Pokémon TCG Japan’s next Shiny-themed high class expansion, Shiny Treasure ex, features the Shiny Fuecoco evolutuonary line.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Japan’s newly releases sister sets Ancient Roar & Future Flash features multiple Tera Pokémon ex including Tera Toxtricity.
Our series focusing on the artwork and cards of Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved moves to the three Tera Full Arts of the set.
Two new Pokémon TCG sets release today in Japan: Ancient Roar which is led up by Roaring Moon & Future Flash featuring Iron Valiant.
Cofagrigus finally gets a mechanic card in Pokémon TCG Japan’s Ancient Roar, to be adapted to Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift.
Japan has just revealed Pokémon TCG: Shiny Treasure ex as the next high class set & we already have a theory on what will be the chase card.
Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved features the first-ever cards of newly revealed Paldean species Farigiraf & Dudunsparce.
Where could Garbodor possibly feel more at home that on a huge trash heap, pictured on its new Pokémon TC card in Japan's Ancient Roar.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Shiny Treasure ex features Shiny versions of new Paldean species including the Shiny Sprigatito evolutionary line.
Maushold & Flamigo feature traits from their Dex entries that are on display in their Illustration Rares from Pokémon TCG: Paldea Evolved.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Future Flash expansion features Full Art Tulip card by longtime contributing artist, the fan favorite Naoki Saito.
Shiny Treasure ex has been revealed as the next Shiny-themed Pokémon TCG high class expansion to come to Japan this holiday season.
Orthworm & Rookidee both feature on Illustration Rare cards in Pokémon TCG's second Scarlet & Violet-era set, Paldea Evolved.
Professor Turo, the Paldean Professor that acts as a counterpart to Professor Sada, gets a Full Art in Pokémon TCG Japan's Future Flash.
Tyranitar & Grafaiai feature on Secret Rare cards in summer 2023's Pokémon TCG expansion, Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Future Flash expansion, one of the sets being adapted into Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift, features Iron Bundle.
Sudowood & Nacli get Illustration Rares in Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved, getting this series block off to a strong start.
Set to come out next Friday, Pokémon TCG Japan’s next expansion Future Flash features an Iron Jugulis Illustration Rare card.
Our spotlight on Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved features Illustration Rares of new Paldean versions of classic species.
Pokémon TCG has dropped the Tera Charizard ex Premium Collection, which features an exclusive version of the Full Art Tera Charizard ex.
Iron Valiant's Special Illustration Rare ex might be the main card collectors will aim to pull in packs of Pokémon TCG Japan: Future Flash.
Pokémon TCG kicks off Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift pre-Release weekend today ahead of Japan's Ancient Roar & Future Flash release.
Artist Tika Matsuno using bright colors to depict the evolution of new speices Tinkatink in Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s next set Ancient Roar features Scream Tail, a new Paradox Pokémon featured on an Illustration Rare card.
Our spotlight on Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved continues with a pair of Illustration Rares featuring Sandygast & Rabsca.
Takeshi Nakamura draws Illustration Rares featuring both an Ancient and Future version of Volcarona in the next Pokémon TCG Japan set.
The summer 2023 Pokémon TCG expansion Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved features Mismagius & Gothorita on Illustration Rare cards.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Ancient Roar features the set mascot, the Paradox Pokémon Roaring Moon, on a Special Illustration Rare ex.
Frigibax evolves into a pseudo-Legendary Pokémon in this Illustration Rare sequence from Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved.
Hangry Morpeko turns the cute, Galarian Electric Mouse into a Dark-type in the next Pokémon TCG Japan expansion, Ancient Roar.