Pokémon TCG - Pokémon GO Opening: Let's crack open an Elite Trainer Box from this new set to see if we can get a sense of pull rates.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Battle Styles in July 2022 notes a significant drop for the once-valuable Shiny Houndoom Gold Secret Rare.
Mimikyu made its English-language Ultra Rare debut on this Mimikyu GX from Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder.
Pokémon TCG Japan is pumping out Zamazenta & Zacian cards with new VSTARs, but English-language collectors are still waiting on the Shiny Vs.
Pokémon GO has released its new anniversary art which teases the arrival of Mimikyu, Turtonator, Vivillion, & Hisuian Pokémon.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Chilling Reign in July 2022 notes strong interest in this set stopping single prices from falling.
Today, our retrospective series on Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder focuses on the Fairy-types, with the Cutiefly & Morelull lines.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will release with a VSTAR Special Set product including a promo VSTAR pack that could include Zacian VSTAR.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Pokémon GO in July 2022 observes the value of the cards in this expansion just one week after release.
Our retrospective history of Pokémon TCG moves to the Ralts line of Sun & Moon: Lost Thunder, including an otherworldly Gardevoir holo.
These two Pokémon have never appeared before in the Pokémon TCG... but they are also kind of TCG mascots. How is that possible?
Our Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder retrospect continues with the Fairy-types: Alolan Ninetails GX, Xerneas Prism Star, & Dedenne.
This is the complete Pokémon GO 6th Anniversary Event Raid Rotation, including Pansear, Unown E, Party Hat Charizard, & much more.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss features an unlikely Drapion VSTAR, showing that this set delivers both terrific artwork and variety.
Orange Vegeta!? Well, maybe not, but the Prince of all Saiyans certainly looks like a golden god in this new Dragon Ball Super card.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will include a Rotom V, but read to find out where collectors will be able to get a special Rotom VSTAR.
Kyogre V debuts as a Pokémon TCG Gym Promo coming in the latest Japanese promo packs. When and where will it arrive in English?
Our retrospective history of the Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon-era set Lost Thunder moves to the Steel-types with Scizor, Alolan Diglett, & more.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss breaks from the standard Pokémon-VMAX style of 3D insanity to deliver a beautiful and illustrative Kyurem VMAX.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Brilliant Stars in July 2022 notes dropping value on singles while the Charizard V Alt Art remains high.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Fusion Strike in July 2022 notes very little movement in this Mew-themed set this month after an initial drop.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game's upcoming History of Vegeta special collection features memorable moments from the iconic Frieza Saga.
Our retrospective spotlight of Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon era continues with Lost Thunder's Dark-type Tyranitar GX by 5ban Graphics.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Evolving Skies in July 2022 notes staggeringly high value as we wait for a major reprint of this stacked set.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will include cards featuring the Binacle line, but will this set include Character Rares and Radiant Pokémon?
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Astral Radiance in July 2022 notes the return of sanctioned gameplay impact the Gold Secret Rares of this set.
Today's chapter of the spotlight on Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder asks if Alolan Persian gets too much hate for no reason.
Arrokuda and Pikachu beware! Pokémon TCG Japan’s next set Lost Abyss will include a card featuring the voracious Cramorant.
Today's installment of the retrospective The Cards of Pokémon TCG: Lost Thunder series focuses on three artists with unique approaches.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will include the second-ever Comfey card, depicting this underrated Pokémon with a Lost Zone aura.