Universal has been focusing a lot on the practical elements of Wicked, from the live singing to the sets to the costumes All the way back in April, they brought out the costumes at CinemaCon for everyone to see Now that the movie is in its final weeks, they are apparently going international as the[...]
wicked Archives
So we have some more featurettes, including one on building Muchkinland; the film is really pushing how excellent its practical sets are, and a featurette each that follows stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande on set for a week.
Wicked: Summary, Cast List, Release Date
After two decades as one of the most beloved and enduring musicals on the[...]
Universal continues the massive marketing push for Wicked Now, we're starting to get into the casting because people have seen and heard some of our leading ladies' performances and are making early judgment calls That's not surprising considering how popular the play was; an entire generation spent months trying to sing Defying Gravity like Idina Menzel[...]
Everyone knew that Wicked was going to lean in hard on the "singing live" aspect of the production, and considering we have an entire featurette dedicated to it, that seems to be the case The "singing live" in musicals thing has not really added anything to a production yet, but it has made movies worse[...]
The marketing budget for Wicked must be absolutely insane Universal has been basically low-key marketing this film for the last ten months, but they have really kicked it into overdrive as we head into the final weeks That makes sense since 2024 taught us that having an already shot and edited Part Two doesn't guarantee that[...]
We already know that costumes will be a big part of Wicked We got a chance to see them up close back in April at CinemaCon, and they looked pretty awesome Now that the movie is creeping ever closer and people are starting to get hyped [or Universal is really hoping that people are getting[...]
It feels like the sets and costumes will be one of the major selling points regarding Wicked when it comes out next month While the costumes are one thing, and you could make amazing costumes on stage, the sets will be something different that people haven't seen before There is only so much you can[...]
Tickets for Wicked went on sale today, so that means even more promotional material has dropped We've talked a lot about how busy next month is at the box office, and this is Universal's horse in the box office race They said at CinemaCon that they wanted to "paint theaters green" this Thanksgiving [green, get it,[...]
Wicked is right around the corner, and while someone might have finally addressed the fact that this is indeed part one of two, the marketing is still refusing to talk about it, so unless you're following the news about this movie, then you might be in for a rude awakening come November That might be[...]
Spin Master Games is launching its own take on Wicked this week, as the team has revealed Wicked: The Game is coming out soon The game will have you playing as the primary four characters from the film, as you will essentially play a storybook version of the events that take place[...]
In a brand new cross-promotional event, Betty Crocker has several new items out to help promote the release of the film Wicked The company has taken several products they already make, as well as some new ones, and given them the Wicked sparkle, if you will A few of these products have pink and green[...]
Universal is still loving all of its behind-the-scenes featurettes when it comes to promoting Wicked, and they aren't stopping anytime soon When most people think about this story, they are probably thinking of the musical, which was huge in the early 2000s However, Wicked was originally a book that was published in 1995, so it has[...]
We've been saying for a little while now that the fact that Universal is not acknowledging that Wicked is a Part One of Two will become the topic of conversation around the film rather than the film for a while now Those flying monkeys seem to have come to roost because during a preview with[...]
Someone at Universal has finally decided to acknowledge that Wicked is part one of two, and they are doing that by announcing an official shift of the release date for Wicked Part Two on social media Universal wants to paint theaters green this fall and not only are they hoping to pull that off this year,[...]
Universal is continuing the marketing push for Wicked while completely ignoring that this is Part One of Two Someday, they will acknowledge this, right? They wouldn't let people go into this without knowing they are only getting half a movie when there is no reason for them to hide it (see: Dune and Part Two not[...]
Universal is continuing its massive marketing push for Wicked, and with that, we have a second official trailer that still doesn't acknowledge that the film is part one of two It's one thing for a movie like Dune to do it because the second film hadn't been greenlit yet, but Part Two has been filmed and[...]
Hasbro has launched an all-new edition of Monopoly as we take a trip to Oz with the Wicked Edition of the iconic board game With the new film on the way, the company has partnered with Universal Pictures to make a board game version of the film featuring iconic locations, character tokens, and exclusive movie-themed[...]
Universal has continued its consistent marketing for Wicked as we head into September The schedule is about to get busier as studios release all of the awards season films, and we will start to see what might be making it to the Oscars next year We also have several studios betting on the farm and then[...]
Universal is continuing its march toward November and is very much hoping that Wicked will stick the landing when it comes to the box office It's still unclear whether or not people will want this to make up for the massive budget this film has, and we have a high-profile example of what happens when[...]
Wicked is a musical Broadway adaptation of Gregory Maguire's iconic novel and helps reimagine the world of The Wizard of Oz However, this version of the story features the perspective of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba in Oz This musical made its debut on the stage in 2003 and has become one of[...]
Maybe that is why the marketing campaign for Wicked is months long; they have to paint theaters green this fall, or they'll be in the red next year That's why we're getting 30-second TV spots like the one we got today in August for a movie coming out in November when this is usually the[...]
The marketing budget for Wicked must be absolutely massive because Universal has been pretty consistent with releasing new featurette and TV spots for this film since pretty much the first trailer dropped You don't normally see that, and it either means they are super confident in this film or they are panicking and hoping that if[...]
Wicked remains the biggest gamble of the holiday season, no matter how many times people might say the theaters will be painted green this November If everyone is so confident that this movie will be great, they wouldn't keep shifting the release date by a day or a week here and there The last shift[...]
November has some big releases coming, but the three biggest are Wicked, Moana 2, and Gladiator II All of these movies will be fighting for dollars at the box office during a holiday season when everyone is feeling the recession There's a very good chance most people can afford to see one movie in November, so deciding[...]
Wicked has been in varying forms of development for years, but the first half of the film is coming out this year, even if the marketing so far is doing a really good job of making sure no one knows that they are only getting half a movie While this might have worked out for Dune,[...]
The first trailer for Wicked dropped today, kicking off what will be a long six months of marketing what everyone hopes will be the biggest film of the year We're all going to ignore the fact that, save for one exception, musicals have been getting the absolute crap kicked out of them at the box office,[...]
Well, it's finally here. Wicked is another project that has been hanging out in development hell for a long time, and the release date kept getting pushed back to the point that everyone thought it would never come out However, there's a trailer, so Universal will almost certainly release the film The official trailer, nine images,[...]
Universal has apparently decided that this is the week everyone learned about Wicked We got a new featurette yesterday, and today, we have a new poster and a new motion poster The social media team is also hyping the new trailer, which will debut tomorrow It's still unclear whether or not Wicked will be one of[...]
Wicked is being pushed as this big holiday movie that everyone will be competing with While the box office hasn't been kind to musicals with more failures than success stories, everyone seems very confident that this film will be massive There is no denying that everyone involved is highly passionate about this project, and Universal[...]
Wicked ruled CinemaCon last night at the end of the big Universal presentation, with the people in attendance praising all of the footage that was shown Today, they have a bunch of the screen-worn costumes on display, and our very own BC reporters snapped some gorgeous pics of them for you all to see Starring[...]