[...]
Miles and Shift pay a visit to the Old West dimension in the Marvel Multiverse in this preview of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #36 in hopes of locating Uncle Aaron But they run into the cowboy version of the Rhino instead Hilarity ensues Check out the preview below. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #36 by Saladin Ahmed & Chris Allen,[...]
Miles Morales Marvel Previews Going For Big Bucks At ComicConnect
Miles Morales is the most important comic character to be created in the last 30 years, and his popularity is vast It feels like only he could make something like a Marvel Previews catalog worth hundreds of dollars Such is the case for this one, Marvel Previews #95 from 2011, which features the first preview[...]
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Miles Morales Good Smile Statue 
Miles Morales has been on the scene as a new Spider-Man for quite some time, but it wasn't until Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse were he hit it big Good Smile Company is now capturing the essence of Into the Spider-Verse by bringing one of the film's iconic posters to life Miles Morales is falling into[...]
Marvel kicks off this preview of What If…? Miles Morales #1, in which Miles becomes Captain America, by killing off poor Uncle Aaron Dying on page two? That's gotta be rough Check out the preview below. What If… Miles Morales #1 by Cody Ziglar & Paco Medina, cover by Sara Pichelli FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD… CAPTAIN AMERICA! What if…Miles Morales[...]
Miles Morales and Moon Girl Begins In June
And now is scheduled for June, as Miles Morales and Moon Girl from novelist Mohale Mashigo and Ig Guara. Mohale Mashigo & Ig Guara Launch Miles Morales & Moon Girl #1 Moon Girl is back to take the entire Marvel Universe by storm! This summer, Lunella Lafayette – aka Moon Girl – and her trusty T-rex sidekick, Devil Dinosaur will[...]
Miles and Shift may need to resort to a cyber-attack to take down The Assessor in this preview of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #35 Check out the preview below. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #35 by Saladin Ahmed & Michele Bandini & Luigi Zagaria, cover by Taurin Clarke BEYOND TIE-IN! The Space Stone-Host QUANTUM and the ASSESSOR are back – you[...]
Marvel Comics April 2022 Solicits & Solicitations
Marvel Comics is launching a new What If series in March, with Miles Morales, Spider-Man, reinvented in all manner of dimensional possibilities The first issue sees him as Captain America, but the second in their April solicitations sees him as a subject of the Weapon X programme and the Wolverine of his universe And because[...]
Cover image for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #34
Miles and Shift invade the Assessor's real headquarters in this preview of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #34, in stores Wednesday Check out the preview below. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #34 by Saladin Ahmed & Michele Bandini, cover by Taurin Clarke BEYOND TIE-IN! MILES and SHIFT need answers…but they must descend into the darkness of the ASSESSOR'S HQ to find them![...]
Spider-Man Trademark
And in the comic books, The Beyond Corporation is fighting to steal/keep the trademark to Spider-Man, granting it to their Peter Parker replacement Ben Reilly, but denying it from Miles Morales. Amazing Spider-Man #81 Previous issues have seen the paperwork laid down and delivered in person But in today's Amazing Spider-Man #81 and Miles Morales: Spider-Man #33, the[...]
Cover image for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #33
Just like mom used to make them! Miles Morales must cease and desist using the Spider-Man name in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #33, a tie-in with Spider-Man Beyond Check out the preview below. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #33 by Saladin Ahmed & Michele Bandini, cover by Taurin Clarke BEYOND TIE-IN! •The events of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #81 open up a can[...]
Cover image for Darkhawk #4
Everybody wins! Darkhawk #4 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, and in this preview we find the titular Darkhawk revealing all the key details of his secret identity to a person he just met! Sure, that person is Miles Morales, but still! Doesn't anyone care about keeping secret identities a secret anymore?! Check[...]
Marvel Asks What If... Miles Morales was Captain America? in March
Following up on their What If…? tease that wondered What If… Wolverine had four claws instead of three (we see what you're doing there, Marvel), Marvel has revealed details on their plans to launch a new What If…? series starring Miles Morales The concept is Miles following in the footsteps of heroes other than Spider-Man,[...]
Auto Draft
In Amazing Spider-Man #76 we had learned that Peter Parker had lost his trademark to Spider-Man as Ben Reilly was in the Spider-suit. Spider-Man Beyond – Amazing Spider-Man #76 In today's Amazing Spider-Man #78, the scientists at the Beyond Corporation and exploring just how much leeway they have over their property after Reilly is bitten by the[...]
Cover image for MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #31
Miles Morales is just trying to enjoy his date with Starling in this preview of Miles Morales Spider-Man #31, but Taskmaster somehow got the idea that the pair would be interested in turning the date into a threesome Did Taskmaster mix up his mercenary account on Fiver with his Tinder profile? Miles Morales loves to[...]
Cover image for MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #30
Miles Morales Spider-Man #30 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, celebrating ten years of Miles Morales as a teen superhero Wait a minute, what? How can you be a teen hero for longer than ten years?! You know what, this is just one of those things about comics that you just don't want[...]
Miles Morales Spider-Man Saves the Day With PCS Collectibles
Miles Morales is ready for action as PCS Collectibles reveals their new Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Featuring a similar design to their recently released Advanced Suit Spider-Man statue from Marvel's Spider-Man Miles is swinging into action with this new 14" tall diorama piece with the wreckage of Roxxan at his feet PCS Collectibles captures the[...]
Printwatch: Ordinary Gods, Eat The Rich, Defenders, Get Second Prints
PrintWatch: Marvel Comics is getting back on the second printing bandwagon, with Avengers #47, Daredevil #33, Defenders #1, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29, and Spirit Of Vengeance: Spirit Rider #1 all going to second print With second prints also for Trailer Boys #1 from Devil's Due, Eat The Rich #1 from Boom Studios, We Don't Kill[...]
Miles Morales makes a new friend in Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1, in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday and continuing the latest Marvel rehash of the Infinity Gauntlet story, Infinite Destinies That friend happens to be Amulet, the new superhero with a magical titular amulet coming from the pages of Ms Marvel Together, can[...]
Cover image for MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #29
Miles Morales Spider-Man #29 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, and the solicit for the issue promises that everything has changed since the Miles Morales Spider-Man Universe was shaken to its foundations by the Clone Saga But while this seemingly self-aware solicit may sound like the usual Marvel hyperbole, there is at least[...]
Cover image for MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #28
So much drama! The solicit for Miles Morales Spider-Man #28 promises "the most heart-wrenching comic of the year" — but start with this preview below. MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #28 MARVEL COMICS MAY210617 MAY210618 – MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #28 COELLO CAPTAIN AMERICA 80TH VAR – $3.99 (W) Saladin Ahmed (A) Carmen Nunez Carnero (CA) Taurin Clarke THE CLONE SAGA REACHES ITS CATACLYSMIC[...]
Marvel & Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump Collab On 'Spidey' Series Music
Starting Friday, August 6, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Miles Morales will be teaming up to keep the Disney Channel and Disney Junior safe when the animated Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends premieres The series follows the trio's adventures as the young heroes team up with Hulk, Ms Marvel, and Black Panther to defeat[...]
Miles Morales Gets New GameStop Exclusive Marvel Legends Figure
Hasbro has revealed a new Gamerverse figure with a new addition from the PlayStation exclusive game, Spider-Man: Miles Morales Miles is back and ready to take action as he shows off one of his newly acquired spider powers; camouflage Standing 6 inches tall, Spider-Man is getting a new translucent blue design showing his powers in[...]
Cover image for MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #27
Miles Morales Spider-Man #27 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, continuing this rehash of the clone saga As happens far too often for Marvel superheroes, Miles finds himself in a situation that talking things out could easily solve But talking things out doesn't sell comics Torturing Miles, however? Well, we'll have to see[...]
Iron Man Annual #1 Review
In a fun bit of continuity cohesion, events from the Miles Morales book mixed together with elements of the last Infinity Gems crossover to create a neat, seemingly self-contained event (no tie-ins!) that kicks off with a bang Tony Stark makes a great showing of the justifications for his ego and his ability to fight[...]
Miles Morales Spider-Man Swings To Hot Toys With His Bodega Cat Suit
Hot Toys is back with another Marvel 1/6 scale figure as Miles Morales swings into action once again Coming from the hit PlayStation exclusive game Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the Bodega Cat Suit comes to life in 1/6th scale format Spider-Cat is ready to join your Spider collection with the highly detailed, highly articulated, and[...]
Cover image for MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #26
Miles Morales is already knee-deep in clone stuff in this preview of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26, but when Peter Parker catches wind that there's clone stuff going on, he rushes to join in as well Soon, every Spider-powered being in the Marvel Universe will be getting involved in this book Just make sure nobody tells[...]
New Marvel Comics Statues Arrive From DST With Heroes and Villians
Swinging on in next is Miles Morales Spider-Man with the newest suit from his hit Insomniac PlayStation exclusive game Diamond Select Toys shows off Mile in his new Advanced Tech Suit with his Venom Blast powers going off around him Last but not least, we are getting Daredevil's archenemy, Bullseye, with a brand new Marvel[...]
The Mandalorian and Miles Morales Get SDCC Diamond Exclusive Busts
Starting things off is Miles Morales Spider-Man, who is getting a limited-edition camouflage mini bust The Diamond Select Toys statue will be limited to only 750 pieces and showcases Miles Morales in his legendary red, and black costume as his lower half starts to go invisible Standing 7 inches tall, this limited edition SDCC 2021[...]