Peter David, co-creator of Spider-Man 2099, the TV show Space Cases, and characters Strong Guy, Professor Hulk, Random, Cyber, Sin Eater, The Pantheon, Maestro, Madman, Linda Danvers, Talos The Untamed and writer of TV shows, comic books, video games, novels at a prodigious rate, has had to deal with kidney failure, several strokes, and a[...]
spider-man 2099 Archives
As for the Green Goblin and Norman Osborn?
Well, we have Norman Osborn as the Gold Goblin, taking down the hell demon that resembled him, released from Limbo, to be returned to Madelyne Pryor's demonic embassy in New York.
With Spider-Man 2099 taking on his own Green Goblin, while wondering what Madame Web wants of him, putting[...]
Yet to be released.
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PrintWatch: Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #1 gets a second printing variant by Danny Kim and a 1:25 variant by Greg Capullo for the 24th of April.
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In Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #1, hitting stores this Wednesday, everyone's favorite futuristic arachnid gets a new roommate – and it's not exactly the kind of roommate you can ditch by leaving passive-aggressive notes on the fridge Let's take a peek at what Marvel's slinging our way, shall we?
It is possible Marvel Comics might have expected something from the Madame Web movie in terms of a few people picking up comic books today.
Well folks, looks like it's time to put on your galoshes and wade through another Marvel swamp of creativity with the release of Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #5 this Wednesday All you die-hard futurists and data hoarders might want to buckle up, because it sounds like Spider-Man's latest escapade is going to be a wet[...]
Well, well, well, if it isn't our dear Miguel O'Hara swinging back into the dystopian future with Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #4, ready to hit store shelves this Wednesday, January 24th I've got to admit, nothing says "fresh storytelling" like another venture into body mutilation and rehashed villainy Keep it classy, Marvel!
Marvel's bringing back more retro-futuristic nostalgia with Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #3, hitting the shelves this Wednesday, January 17th And oh boy, do we have some 100th Legacy Issue shenanigans in store for you.
Cursed by blood – WEREWOLF BY 2099! SPIDER-MAN must take on the WEREWOLF in a no-holds-barred battle! An over-the-top MONSTER MASH for[...]
In Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15, it's a veritable villain reunion hoping to spin Miles' world into chaos. Can Ms. Marvel save the day?
Well, it looks like Marvel is doubling down on the space-opera horror mashup genre with the release of Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #2 this Wednesday To everyone praying for a vampire-free experience in their sci-fi, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems Dracula didn't get the memo The moon is[...]
Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #1 is crashing into your local comic shop on Wednesday, January 3rd And let me tell you, folks, this ain't your grandaddy's wall-crawler drama—the year 2099 just got a whole lot grimmer with a zombified twist that not even a can of Raid could fix.
This January, writer Steve Orlando returns to the world of Marvel 2099 with a new Spider-Man 2099 five issue weekly series starring Miguel O'Hara, with a different artist or artist team taking each of the five issues, which focus on the horrific side of the 2099 Universe.
Just when you thought you had enough, Marvel gives you more in Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #5 The epic showdown between Spider-Man 2099 and his various superhero buddies against Halloween Jack, Carnage 2099, and a veritable hive mind of an army Predictably, DEATH is rumored to fall on both sides But hey, when has that[...]
Coming from the future, Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man 2099, is here to protect the time stream However, Miles Morales seems to want to tempt fate, and 2099 might need to stop Miles before he goes too far Hot Toys has announced that they would be bringing some iconic spiders to life from the upcoming animated film[...]
Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #4 will swing into stores on Wednesday, May 24th to remind us all that Spider-verse can never have enough drama The synopsis promises a losing battle for our heroes, but surprise, surprise, Daredevil 2099 is hopping in as their potential savior Can't help but wonder, did Marvel find themselves in a[...]
Well, would you look at that? Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #3 graces us with its presence this coming Wednesday, May 17th, and isn't it *just* another classic example of the superhero world? Spider-Man 2099 finds himself in the midst of carnage (pun intended), as a horde of bloodthirsty symbiotes cheer on their rampaging idol, Carnage[...]
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse ended with a tease of Spider-Man 2099, who is to feature prominently in the upcoming Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse And the character's co-creator Peter David has written a comic book spinoff that Marvel will be publishing in August, as part of his run of past-set Symbiote-linked stories, Symbiote Spider-Man 2099.
However, Peter David[...]
Ah, Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #2, hitting stands on Wednesday, May 10th It's got everything: flaming cities, zombie hunting "futuristic" Blades, and of course, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Because nothing screams "innovative storytelling" like mashing together classic heroes into a dark future landscape And who's gonna save poor old Nueva York from Carnage? Enter Blade[...]
Ah, it's that time again when I, your esteemed comic book "journalist," Jude Terror, bring you a preview of another gem of literature: Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #1 Chances are, come May 3rd, we'll all swarm like ants to a dying sugar cube for this one Because if there's any hero the world desperately needs[...]
From Marvel Comics, we have the full May 2023 solicits and solicitations, including new launch titles for Avengers, Fury, Groot, Edge Of Spider-Verse, Silk, Spider-Man 2099, Carnage Reigns, Extreme Venomverse, Storm, Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin, Danny Ketch Ghost Rider, Daredevil & Echo, Cult Of Carnage, Hulk Annual, Son Of X and Star Wars: Return Of[...]
Steve Orlando and Justin Mason are following up Spider-Man: 2099 Exodus with Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis Are we going to have Spider-Man 2099: Deuteronomy next? Sorry, silly me I'll stop it now Anyway, Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis is to be a weekly series running for five issues in May.
Together, they'll shatter expectations with the most bombastic[...]
Norman Osborn upgrades his Goblin persona in this preview of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Omega #1 Check out the preview below.
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Omega #1
by Steve Orlando & Paul Fry, cover by Leinil Yu
THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF 2099 REACHES ITS EXPLOSIVE CONCLUSION! The final battle for the Celestial Garden begins! Spider-Man vs Norman Osborn! The X-Men[...]
In this preview of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #4, a hundred-year-old Black Widow is headed for a battle with Hawkeye Check out the preview below.
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #4
by Steve Orlando & Alessandro Miracolo, cover by Ryan Stegman
CAUGHT IN THE BLACK WIDOW 2099'S WEB! Without the BLACK CARDS that make them above the law, the CABAL are[...]
In this preview of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #3, we learn that not much has changed in eight decades when it comes to the permanence of death in comics Check out the preview below.
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #3
by Steve Orlando & Ze Carlos, cover by Ryan Stegman
Something crashes into the Wastelands in this preview of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Alpha #1… but it can't get any worse there, can it? What if we told you a dead Celestial fallout of space would be the best thing to happen to the place in years? Check out the preview below.
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Alpha #1
Spider-Man 2099 returns for the 30th anniversary of the original 2099 event, including Loki 2099, Winter Solider 2099, Ghost Rider 2099, X-Men 2099, and Avengers 2099 for Spider-Man 2099: Exodus You know, in 2099, Marvel will probably actually still be around, and they'll have to figure out just what they are going to do… here's[...]
In 1992, Marvel launched the Marvel 2099 line featuring familiar Marvel characters reimagined for a dystopian future Marvel Universe in which America was controlled by oligarchs and their corrupt corporations. Spider-Man 2099 was the most successful title of the line, featuring the character Miguel O'Hara, an Irish-Mexican geneticist who attempted to duplicate the original Spider-Man's[...]
In 1992, Marvel launched the Marvel 2099 line featuring familiar Marvel characters reimagined for a dystopian future Marvel Universe in which America was controlled by oligarchs and their corrupt corporations. Spider-Man 2099 was the most successful title of the line, featuring the character Miguel O'Hara, an Irish-Mexican geneticist who attempted to duplicate the original Spider-Man's[...]
Coming out of the future is a fan-favorite Marvel Comics spider hero with Spider-Man 2099 Created in 1992, geneticist Miguel O'Hara obtained the power of Spider-Man through an accidental lab experiment This power changes his life and beginning the new age of heroes in the year 2099, which lasted 46 issues for his first volume[...]
Finger crossed for all of these to come and I can not wait to see Spider-Man 2099 in action Stay up to date with all of the newest Mezco releases right here like the new The Joker: Gotham by Gaslight One:12 figure I would at least expect most of these to come out later 2021[...]