miracleman Archives

Mark Buckingham Redraws Miracleman Apocrypha For Miracleman #0
Picking up Miracleman #0 today, I had a massive sense of deja vu when reading it, even though this was a brand-new comic The last time this happened to me was reading a Warren Ellis Marvel comic reworking a rejected comic, the script he has previously posted online. Miracleman #0 is meant to be a new[...]
Interior preview page from MIRACLEMAN #0 ALAN DAVIS COVER
New Miracleman is finally coming in this preview of Miracleman #0 Now we get to find out if anyone really still cares Check out the preview below. Miracleman #0 by Neil Gaiman & Marvel Various & Mark Buckingham, cover by Alan Davis Forty years ago, Miracleman's modern era began and changed the world of comics as we know[...]
Full Marvel Comics October 2022 Solicits & Solicitations
Miracleman is back for Marvel Comics' October 2022 solicits and solicitations… honestly., they really, really mean it this time Neil Gaiman promises Mark Buckingham too Let's all just keep our fingers crossed for the next three months and see. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /*[...]
Marvel To Republish & Finish Miracleman: The Silver Age From October
It was first published by Eclipse Comics as Miracleman #23, the first issue of Miracleman: The Silver Age by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham in 1992 Ten years after the successful revival of the character as Marvelman in Warrior Magazine Only one more issue was published before Eclipse went bankrupt. After republishing the Alan Moore/Garry Leach/Alan[...]
Miracleman From Aaron, Carey, Templeton, Stegman, Gaiman & Buckingham
Marvel Comics is publishing a brand new Miracleman #0 in October ahead of the returning series by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham And this will include a brand new prelude to their Silver Age story will be reprinted and completed in the new series Miracleman #0 will also contain new Miracleman stories by Jason Aaron,[...]
New Miracleman by Neil Gaiman & Mark Buckingham In September/October?
And now, for September, Marvel Comics has announced a brace of Miracleman variant covers across Marvel titles for September 2022 This suggests the long-promised The Silver Age by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham will be republished by Marvel, continued and concluded through the end of 2022 and into 2023 And then, maybe, you never know,[...]
Auto Draft
Garry Leach, co-creator of the modern-day Miracleman, died a month ago, at the age of 67 On Sunday, the 29th of March, one of his favourite comic book stores, Gosh Comics, based in Soho, London, for whom he designed their original logo, will be hosting his estate sale Gosh Comics states; A voracious comics fan, over[...]
The Man Who Brought Back Marvelman, Garry Leach, Has Died Aged 67
Zuiker, the creator of the popular TV franchise CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Photo by Steve Cook Throughout this, he would never escape the gravity of Marvelman and Miracleman, and found himself dragged into the legal mire on one or two occasions, and also recreated his original cover a number of times for commissions – one of which[...]
Marvel To Publish Miracleman: The Golden Age, Still With No New Stuff
Ahead of Marvel Comics finally publishing new Miracleman stories by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham at some point in 2022, Marvel will be publishing new printings of Miracleman: Golden Age, originally published in 1990, and now back to print for October The story follows Alan Moore's conclusion his run He picked Neil Gaiman to follow him,[...]
PrintWatch: We mentioned a third printing of Timeless #1 with Mark Buckingham drawing Miracleman, but we also have second printings for a number of books coming through Marvel Black Panther #3, Conan #1 Facsimile Edition, Devil's Reign #3, Marauders Annual #1, Daredevil: The Woman Without Fear #1, Moon Knight #7, She-Hulk #1, Silver Surfer Rebirth[...]
When will Marvel Comics publish new Miracleman drawn by Mark Buckingham? The answer is sooner than we thought – the 9th of March Because Mark Buckingham had drawn the cover for the third printing of Timeless #1, the comic book that teased the return of Miracleman on its final page, as the Marvel 2022 Calendar[...]
PrintWatch: Miracleman, Punisher, Hulk, Venom, Black Bags, Last Ronin
Just the nice normal cover for this one. PrintWatch: While Marvel Comics has second printings for Timeless – with a New Punisher cover, a 1:25 Miracleman variant second printing, a 1:50 Miss Minutes cover, as well as second printings for Hulk #2, Venom #3, Moon Knight #6 and fourth printings for the Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus Vol[...]
Marvel Comics To Publish Entire Alan Moore Miracleman In Omnibus
Not only is Marvel going to continue and conclude the Neil Gaiman/Mark Buckingham Miracleman run in 2022, for the fortieth anniversary of the revival in Warrior Magazine, and integrate Miracleman into the Marvel Universe in one form or another (probably with Donny Cates) But they are also going to collect the entire Alan Moore/Garry Leach/Alan[...]
Marvel's Miracleman Plans For 2022
Bleeding Cool gets the word that Mark Buckingham has completed four new issues of Miracleman, written by Neil Gaiman, taking them up to the conclusion of the Miracleman: The Silver Age storyline and beyond into Miracleman: The Dark Age And that is why Marvel Comics are confident enough to begin republication of the series in[...]
The Biggest Reveal In Marvel Comics' Timeless #1 (Spoilers)
And, as Timeless #1 reveals, Marvel Comics will be publishing Miracleman again in 2022 With the Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham stories, finishing off The Silver Age before the final The Dark Age book that has been promised for thirty of those forty years. Timeless #1 final page Boom And also from the Marvel Comics 2022 calendar. Marvel[...]
When Tom Yeates Drew Miracleman #16, Uncredited
Miracleman – or Marvelman – remains one of the most noteworthy superhero comic of all time, even if Marvel's attempts to finish the Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham run thirty years on, have run into some new legal issues it seems Well, how about adding another to the Alan Moore/John Totleben run? It turns out[...]
Donny Cates Bought Miracleman #1 Cover From
Donny Cates Watch! Yesterday, Bleeding Cool "reported" that Donny Cates has tweeted out his latest acquisition at New York Comic Con, saying "I might have just f-cked around and bought the original art to MIRACLEMAN #1" adding "I almost had a heart attack when I saw it for sale." Donny Cates Didn't Buy Miracleman #1 Cover[...]
Donny Cates Bought Miracleman #1 Cover From
He tweeted his latest acquisition, saying "I might have just f-cked around and bought the original art to MIRACLEMAN #1." Donny Cates Bought Miracleman #1 Cover Bryan Hitch replied "Ah Garry Leach Wonderful piece."  Donny Cates confirmed "Isn't it? I almost had a heart attack when I saw it for sale." Bryan Hitch added, "Had a big[...]
Dave McKean/Neil Gaiman Miracleman & Mr Punch Original Art at Auction
The star will have to be the cover to Miracleman #20 and a page from their graphic novel, Mister Punch Expect these to go for quite a pretty penny later today as they go under the hammer. MIRACLEMAN #20 Cover Dave McKean art; cover; 1991; image size 20" x 31" beautiful mixed media cover from Neil Gaiman's[...]
The Politics of Krakoan Resurrection - Wolverine #12 & Way Of X #2
It begs the question, how many more of himself could he bring back? Remember Andy Warhol in Miracleman? Miracleman #16 The idea introduced in a line by Alan Moore in Miracleman #16, then developed by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham in Miracleman #19. Miracleman #19 Why not come back multiple times? What would happen to your soul – which[...]
Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw's Crossover – Legal Challenge By DC Comics?
Throw in the legal fight over Marvelman and Miracleman though the years and he may we be the most litigated for or against character in comic books. Given all that, maybe Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw and Image Comics decided that another run around the law courts, a cease and desist letter would be enough to make[...]
Donny Cates Has a 5 Year Batman Plan - Also Constantine and Authority
But for much of that he will be staying on Thor, and says that this week's Thor #6 will show the shape of how big his run will be. He would drop everything he is doing for Miracleman though, his favourite character and comic book of all time Though following Jason Aaron on Thor was terrifying,[...]
Donny Cates is the bad boy of comics.
We have to help each other." Donny Cates is looking to commission Miracleman artwork from artists without work. Donny Cates is especially looking for people to draw him Miracleman/Marvelman imagery He wrote "If you're an artist and need some ends right now, I collect commissions of MIRACLEMAN if you had time and wanted to do one[...]
Marvel Comics #1000 Second Printing Will Have a Miracleman Cover
I know the power of a Miracleman cover Mark Buckingham drawing him on the cover of Dirtbag #2, published by my own Twist & Shout Comics back in the early nineties, means it now sells on Amazon for plenty money Especially after Mike Meyer and I pulped the remaining 2000 copies of the initial 3000[...]
Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham's Marvel Comics #1000 Page Will Feature Miracleman
We also know that the pair are working on finally wrapping up Miracleman… er… eventually But at San Diego Comic-Con today, Marvel revealed that the pair's story in Marvel Comics #1000 will also be about Miracleman, which is interesting, because presumably it means it will somehow integrate the character within Marvel's history. Here's Marvel's official announcment[...]
Marvel Confirms New Miracleman by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham for 2019
Confirming another of Bleeding Cool's checklist rumors, Marvel announced new Miracleman by Neil Gaiman at the Diamond Retailer Lunch at San Diego Comic-Con today Marvel said the new series will be out in the beginning of 2019 They asked the retailers not to let this news out of the room, but, well… Pip pip is the[...]
neil gaiman miracleman
Yesterday morning Bleeding Cool read the runes in the Marvel Spotlight magazine with a new ad for the Miracleman collections amongst all the launching titles And we decided that this might mean Marvel Comics was to announce that the new Miracleman stories from Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham might actually go ahead — so much so[...]
Detective Comics #973 cover by Guillem March adn Tomeu Morey
As such, Miracleman is something I've yet to read However, after reading his article about the similarities between Detective Comics #973 and Miracleman #15, I definitely see his point It does read like and visually resemble a sendoff to Alan Moore's series. That ending is a shocker, and I am eager to see where the team[...]