Rebellion Development announced today that they will be bringing Evil Genius 2: World Domination over to consoles next month.
Rebellion Archives
Rebellion Developments dropped a bunch of info this morning about Season 3 of Zombie Army 4: Dead War, specifically for new DLC packs.
Rebellion Developments has released a new update for Evil Genius 2 with an amazing technological crossover from the world of Portal.
Rebellion Developments and Rebellion VFX have released a brand new animated Zombie Army short telling a new tale in the franchise.
Good news for Xbox and PlayStation owners looking to play Evil Genius 2 as the game is set to be released for both in Q4 2021.
Rebellion Developments has released a new Sniper Elite 4 update that has enhanced the game for next-gen consoles.
Rebellion Developments revealed two new packs on the way ot Evil Genius 2, as players will be getting the Pyro & Doomhilda henchmen.
Rebellion Developments revealed a new Season Three drop for Zombie Army 4 this week as you can now play as a few Left 4 Dead characters.
Rebellion Developments has officially launched Season 3 of Zombie Army 4, and with it comes a brand new mission for you to tackle.
Rebellion Developments has released the first DLC pack for Evil Genius 2: World Domination as players can join The Cabal Pact.
Rebellion Developments drops a couple of tidbits today on Evil Genius 2 with post-launch plans and a new cinematic trailer.
Rebellion Developments released a new extended gameplay video this week for Evil genius 2, showing off more of what you can do.
Rebellion Developments officially revealed the release date for Evil Genius 2: World Domination this week.
Rebellion Developments have released the last DLC of Season 2 for Zombie Army 4 with the amazing Dead Zeppelin storyline.
Rebellion Developments has released a new gameplay trailer this week for Evil Genius 2 showing off the evil intentions of Red Ivan.
Rebellion Developments hyped the fact that Sniper Elite 4 has officially made its way onto Google Stadia this week for people to enjoy.
Rebellion Developments revealed brand new content for Season Two of Zombie Army 4 today as we head to Damnation Valley.
In the midst of a pandemic, Rebellion Developments rallied together a bunch of people to check out a preview of Evil Genius 2: World Domination.
This week, U.K. developer Rebellion revealed that they would be bringing the 2017 action title Sniper Elite 4 to the Nintendo Switch.
The PC Gaming Show showcased Evil Genius 2: World Domination, a strategic simulation game developed and published by Rebellion.
Rebellion and Google announced today that Zombie Army 4: Dead War will be headed to Stadia in the near future.
Rebellion has released a new campaign mission into Zombie Army 4 this week, as you'll dive into the deep secrets of the Terror Lab.
Rebellion announced this morning that Zombie Army Trilogy will be making its glorious and bloody presence known on Nintendo Switch. The game will come
With Rebellion on the verge of releasing Zombie Army 4: Dead War, the developers have now released details as to what content is coming in Season One.
Rebellion decided to give you a proper lesson in what's happening in Zombie Army 4: Dead War by giving you a "101 Trailer" to check out.
Rebellion Developments announced this week that the Nintendo Switch will be getting, as a complete set, the Zombie Army Trilogy.
Rebellion officially announced today that Zombie Army 4: Dead War would be released on Pc, Xbox One and PS4 on February 4th, 2020.
Rebellion Developments announced today that they would be bringing Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition to the Nintendo Switch this October.
Everybody's got a price, and apparently, Epic Games was able to find the amount Rebellion Developments needed to make Zombie Army 4: Dead War exclusive.
Rebellion came to E3 2019 with one major game to show off to everyone, as they threw us head-first into a demo of Zombie Army 4: Dead War.