damian wayne Archives

Batman Getting His New Strength From... Damian Wayne? (Spoilers)
But it takes Damian Wayne to work out exactly what is going on here… Detective Comics #1084 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin The farming of young criminals in prison to make the rich people of the world excessive profits? Someone's been watching John Oliver again, haven't they? Or, you know, have just been doing some reading…[...]
Everything Changes For Damian Wayne in Batman And Robin #18 Spoilers)
Tomorrow's Batman And Robin #18 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Javier Fernandez looks like a game changer for the pair and for Damian Wayne, Robin, son of Batman/Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul as well. Batman And Robin #18 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Javier Fernandez Firstly there's a talk with a former Robin, Jason Todd, the[...]
Santa Claus Strips For DC Comics
Now Damian Wayne must seek out Zatanna and the one and only Santa Claus if there's any hope of saving their friends and family Santa comes to the aid of the DCU heroes in the crossover-event sequel you wished for! And you must have been extra good because a wintry mix of DC's wildest characters[...]
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Say, Marvel Comics readers, now that Blood Hunt is over and everyone apart from Miles Morales has gone back to normal, are you missing your superhero vampire action? DC Comics has a new DC Vs Vampires series launching next week and are running the current preview… for World War V by Matthew Rosenberg and Otto[...]
Marvel Doesn't Want Punisher Skull? DC Takes It For Task Force VII
And a special connection to both Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne So yes there are big spoilers that will likely turn this comic book on it axis and reveal why so many upcoming covers have been not released yet So no, not Man Bat, that storyline wraps up with this issue, but we do get[...]
Interior preview page from Boy Wonder #1
This Tuesday, May 7th, the DC universe thrusts Damian Wayne back into the spotlight with Boy Wonder #1 Damian's not just a moody tween looking to smash heads and prove he's the best thing since sliced bread; he's an emo ballad waiting to unfold among the rooftops of Gotham Ready for a heap of heroic[...]
DC Comics
Continuing the stories of Jon Kent, son of Superman and Lois Lane, and Damian Wayne, son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul, acting as babysitter to the young Trinity, daughter of Wonder Woman And guess where she's gone? Into the past, of couse, doing a Bill & Ted take on history by taking a trip back[...]
SCOOP: June 2024 DC Comics Solicits For The Batfamily
But first, here's a gathering of the Batfamily titles – though you can see the main Batman titles here and Titans and Suicide Squad here… but for those who want to find Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle, and Harley Quinn titles directly, and just before everyone else, here you go… #gallery-1[...]
Damian Wayne Defeated Darkseid Single Handedly In Final Crisis
Because Damian Wayne, co-created by Grant Morrison has decided that it went a different way And that he was there Telling the tale to the young Trinity in the backup strip for tomorrow's Wonder Woman #6. Wonder Woman #6 (2024) Elizabeth "Lizzie" Marston Prince is Trinity, the adopted daughter of Wonder Woman from a possible future and[...]
The Boy Wonder by Juni Ba
A few years ago, Juni Ba posted the following to his website. The Boy Wonder – A Pitch for DC Comics A five chapter story (fit for a mini series or a graphic novel) celebrating the wonder in the concept of Robin, by using Damian Wayne as the focal point Through a colorful coming-of-age adventure with heroics[...]
DC Comics
Damian Wayne, co-star of Batman And Robin, used to be part of the Super Sons, before that was Bendised away But Sinister Sons is trying to recapture some of that spirit with Lor-Zod and Sinson (was Sonestro taken?) Sinister Sons #1 But Robin and Batman, Sinson and Sinestro, and Lor-Zod and General Zod isn't the only famuly[...]
DC Comics
Batman And Robin #5 out next week, sees Damian Wayne still going to Gotham High School as part of Bruce Wayne's attempts to give him a normal high school upbringing American high schools have kids from ages 14 to 18 if you needed some context But this is a school in Gotham, so things are[...]
DC Comics
And it sees that one particular Robin isn't going in the direction of the bird or the bat… …what will Selina say about this particular twist for Damian Wayne?   Ah… isn't he cute? NIGHTWING #109 CVR A BRUNO REDONDO (TITANS BEAST WORLD) DC COMICS OCT232731 THE DRAMATIC CONCLUSION TO NIGHTWING'S PIRATE QUEST! Nightwing learns the truth behind the secret pirate society,[...]
Super-Babysitters and a New Wonder Tot in Wonder Woman #3 (Spoilers)
In Wonder Woman #800, it was established that Damian Wayne and Jon Kent, Batman and Superman of the future, were babysitters for Trinity, the Wonder Woman of the future. In Wonder Woman #3, out this week, you get to see how that went Including that Killer Croc fight they mention Turns out their influence is more[...]
It gave us the heart and comedy we were looking for and opened the window to a Gotham City Christmas like we've never seen before." Now, here's a look at the official trailer for Prime Video's Merry Little Batman – crashing down our streaming chimnies on December 8th: The animated family action comedy holiday film (wow,[...]
Things You Really Shouldn;t Say To Damian Wayne About Talia Al Ghul
We have seen Damian Wayne's fanfic and own obsessions before In the first issue of Batman And Robin by Joshua Williamson and Simone Di Meo, we got a look at the barely disguised stories that Damian Wayne was telling In which Damian Vane has been brought in to solve the mystery of a missing prince,[...]
Does Batman & Robin Take Place Before, After Gotham War? Neither
We know that Damian Wayne reads shoujo manga, which typically is described as Japanese "girls comics", targeting an audience of adolescent females and young adult women Because Damian Wayne, son of Batman, bows to no stereotype. Robin #1 But what about the stories that he writes himself? Well, that is revealed in tomorrow's Batman And Robin #1[...]
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And she can, of course, be awfully persuasive. Batman: The Adventures Continue: Season Three #6 Might this be the B:TAS origin of Damian Wayne now? The young son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, as first seen in 1987's Batman: Son of the Demon by Mike W Barr and Jerry Bingham before being returned to continuity[...]
Grown-Up Damian Wayne, Jonathan Kent & Trinity from Wonder Woman #800
Batman has seen Bruce Wayne presented with his son, courtesy of Talia Al Ghul, Damian Wayne, the new Robin And now, through whatever means, Wonder Woman has a daughter, Trinity. Tom King tweets, "Trinity debuts in Wonder Woman #800, in a story set about 20 years in the future The story of how we get to[...]
Knight Terrors For Free Comic Book Day (Spoilers)
Spoilers ahoy. We have a sleeping lucid dreamer in Damian Wayne, analysing his dreams, finding even the more bizarre ones rather mundane in their predictability And snarking at his own subconscious over the image it presents. Until he realises that maybe, just maybe, it may have gone a little further than that. They hid something from this person[...]
First Damian Wayne For $500 After James Gunn DC Studios Speculation
We are told that we will be getting a new Batman movie from James Gunn's DC Studios, "The Brave And The Bold – the DCU will introduce its Batman and Robin in this unusual father-son story inspired by Grant Morrison's comic series." And Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne, Talia Ghul and the new Robin,[...]
Batman Vs Robin - Damian Wayne Vs Luke Fox: The 5G Files Chapter Nine
Welcome to The 5G Files, Damian Wayne Vs Luke Fox, Chapter Nine. In 2022, it was planned as part of the 5G promotion, for Damian Wayne to feel betrayed and abandoned by his father, Bruce Wayne's retirement from Gotham to move to England So instead, Damian Wayne, aged 16 after 5G, would choose a path to follow[...]
Damian Wayne Killing Captain Carrot? (Dark Crisis Spoilers)
In Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #5, Damian Wayne had a plan to use Doctor Light to save the Omniverse He's come a long way, has he not? Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #5 Today sees the publication of Dark Crisis: The Dark Army one-shot And maybe his plans haven't been thoroughly thought through though As, with[...]
Dark Crisis Reveals The Future Of Damian Wayne In The DCU (Spoilers)
The current Batman Vs Robin comic book series sees a heavily influenced Damian Wayne taking down his father, and everyone and everything else with him, leading up to the upcoming Lazarus Planet But what will that bring? Issue 2 saw Damian Wayne stepping up to the legacy he has in mind for himself, replacing his[...]
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Back in the Super Sons era… Talking of which, the other one of the Super Sons, Damian Wayne, has a different deal going on with his mother, over in Batman Vs Robin. With Talia Ghul not having quite the reception that Superman gets from his son. Talking of comfort… In Multiversity: Teen Justice #6, even the parallel dimensional versions[...]