The Dawn of DC Primer 2023 Special Edition will be available for free at comics shops on the 16th of May, with a new story Josh Williamson and Leandro Fernandez,
Justice League Archives
Welcome to the DC Comics July 2023 solicits and solicitations, not yet released in full, so we have Frankensteined together what is available to us right now.
This is what we know about Knight Terrors by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, Guillem March, Chris Bachalo, and more.
DC Comics solicitations for June 2023 drop for Batman and more, but we are left wondering - why is DC charging $4.99 for the Superman monthly comic?
DC Comics has further delayed upcoming copies of the Justice Society of America comic book series by Geoff Johns and Mikel Janin.
DC Comics has announced a horror event crossover Knight Terrors, by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, Guillem March, Chris Bachalo and more.
DC Comics has launches their May 2023 solicits, including Brave And The Bold, Spirit World, City Boy, The Vigil, Cybortg and Batman #900.
As Sean Murphy says "we'll tackle all your Favorite characters in the typical White Knight tradition: small, unique twists on classic characters"
Sean Murphy and his Murphyverse of White Knight comics are to take on the rest of the DC Universe in White Knight: World's Finest featuring the Justice League, later in 2023.
DC is bringing back Justice League later this year as part of Dawn Of DC. All it needs is a little... exposure.
The new Justice Society Of America has introduced a bunch of new DC Comics characters to the 1940s - and the present day.
DC Comics launches a new Green Arrow and Superboy as part of their Dawn Of DC relaunch... will these stick? Full solicits below.
Once upon a time, DC Comics planned for Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent's death as part of 5G... and this is how it would have happened.
This is what DC Comics originally planned for the Superman and atman titles - indeed, every title - for 2024, when they were still doing 5G.
The 5G Files continue, looking at DC's original plans for the Superman and Batman books in 2023, and how they differ from today.
5G did away with the Justice League. In its place would have been a Justice Alliance. More from the 5G Files on Bleeding Cool.
Changing Of The Guard would have followed Death Metal: Dark Crisis for DC Comics' 5G, with Jon Kent, Yara Flor and Luke Fox taking over.
Superman's secret identity reveal would have had far more disasterous effects for the Justice League if 5G had happened ast DC Comics planned.
It's always fun to find names and addresses used to credit the original creator of a character - or even just a gag, And that's what Tom King does.
Tom King returns to the One Punch Justice League International meme in Human Target #10 he returns to the classic., and he's bringing friends.
Lazarus Planet Alpha hits tomorrow from DC Comics, and it's not just new superheroes that are being created by this thing...
Bleeding Cool gets a look at the global map showing how the Lazarus Planet event will affect the DC Comics Earth.
This month saw Spawn and Batman crossover in the Spawn/Batman title from Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo from DC Comics. But for the same month, given the
Over a month ago, Bleeding Cool ran some rumours regarding how Superman's Clark Kent and Jon Kent would be getting their secret identities as Superman
Here are the full creative teams for the upcoming DC's Harley Quinn Romances, out on the 31st of January 2023... including who will doing the hooking up.
More Dark Crisis spoilery gossip reaches Bleeding Cool towers regarding the state of the DC Comics Universe in 2023 with the new Dawn Of DC initiative.
DC Comics has released their March 2023 solicits and solicitations one week ahead of Marvel Comics doing the dame (though we did get a partial list
More DC Comics spoilery gossip reaches Bleeding Cool towers regarding the state of the DC Comics Universe in 2023 with the new Dawn Of DC initiative. And
DC Comics is to offer three Free Comic Book Day titles for 2023, on top of the 44 titles already announced through Diamond Comic Distributors. 1. Dawn of
In Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #5, Damian Wayne had a plan to use Doctor Light to save the Omniverse. He's come a long way, has he not? Today sees the