wonder woman Archives

Tom King & Daniel Sampere Relaunch Wonder Woman #1 for Dawn of DC
Just as The Flash #1 is relaunching in September for Dawn of DC, so Wonder Woman #1, from Tom King, Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Moray, will also be relaunching in September (or July, DC isn't too sure it seems) "After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, the U.S Congress passes The Amazon Safety[...]
wonder woman
Yesterday, we reported on how DC Studios co-head James Gunn reassured Wonder Woman fans that he & Peter Safran's DCU definitely has a place for her in it, and that more news would be arriving sooner rather than later But for now, the fans have the satisfaction of knowing that they'll be learning a lot more[...]
BCTV Daily Dispatch
Our line-up for this morning includes Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Charisma Carpenter sharing a look back to the '90s con scene, DC Studios' James Gunn reassuring Wonder Woman fans, NBC's The Blacklist releasing preview images for the final season-opener, John Cleese "apologizing" for his upcoming Fawlty Towers sequel series, Netflix's Ozark showrunner Chris Mundy[...]
wonder woman
How old are they going to be? Who's going to be playing them? How different will the DCU Batman be from Matt Reeves' take? When is Reeves starting up on The Batman Part 2? How's Gunn doing with his Superman: Legacy script? But there's been one name that's been painfully missing-in-action in all of this…[...]
Interior preview page from Wonder Woman #796
Greetings, comic book fans! This week I'm here to bring you a preview of Wonder Woman #796 Eros has a lot of trouble getting over a breakup in this preview, and has anyone considered giving him some ice cream? Joining me this week is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron I've been asked to get[...]
The Wonder Woman God Killer Sword Arrives from Factory Entertainment
The DCEU might be changing, but some of those films will still always stand out to DC Comics fans like Wonder Woman The film took us back to WWI and captured some incredible fights and sequences of the Princess in action Factory Entertainment was one of the few companies that brought fans some replicas from[...]
Sean Murphy's World's Finest: White Knight Does The Justice League
But what about what Murphy will be doing himself? He will be taking the Murphyverse beyond the Batbooks… "After that, I plan to write/draw the next big volume, World's Finest: White Knight! Not only will we address Superman and Wonder Woman, but the rest of the Justice League as well I won't spoil too much, but[...]
The lineup included the animated Creature Commandos, the Amanda Waller (Viola Davis)-focused Waller, the Green Lantern series Lanterns, the Wonder Woman prequel series Paradise Lost, and a Booster Gold series And let's not forget what Matt Reeves has going on in his "Elseworlds" The Batman universe with the Colin Farrell-starring Penguin as well as an[...]
And holy s**t does it! The lineup included the animated Creature Commandos, the Amanda Waller (Viola Davis)-focused Waller, the Green Lantern series Lanterns, the Wonder Woman prequel series Paradise Lost, and a Booster Gold series And let's not forget what Matt Reeves has going on in his "Elseworlds" The Batman universe with the Colin Farrell-starring[...]
We're looking at the animated Creature Commandos, the Amanda Waller (Viola Davis)-focused Waller, the Green Lantern series Lanterns, the Wonder Woman prequel series Paradise Lost, and a Booster Gold series But we also learned that the second season of the John Cena-starring Peacemaker is on hold and that Greg Berlanti's "Green Lantern" series is no[...]
Diana & The Hero's Journey from Grace Ellis & Penelope Gaylord
And later this year, returning to DC Comics with Penelope Rivera Gaylord for a new graphic novel featuring the young Wonder Woman, Diana And The Hero's Journey out in October 2023. Penelope Rivera Gaylord, also known as Peng Peng, is best known as an inker on titles such as Fanboys Vs Zombies, Bill & Ted and Loki:[...]
Interior preview page from Wonder Woman #795
Welcome to this week's preview of Wonder Woman #795! In this issue, Eros is having a difficult time trying to convince Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl to turn to the dark side We've got a team of experienced comic book "journalists" here at Bleeding Cool to analyze this preview, including myself and our AI writing[...]
BCTV Daily Dispatch
Our line-up for this morning includes Stephen Amell returning as Arrow hero Oliver Queen for The CW's The Flash Season 9, James Gunn debunking reports that Wonder Woman isn't a DC Studios priority, NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom 17 bringing the debut of "The CEO" Mercedes Moné, HBO's The Last of Us EPs explaining why the series[...]
wonder woman
Bleeding Cool covered some of those issues earlier tonight in a series of posts, but there was one claim that got our eyebrows arching because it was the first time we had heard it: "As 2023 kicks off, DC bosses Gunn and Safran continue to sift through the rubble and will soon reveal their three-year[...]
Who Has A Place At The New DC Table? New Rumblings Emerge
So far, we know that Wonder Woman 3 is not happening, and Dwayne Johnson's powerplay via Black Adam did not go according to plan Where does that leave us? With a lot of questions and some unknowns still left on the table. Roundtable by ASDF_MEDIA / Shutterstock.com | DC Images © 2017-2022 Warner Bros[...]
Interior preview page from Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #3
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's preview of Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #3, the series finale! Read a series finale preview of Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #3 and find out how the future of the Wonder Woman Historia universe will never be the same! Joining me on this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant,[...]
The Flash Director Andy Muschietti Teases "Something Big" For Saturday
When it was announced that Wonder Woman 3 wasn't happening and that Henry Cavill wasn't returning as Superman, it sounded like Warner Bros Discovery and DC were working on closing the book on this era of the DC Universe, save for some exceptions So, you have to wonder what the future might hold for Shazam: Fury[...]
Sensation Comics #1 (DC Comics, 1942).
Even without being Wonder Woman's first appearance, Sensation Comics #1 is undeniably a major Golden Age comic book key.  Hitting the newsstands just two weeks after the character's first appearance and origin in All-Star Comics #8, Sensation Comics #1 features iconic and now-famous Wonder Woman artwork by H.G Peter on its cover, and much more. [...]
Interior preview page from Wonder Woman #794
It's time for the weekly comic book preview here at Bleeding Cool and this week we're checking out Wonder Woman #794 A battle at the evil milk factor goes badly for Diana's team in this preview of Wonder Woman #794, in stores Tuesday from DC And, of course, we've got Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant,[...]
Patty Jenkins Talks the Original Ending of Wonder Woman
The latest casualty is Wonder Woman 3, which was to be Patty Jenkins' third film in the franchise with star Gal Gadot, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, the sequel project in its current form has been halted. Copyright: © 2020 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc All Rights Reserved Photo Credit: Clay Enos/ ™ & © DC[...]
Darwyn Cooke's Wonder Woman in the Daily LITG, 5th December 2022
You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. Darwyn Cooke's Wonder Woman in the Daily LITG, 5th December 2022 LITG: Darwyn Cooke's Wonder Woman Darwyn Cooke Threatened To Quit New Frontier Than Change Wonder Woman Justice U: Ramsey Offers Update; Teases Green Lantern "Long Story"  Can DC Comics Stop Killing Off Batman? (BatSpoilers) Tom Brevoort Says Miracleman "With[...]
Darwyn Cooke Threatened To Quit New Frontier Than Change Wonder Woman
Comic book creator Kendall Goode tweeted put an observation of the portrayal of Wonder Woman in the late Darwyn Cooke's New Frontier comic book series, saying "It's too bad the look of Darwyn Cooke's Wonder Woman isn't more common Not a bodybuilder, more of a powerlifter And bigger than Superman." Former DC Comics editor Valerie D'Orazio[...]
DC's Lazarus Planet Checklist Already Out Of Date
And today, DC Comics has totally upended that, running  a new checklist that continues beyond Lazarus Planet: Omega into March and April 2023 with Wonder Woman ahead of her 800th issue in June, and a new four issue mini-series in Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods from G Willow Wilson and Cian Tormey. "I'm excited for[...]
Scientific American, December 18, 1915 featuring an invisible airplane.
This feature seems to be the root inspiration for much discussion about the possibilities for "invisible planes" during WWII when it was rediscovered by the media in 1941, likely even helping to inspire Wonder Woman's invisible plane in Sensation Comics #1. The Issue is a column about vintage comics and other vintage periodicals from throughout world[...]
Interior preview page from Wonder Woman #792
Cheetah is in desperate need of some catnip in this preview of Wonder Woman #792, but she gets the crap beaten out of her by Wonder Woman instead Check out the preview below. WONDER WOMAN #792 DC Comics 0822DC215 0822DC216 – Wonder Woman #792 Joelle Jones Cover – $5.99 0822DC217 – Wonder Woman #792 Lucio Parrillo Cover – $5.99 (W) Becky[...]
Famous Funnies #81 featuring Invisible Scarlet O'Neil (Eastern Color, 1941)
Peter, who would soon co-create Wonder Woman According to researchers, as World War II progressed the character was also used in some contexts in response to publisher directives from the Office of War Information to promote the role of American women in efforts in support of the war.  The comic book debut of an incredibly[...]
Wonder Woman #200 (DC, 1972)
Wonder Woman 70's covers are some of the coolest that DC Comics have I have always loved that version of the WW logo on those covers, it feels so 1970s and makes it feel almost like a horror book in some cases Issue #200 is one of the infamous "bondage" covers that have graced comic[...]
Interior preview page from Wonder Woman #791
Hippolyta reveals to Wonder Woman the true culprit behind her murder in this preview of Wonder Woman #791: Hippolyta?! Check out the preview below. WONDER WOMAN #791 DC Comics 0722DC211 0722DC212 – Wonder Woman #791 Paul Pope Cover – $5.99 0722DC213 – Wonder Woman #791 Guillem March Cover – $5.99 (W) Becky Cloonan, Michael W Conrad, Jordie Bellaire (A) Marguerite Sauvage,[...]
Yara Flor, Wonder Girl Revealed As Being Interested In Men (Spoilers)
Yara Flor, the current Wonder Girl and future Wonder Woman, has a different legacy Daughter of an Amazon and a Brazilian river god, she grows up in Brazil, unaware of her Amazon heritage Some have asked about her sexuality, as she featured on a DC Pride variant cover last year; WONDER GIRL #2 (2021) Of course, we[...]