spoilers Archives

DC Comics Prepares For Next Week's Dark Crisis #1 (Spoilers)
There will be spoilers, big spoilers, and scans You have been warned. Shadow War Omega #1 But is that all? At the end of Shadow War Omega, we saw a resurrected Deathstroke after being killed by Talia Al Ghul, courtesy of the Lazarus Pit with, it seems, a contract from… somewhere to kill… everyone[...]
Shadow War
But how does the Shadow War tie in? What about Flashpoint Beyond? And what about Nightwing? Spoilers going forward… Dark Crisis #1 The lack of a League means all sorts of villains with bad names are popping up, in Gotham, in Star City, under the seas, in Metropolis; power abhors the vacuum But what about those villains[...]
Auto Draft
Which might describe a symbiote rather well? But if all this mysticism is making you wonder what on earth is going on with Venom these days… Spider-Man/Venom Free Comic Book Day 2022 Classic Venom is back, with a special gift for Dylan Brock. Spider-Man/Venom Free Comic Book Day 2022 We have a pointy head symbiote everyone! A pointy head[...]
Spoilers Threaten Most Important Aspect of Comic Industry: Wordle
The comic book industry is under attack once again by its oldest and most dangerous nemesis: spoilers But this time, the spoilers are hitting comic book creators where it really hurts No, not by revealing the secrets of the latest superhero super-mega-crossover events Nobody really cares about that once the comics are purchased by retailers,[...]
Spider-Man: No Way Home - The Fight Scenes Are "More Visceral"
This is obviously a major spoilers warning, but most of you probably already guessed before even seeing it. Spider-Man from Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME Courtesy of Sony Pictures ©2021 CTMG All Rights Reserved MARVEL and all related character names: © & ™ 2021 MARVEL First, going back to star Tom Holland's original comments about how[...]
DC Comics Confirms Shadow War Batman Event With Ghul Family In 2022
Spoilers ahead. It was teased in an earlier issue of DC Comics' Batman: Urban Legends #6 with Black Canary and Talia Al Ghul written by Josh Williamson Something called the Shadow War And given extra fontage so that everyone noticed. Batman: Urban Legends #6 Talia al Ghul, daughter of Ra's al Ghul Who hasn't been around for a[...]
DC Comics Promise More Poison Ivy In 2022
Spoilers ahead… We have been following the various split personality decisions at the character's publisher DC Comics in recent years With one side of the company dedicated to portraying a queer heroic character looking to save humanity, with her best girl Harley Quinn Against another side dedicated to restoring her Batman villain roots as an environmental[...]
Let's Talk About Criticizing a Movie in Spoiler Culture
Fans were surprised when not one but two critics from Variety who attended the premiere for Eternals got on Twitter and posted spoilers for one of the post-credits scenes for all to see Since then, there has been a debate among the public and the entertainment press about those actions and what we should learn[...]
How Doctor Doom Changes A Fantastic Four Member – Forever! (Spoilers)
And so it seems… Fantastic Four #34 Spoilers Events go down after the wedding, as Doom takes his revenge on all, and Johnny Storm is there to save the day – but seems to pay a terrible price. Fantastic Four #34 He is unable to flame off, and is consumed by a strange fiery energy, which hurts in a[...]