You can earn Mega Energy for your own Aerodactyl while also Shiny hunting by completing Mega Aerodactyl Raids, now live in Pokémon GO.
Theo Dwyer Archives
Shadow Lugia stars in Shadow Raid Weekend, where Team GO Rocket takes over both Adventure Week 2024 and the raid rotation.
With Pokémon GO Fest 2024 complete, Niantic offers up a slate of returning Legendary and Mega Pokémon to raids in August 2024.
First, Chespin got its Community Day. Then, Fennekin. Now, Popplio completes the trilogy of Alolan Starter Community Days in Pokémon GO.
Niantic spices up the previously announced Adventure Week with a Team GO Rocket Takeover overlapping event featuring Shadow Cresselia.
Pokémon GO follows up an unpopular Ultra Unlock 2024 with a solid Adventure Week 2024 featuring fan-favorite Fossil species with a perk.
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the special set Crown Zenith closing out the Galarian era in July 2024.
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Shiny-themed cards of Scarlet & Violet - Paldean Fates in July 2024.
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Ancient and Future-themed cards of Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift in July 2024.
Our Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Generation One-themed cards of the special set Scarlet & Violet - 151 in July 2024.
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Fire/Dark-type cards of Scarlet & Violet - Obsidian Flames in July 2024.
Ultra Unlock is all about Steel-types this year, all the way down to the Mega Raids which will feature Aggron. Defeat it using this guide.
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Eeveelution-themed cards of Sword & Shield - Evolving Skies in July 2024.
Pokémon GO ends GO Fest month with Incarnate Forme Tornadus returning to Tier Five Raids. Defeat it with these top counters.
Defeat Mega Lucario during the Ultra Unlock: Mega Lucario Raid Day event using these counters. The Shiny odds will be high for the event.
What happened to Ultra Unlock? Niantic has rolled out details for the second event, Strength of Steel, which is yet another standard event.
Mega Lucario Raid Day finishes off a disappointing slate of Ultra Unlock events from Pokémon GO. Will this single day event redeem it all?
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Ancient/Future-themed set Scarlet & Violet - Temporal Forces in July 2024.
Our monthly Pokémon TCG Value Watch series observes the Ogerpon-themed set Scarlet & Violet - Twilight Masquerade in July 2024.
The new Paldean species Tandemaus and its evolution Maushold debut in Pokémon GO as part of the post-GO Fest Ultra Unlock events.
The Ultra Beasts have fled Pokémon GO, leaving Tier Five Raids to be taken over by one of the first-ever Legendaries: Kanto's Articuno.
Defeat Xurkitree in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event centered on Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
Defeat Pheromosa in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event centered on Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
Defeat Buzzwole in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event centered on Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
The new slate of content in Niantic's hit game all ties into Pokémon GO Fest 2024 which gets an on-location NYC and global event this month.
What can be pulled from an Elite Trainer Box & Build & Battle Box from the new Pokémon TCG set, Scarlet & Violet – Twilight Masquerade?
Defeat Kartana in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event leading up to Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
Defeat Celesteela in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event leading up to Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
Defeat Nihilego in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event leading up to Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
Defeat Guzzlord in Tier Five Raids using these counters during the Inbound from Ultra Space event leading up to Pokémon GO Fest 2024.