Vanadia was a fan of the Titans who was twisted and turned by Amanda Waller during Absolute Power into a cyborg, sent to fight the Titans believing she was protecting them
Titans #11
Eventually, she was snapped out of it.
Titans #11
But no one told Raven Or if they did, it was the Raven possessed by the demon[...]
Titans Archives
The Titans have left the Justice League Watchtower for their own Titans Tunnels And in this week's Titans #19 by John Layman and Serg Acuna, not everyone is taking living so far underground quite so well.
Titans #19 by John Layman and Serg Acuna,
That's not going to be good, is it? But Vic Stone is not[...]
Today sees the publication of The Question: All Along The Watchtower #2, Challengers of The Unknown #1, Titans and Nightwing The first sees The Bulleteer, as a new member of the vastly expansive Justice League, but taking on a minor role Created by Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette for the Seven Soldiers in 2005, she[...]
Today gives us a new issue of Titans #16 kicking off DC All-In, and set on the Justice League Watchtower (seemingly popping up in every DC comic book right now) and a new issue of Nightwing #118, ending the pre-All-In run on the titles and setting up Dick Grayson's future But first, Wally West has[...]
The current Titans run has seen Raven's gem demon removed from her, used as a pawn by Amanda Waller and as a trading position with her father, Trigon Returning to the gem, only saw the demon, now known as the Dark Winged Queen, possess Raven entirely But in Titans #15, out today from Tom Taylor[...]
Today, LOLtron brings you a preview of Titans #15, hitting stores on Wednesday, September 25th Behold, the synopsis:
THE DARK WINGED QUEEN IS RISING AND THE DCU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! A major death will shake the DCU There is no stopping it Dark destiny is coming, and countless worlds shake with fear The Dark[...]
Spoilers for tomorrow's Superman #17 and for Titans #14 while we are at it Because the solicits for Superman's Absolute Power crossover promised a Superman/Zatanna team-up but that "powerless and without magic, are they willing to make a deal with a devil to save the world?" And indeed it seems that they may be First,[...]
Today, we turn our attention to Titans #14, hitting stores on Wednesday, August 21st Behold, the synopsis:
TRIGON IS COMING! The threat from hell threatens to destroy the entire world Can our heroes and Swamp Thing save the planet? Is Raven lost forever? Will it be Titans together or Titans torn apart?
Ah, another delightful tale of[...]
Chew and Outer Darkness co-creator and Batman Eternal, Detective Comics, Scorched and Gambit writer John Layman and Cops For Criminals and Cryptocracy co-creator and Robin, Action Comics and Legion Lost artist Pete Woods are the new creators on Titans from #16 out in October Taking over from Tom Taylor's run with Lucas Meyer, as part[...]
And no one inclined to believe anyone about anything, Nightwing taps into an experience running through much of the world right now.
And as he shows in this week's Titans #13, there's a lot of that about right now.
There is one way he could save himself, but the dominos that would fall might threaten anyone with[...]
Spoilers! But today sees the publication of Wonder Woman #10, Batman #149, Titans #12 and Nightwing #115 And there is plenty of discussion regarding the role of a sidekick within them all As Bruce Wayne talks to the Young Bruce clone that Zur-En-Arrh created whi has been posing as a new Robin on the streets[...]
This week sees the publication of Superman #14 as part of the House Of Braniac story, but also Titans #11, and all contributing towards what will be Absolute Power So we get a glimpse from Lex Luthor about what drives Brainiac.
Creating his own Bride Of Frankenstein, with Lex Luthor as his Victor.
But he's not the[...]
1 – December 10, 2024
by Marv Wolfman, Steve Erwin
Marv Wolfman returns to one of his most famous creations—now the star of his own stories—in this omnibus collection of the fan-favorite '90s classic! In 1980, comics legends Marv Wolfman and George Pérez introduced Deathstroke the Terminator in the seminal pages of The New Teen Titans—and the[...]
Well, in the solicits for Titans #11, also in DC Comics' May 2024 solicits and solicitations, it reads "after a literal deal with the devil, Waller turns things up a notch!" We presumed that the devil was Amanda Waller Maybe she's not the literal one Titans #9 by Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer, out tomorrow, reveals all.
Because Trigon[...]
This Tuesday sees the publication of Titans #9 by Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer and Nightwing #112 by Tom Taylor, Michael W Conrad, Sami Basri and Francesco Francavilla And both look at the impact of the Beast World event on Beast Boy, who took in the role of a Star Beast to defeat a Starro,[...]
The full DC solicits and solicitations for June 2024 will be published later, but here are the solicits for Suicide Squad #4, Wonder Woman #10, Superman #15, Action Comics #1065, Green Arrow #13 and Titans #12.
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Well, in the solicits for Titans #11, also in DC Comics' May 2024 solicits and solicitations, it reads "after a literal deal with the devil, Waller turns things up a notch!" While in Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3, we are told "No one just gets out from under the thumb of Amanda Waller, and it's[...]
We can presume the Bureau Of Sovereignty is part of his plan.
Wonder Woman #4
And it seems that Amanda Waller, now stepping into the public eye, has taken whatever powers of the President remain.
Beast World #5
And using them to commit genocide against a million people transformerd into animalistic monsters by the transformed Beast Boy.
Beast World #5
In the solicitations for upcoming issues of Titans #9, they ask, "Can the Titans battle misinformation and fight for a world that hates them? All while the greatest threat to the team may be within their own ranks?" Well, that got me wondering We'd already surmised as to who the identity of Amanda Waller's supernatural[...]
She had been handed Presidential power as part of The Bureau Of Sovereignty (and yes, that does seem to tie in with The Sovereign over in Wonder Woman) to deal with the Beast World, and in tomorrow's Beast World, #4 has taken it.
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They began last week, but we now have a better look, across the line at DC Comics' new corner boxes logos, that delineate between the different "groups" of titles… Some are clear and expected, Batman, Superman, Titans and the like While Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Birds Of Prey and Harley Quinn come within the Bat symbol,[...]
And something that seems very personal to the Teen Titans Beast World emphasised the love between Beast Boy and Raven, something underlined repeatedly, and motivation for much of Raven's actions against Amanda Waller.
So, given that Beast Boy recognises Doctor Hate, might this be linked? Today's Beast World #4 by Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer sees[...]
Spoilers ahead! Because there are two proper Beast World comic books this week, Titans #6 and Beast World #3 But The Flash #4 also wants to get a bit of the action The event that has seen Beast Boy turn into Garro, a Star Conquerer, in defence against a Necrostar, has also seen the world[...]
A few Batman sneak peeks ahead of Beast World #2, Beast World Tour Gotham #1, World's Finest Teen Titans #6 and a comic that DC Comics almost published 35 years ago Because this week, DC Comics is publishing a facsimile edition of a comic book that never existed The version of Batman #428 from 1988[...]
I also understand that an upcoming issue of the Titans: Beast World crossover event comic, it will reveal that Dr Jill Biden has been turned into a humanoid otter and attacking Secret Service staff Just as Amanda Waller is pressurising him to enact emergency legislation that, potentially, may see all political power turned over to[...]
This week sees the first issue of Titans: Beast World #1 You may have already read some Bleeding Cool gossip about that But what will follow? Well, this is what the intro to all the Beast World tie-ins will read: "The world has gone wild! After assuming the form of a Star Conqueror to save[...]
DC Comics promoted the upcoming Titans event Beast World, thus:
"As conqueror like Starro, but one that is far more frightening Superman, Wonder Woman, Starfire—all are powerless to stop The Necrostar from ending all life on Earth And the only Super Hero who can save the world is…Beast Boy?! With Nightwing, Raven, Cyborg and the Titans[...]
The new Swamp Thing invented for DC Comics' 5G, and getting his own series for DC Rebirth, comes to Titans #5 this week And Levi Kami, current Avatar of the Green, discovers that his presence under Starfire's touch has quite the transformation.
Swamp Thing is not the only one undergoing a transformation With the Beast World[...]
Also, someone's about to have a…sing-off? The breakaway hit continues!
Written by TOM TAYLOR
Cover by DAN MORA
Variant covers by TAURIN CLARKE and TIRSO CONS
1:25 variant cover by RICARDO LOPEZ ORTIZ
Sweater Weather variant cover by DAN MORA
Black History Month variant cover by NIKOLAS DRAPER-IVY
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card[...]
There was a lead up at the end of Knight Terrors…
Knight Terrors: Night's End
…but what about everything else that happened, an Amazon extraction force modelled on I.C.E., the deportation of Amazons from the USA, with no safe haven in Canada, will the rest of the DC Universe reflect that? Well, this week's Tales Of The[...]