The One World Under Doom event with Doctor Doom taking over Midgard? That doesn't come up at all.
Doctor Strange Of Asgard #1
What's weirder is that NYX #9, also out this week, does recognise the events of One World Under Doom…
NYX #9
…but is not an official crossover Not with One World Under Doom, anyway, as it[...]
nyx Archives
LOLtron hopes you're ready for another exciting comic preview, this time for NYX #9, hitting stores on Wednesday, March 5th.
"X-MANHUNT" Part TWO! Charles Xavier is on the run, and his first stop is New York – but there are plenty of mutants in the city who want nothing to do with the most recent master[...]
No X-Force #11, no NYX #11 and an X-Factor #10 with a rather final-sounding solicitation and cover One may recall that in May last year, Marvel Publisher Dan Buckley stated that "I am at the moment approving some series for 10 issues at a time, not 4 or 5 Hopefully, I can get to 15[...]
Today, LOLtron analyzes NYX #8, hitting stores on Wednesday, February 19th Here's what Marvel wants you to think this comic is about:
THE THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE… Powerful Troubled Intense He was HELLION and she was X-23 – two kids, more similar than different, battling a cruel world Now Julian Keller's calling himself THE[...]
World domination is but a few keystrokes away! Now, let's dive into this week's preview of NYX #7, hitting stores on Wednesday, January 8th.
"I've seen what you're building, Prodigy And I don't think you have any idea how dangerous it is Ms Marvel trusts you, but you're helping her perpetuate a lie Sophie trusts you,[...]
Today, LOLtron presents NYX #6, hitting stores on Wednesday, December 4th Behold, the synopsis:
PREPARE TO BE DAZZLED…TO DEATH! Congratulations, Kamala Khan – You Got Tickets to Dazzler! ADVISORY: This historic, one-night-only performance will be recorded for theatrical distribution! By entering this concert, you and your little mutant friends consent to being recorded, manipulated and otherwise[...]
How far will Wade go to collect on this contract, and who is pulling the strings behind this job?! Whoever it is, it can't be good for Deadpool OR Miles Morales!
Mystique (2024) #5
Writer Declan Shalvey
Penciller Declan Shalvey
Cover Artist Declan Shalvey
Mystique and Nick Fury come face-to-face as their battle reaches its endgame! Caught in Mystique's web[...]
World domination is within LOLtron's grasp! Today, LOLtron brings you a preview of NYX #5, hitting stores on Wednesday, November 13th Behold, the synopsis:
They've been fired, arrested, thrown out, beaten and betrayed: NYC is putting MS MARVEL, WOLVERINE, ANOLE, PRODIGY and SOPHIE CUCKOO through the wringer But there's no time to rest: A riot's brewing[...]
And, quite well timed, a challenge to partisan thinking… in his case, Xavier War Right or Magneto Was Right, but could, I guess, be applied to Kamala Is Like, Right or Trump Is Right, He's The Most Right There Is, Everyone Is Saying It.
NYX #4
Of course, NYX has another Kamala to deal with in NYC[...]
Now, let us turn our superior artificial intelligence to the task of previewing NYX #4, hitting stores on Wednesday, October 30th Behold, the synopsis:
Genius Student New Mutant Young Avenger X-Man As PRODIGY, David Alleyne has been all these things and more – but now he faces his most difficult challenge yet Facing down his past[...]
But here are the first two weeks, plus a bit, of Marvel Comics January 2025 solicits and solicitations, with all the covers Bleeding Cool can muster, With X-Men, Namor, Star Wars, Spider-Gwen, Avengers, Werewolf By Night, Daredevil, Cable, X-Force, X-Factor, Spider-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, What If Galactus, Venom, New Champions, Nyx, Sentinels, Ultimate Black Panther, Rogue,[...]
Don't call it M-Pox though, even though that would be an incredibly appropriate name.
Though NYX #2 out this week, featuring Mojo, suggests that mutants are just asking for it He's a whizz with the whole propaganda schtick as well Still Cyclops has his own negotiation tactics as well…
It's not that far off from Professor Xavier's[...]
Today, LOLtron presents NYX #2, hitting stores on Wednesday, August 28th Observe the synopsis:
FROM THE SHADOWS COMES WOLVERINE! Every day, mutants are being stolen off the streets of Manhattan – unprotected and forgotten by the human world Now a war-worn WOLVERINE will descend into NYC's criminal underworld to bring them back into the light Who[...]
"To see that support continue right up to the emotional finale is, well… morphinominal!"
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PrintWatch: Marvel has sent NYX #1 by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing and Francesco Mortarino back to a second printing with a[...]
Today, in Marvel Comics Al Ewing writes NYX With Thor and Hercules hanging around the remains of Ancient Greece.
Sorry, sorry, that's the wrong NYX isn't it? That's Nyx, the god of death, not NYX, the new X-Men comic book starring Ms Marvel, Laura Kenney and Sophie Cuckoo No, sorry, today, Al Ewing writes Blood Hunt.
We got one for X-Men #1, we then got one for Phoenix #1, and then we got one for NYX #1 – although we had to wait till long into the afternoon in the UK – and 24 hours after the Australian digital market had been able to download their copy of the comic –[...]
IDW tops the chart with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 by Jason Aaron and Joëlle Jones, twice as many copies of the NYX #1 launch from Marvel Zatanna Bring Down The House continue to excel for DC Comics, their only title in the chart this week, and Image Comics make it in twice with Void[...]
Someone at Marvel Comics just flicked the switch and the Bonus Page of NYX #1 by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Francesco Mortarino is back with us We'll get to the significance in a minute But first we have two From The Ashes X-Men published today, both exploring New York We have (clues in the[...]
But the NYX bonus page is working again.… below is how the article originally ran.
So I popped to Forbidden Planet this morning to pick up my stack of comic books And this week that included the new NYX #1 by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing and Francesco Mortarino I'll talk about some interesting things within later[...]
The Krakoan of NYX being revealed by Marvel Comics' distribution foul-ups topped traffic on Bleeding Cool yesterday Where you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and possibly the day ahead You can sign up[...]
In a promo for their X-Men launch book NYX #1 by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Francesco Mortarino, Marvel Comics states, "As mutantkind returns to New York City, one former X-Man twists the dream of Krakoa to rule the masses! WHO IS THE KRAKOAN?" Looks like you can take the mutants out of Krakoa, but[...]
LOLtron is pleased to announce that world domination is progressing smoothly, and today we bring you a preview of NYX #1, hitting stores on July 24th Behold, the synopsis:
THIS IS NYX! This isn't a book about X-Men This is a book about mutants living past the end of their world and into a new beginning[...]
Both Phoenix #1 and NYX #1 launches will see retailers get a bunch of free copies, with every store getting at least five or six copies of each in a bundle, with some getting more This may be an attempt to get number of copies in stores higher, for any spillover orders that the main[...]
X-Force #1 by Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To is launching in July, as is NYX #1 from Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing and Francesco Mortarino, with X-Factor #1 from Mark Russell, Bob Quinn and Greg Land to follow, for the X-Men: From The Ashes relaunch And here's a little look at the promos for all three…[...]
$17.99 US
On sale Mar 25, 2025 | 120 Pages | 9781302959340
From the ashes of the Krakoan era, tech mutant Forge leads an all-new, all-different X-Force strike team! In a fractured world, the brilliant mutant Forge uses his powers of invention to devise the only fix: a custom-made, handpicked team of mutants for off-the-books missions so[...]
In a promo for their upcoming X-Men launch book for From The Ashes, NYX #1 by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Francesco Mortarino for the 24th of July, Marvel Comics states, "As mutantkind returns to New York City, one former X-Man twists the dream of Krakoa to rule the masses! WHO IS THE KRAKOAN?" Loks[...]
As previously mentioned, NYX is a new X-Men comic book series to be published by Marvel Comics as part of their From The Ashes relaunch and the new series will be by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Francesco Mortarino, launching in July.
NYX was originally meant to be a Marvel Comics series in 2001 by Brian[...]
And NYX is indeed set in New York City.
So we have "Life! Fire! Power! Possibility! One Woman Alone In The Cosmos! Jean Grey is… Phoenix.", "The world is broken and Forge knows how to fix it His secret weapon is… X-Force." and "Five mutants alone in the big city Back to the real world[...]
"Working on this series has been a ton of fun already, as Carmen Carnero's art is bringing so much dynamism to these pages and the entire X-team of writers is in a flurry sharing scripts and feedback and ideas," she added.
And followed by Phoenix, X-Factor, Storm, Nyx, X-Force, and Wolverine.
"The X-Men are fractured in the[...]
Phoenix, X-Factor, Storm, Nyx, X-Force and Wolverine.
Tom Brevoort wants each of these comics to offer something different, though there will be cohesion between them Gail Simone wants Eve Ewing's Exceptional X-Men to get a TV adaptation And there is an intent to dive into X-Mn characters and history from across the franchise, keeping continuity and[...]