Graham Nolan asks people to buy DC Comics' Absolute Batman by Scott Snyder and Nick Dragotta aftewwr Absolute Bane breakout
Batman Archives
The Truth behind Inferno and The Legion of Doom revealed for Justice League Unlimited and Wer Are Yesterday (Spoilers)
Will Batman and The Joker betray former Robin, Jason Todd, in Hush 2? Batman #158 and Batman #159 Spoilers...
Bane co-creator Graham Nolan comes out against Nick Dragotta's design of Absolute Bane as seen in Absolute Batman #9
Silence Vs Joker in Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb's Batman #158: Hush 2, out tomorrow (or today in some places) Spoilers
Previously on Bleeding Cool, we got the note for Justice League Unlimited #8 in June will be kicking off the new event crossover...
Monster Week For Comic Shops With Absolute, Ultimate, Batman Hush 2, Jonathan Hickman, Jim Lee, Greg Capullo, James Gunn, Patton Oswalt...
Absolute Batman Is Big... But Absolute Bane Is Bigger.... a look around the DC Absolute Universe in June 2025 solicits (Spoilers)
The Full DC Comics June 2025 solicits and solicitations, more than just Batman. But right now, not too much more.
Mark Waid's We Are Yesterday crossover will set up the next major DC Comics event for the DC Universe... of course it will.
Now all issues of Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb's Batman: Hush 2 will get Giant-Size Special Editions at 11" x 17"
The Question Gets A Dog in The Question: All Along The Watchtower #5 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey (Spoilers)
The Absolute Joker of Absolute Batman is something else entirely... and may need quite the explanation (Big Honking BatSpoilers)
Marvel's Gozilla Vs Avengers #1 Versus DC Comics' Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs Kong 2 #1, both out in June 2025
How much is Martha Wayne worth dead? And who else is Bruce Wayne telling his secret to? Absolute Batman #6 Spoilers
So just how "meta" is Batman #158: Hush 2 by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee? Bleeding Cool digs in.... (BatSpoilers)
Clover Press to publish The DC Art Of series, starting with Jorge Jiménez, on Kickstarter
Absolute Batman gets sixth printings, Absolute Wonder Woman gets fifth printings, Absolute Superman gets fourth printings and more...
DC changes format of DC Pride for 5th Anniversary with Tim Sheridan, Vita Ayala, Josh Trujillo, Skylar Patridge, AL Kaplan, Max Sarin and more
Scott Snyder, on how the Absolute Universe Crossover for later this year will be all about the art of losing.
Scott Snyder's plans for Absolute Batman, Absolute Dick Grayson and The Absolute Joker for DC Comics to come... (Spoilers)
More DC Absolute Comics to come in 2025 by Che Grayson and Pornsak Pichetshote, confirmed by Scott Snyder on YouTube
Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb get 400,000 orders for for the first chapter of Hush 2, to be published in Batman #158 from DC Comics
Absolute Wonder Woman #5 just beats Ultimate Spider-Man #14 to top the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List
Comic Stores can sell Jim Lee's and Jeph Loeb's first chapter of Batman Hush 2, Batman #158 early, at 6.08 PM local time
DC Universe Infinite Ultra Adds a Monthly price level at $12.99 as Absolute Batman, Absolute Superman and Absolute Wonder Woman join DC Go
Batman Getting His New Strength From... Damian Wayne? (Detective Comics #1094 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin Spoilers)
Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner sailed out on Comic-Con: The Cruise, and gave us the view from Artists' Alley
Yanick Paquette is here to teach you how to be a better comic book artist, for free, over on his Substack feed
The Silence comes to The Joker in Batman: Hush 2 by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee from DC Comics