Dragon Ball Super Card Game's newly released Ultimate Squad set features an SCR of Piccolo in a form coming in the new Super Hero movie.
Tabletop Archives
Jangmo-o may be insanely rare in Pokémon GO but you can get to know this species through the cards of Pokémon TCG: Dragon Majesty.
Pokémon TCG's upcoming Pokémon GO expansion will include a beautiful holographic Sylveon. Get you first look at the fan-favorite Eeveelution.
The highly scaled and mysterious “Pikachu On The Ball” card will finally gets a wide Pokémon TCG release at the UK-exclusive GAME store.
Android 8 is one of the fanbase's favorite early allies of Goku and he features in Dragon Ball Super Card Game's Ultimate Squad set.
Critical Role's gaming publishing wing Darrington Press has partnered with Free RPG Day to release a special one-page RPG.
Black Kyurem was robbed, as only White Kyurem got the full GX treatment in the Sun & Moon-era Pokémon TCG set, Dragon Majesty.
Team Valor gets their Legendary! Pokémon TCG completes the trio by previewing a Moltres card from the upcoming Pokémon GO expansion.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game's upcoming Ultimate Squad doesn't shy away from one of the franchise's more questionable villains, General Blue.
An array of different art styles makes the Pokémon TCG what it is, as evidenced by this retrospect on Dragon Majesty & the Salamence line.
It's the mascot of Team Instinct! Pokémon TCG shows off another card from the upcoming Pokémon GO expansion, featuring Zapdos.
One of the big breaking TTRPG titles for Modiphius Entertainment over the past few years has been the popular Star Trek Adventures.
Pokémon TCG Pull Rate Quest: Astral Radiance Part Five notes that the Trainer Gallery makes it nearly impossible to find a truly bad box.
In what feels like the weirdest choice possible, Hasbro announced this morning that the Thimble won the Monopoly Throwback Token Vote.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game's Ultimate Squad depicts the role of the Red Ribbon Army through the O.G. series, Z, and the upcoming Super film.
Heritage Auctions has put a rare, graded copy of Concordant Crossroads from the Legends expansion of Magic: The Gathering up for auction!
Bleeding Cool's retrospect of the Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon era continues with the Altaria cards of Dragon Majesty, a special expansion.
Heritage Auctions has put a rare pair of Magic: The Gathering cards, two copies of Mishra's Factory, up for auction!
Team Mystic represent! Pokémon TCG's upcoming Pokémon GO expansion will include a rare card featuring the Mystic mascot itself, Articuno.
Commander Red gets a Leader card in Dragon Ball Super Card Game's Ultimate Squad as the anime prepares to bring back the Red Ribbon Army.
Look back to the special Dragon Majesty set to see how the Pokémon TCG showcases something special about each stage of the Dratini line.
Tabletop publisher Big Potato revealed their latest game, Zillionaires: Road Trip USA, will be coming out this June to retail and online.
Pokémon TCG's upcoming Pokémon GO expansion will use this unsuspecting Bibarel to recreate the GO Snapshot Photobomb mechanic with Smeargle.
As we talked about yesterday, we were brought out to Atlanta to experience the return of MomoCon for the first time since the pandemic.
Pokémon TCG Pull Rate Quest: Astral Radiance notes that Radiant Pokémon added to the reverse slot does NOT decrease Trainer Gallery hits.
Here is how collectors can get the player-only Tournament Packs from Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Ultimate Squad pre-release weekend.
We cover the second half of Series 2 from among Magic: The Gathering's Vanguard cards, and encounter our first price uptick of the releases.
Could the Trapinch, Vibrava, and Flygon line be the most underrated Dragon-type Pokémon? They featured in Pokémon TCG: Dragon Majesty.
We're not just hanging out in London and Anaheim this weekend, we're also hanging out in Atlanta for the return of MomoCon.
Pokémon TCG Pull Rate Quest: Astral Radiance shows how random pull rates can be, with some booster boxes delivering hard and others... not.