Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder included a string of Ultra Beast cards including Naganadel, Poipole, and Nihilego. Let's look back!
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG drops a new expansion today based on Niantic’s Pokémon GO. Will you be able to pull Radiant Charizard and the Mewtwo V Alt Art?
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will include cards featuring the Ghost-type Shuppet and its evolution Banette who bears the Lost Zone aura.
Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder had a great deal of hidden gems including the Litwick line which culminates in a holo Chandelure.
Tomorrow, the Pokémon TCG releases a special set based on Pokémon GO. This expansion will include cards featuring Mewtwo, Charizard, & more.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will include a Delphox V that shows this Fire-type Pokémon glowing with the new colorful Lost Zone aura.
What will be the ultimate chase card in the Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO expansion? Could it be Radiant Charizard? Or Mewtwo V Alternate Art?
Japan's Lost Abyss and the English equivalent Lost Origin will bring a new look to the Pokémon TCG with the colorful Lost Zone aura.
Heritage Auctions has put a rare, graded copy of Dark Charizard from the Rocket expansion set of the Pokémon TCG up for auction!
Our retrospect on Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon era moves into the Psychic-type cards of Lost Thunder including Sigilyph GX, Meloetta, & more.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss will lead with Origin Forme Giratina VSTAR which comes with a colorful new aura representing the Lost Zone.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game reveals another Championship Pack 2022 card featuring Super Saiyan Vegeta wearing the classic Saiyan armor.
Pokémon TCG Japan reveals Deoxys VSTAR & VMAX High-Class Deck which features Attack Forme, Normal Forme, and Defense Forme Deoxys.
Our final preview of the upcoming Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO set shows off Items from the game rendered in glimmering gold Secret Rare cards.
The Sun & Moon-era Pokémon TCG set Lost Thunder evokes Neo Genesis vibes with three Unown cards. Can you tell if these cards spell anything?
Tonight is TCG Hat Pikachu Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO, which will make this event-exclusive Pokémon appear more frequently in the wild.
Previews begin today for Pokémon TCG Japan’s next set Lost Abyss, which will be the basis of the Giratina-themed English set Lost Origin.
Pokémon TCG Japan has revealed the new Zeraora VSTAR & VMAX High-Class Deck which will include cards not available in any booster packs.
We are just a few days away from the release of Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO, an expansion based on Niantic's game which includes Dragonite cards.
Pokémon TCG Japan has revealed a line-up of Lost Abyss-themed merch for July 2022 featuring Deoxys, Giratina, Zeraora, Delphox, & more.
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO-inspired set is just a few days away from release. Before it drops, check out this Melmetal Full Art from the set.
Pokémon TCG will release a new Infernape V Box in September 2022 on the same day as the next set, Sword & Shield - Lost Origin.
Today's Pokémon TCG retrospect highlights cards of Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder that show how some of the best illustrations are overlooked.
Pokémon TCG Opening: Professor Juniper Premium Tournament Collection! Find out what booster packs come in this newly released product.
Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Elite Trainer Boxes will include a Full Art Mewtwo V that is a Secret Rare in the Japanese version of the set.
Our retrospect of the Sun & Moon era of the Pokémon TCG highlights the mascot of Lost Thunder: the Electric-type Mythical Pokémon Zeraora.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Paradigm Trigger will focus on Lugia, Regidrago, & Regieleki. It'll likely be the last regular Sword & Shield block set.
VSTAR Universe will close out Pokémon TCG’s 2022 releases in Japan, but what will it feature? A Shiny Vault? Character Rares?
Alolan Exeggutor V gets the Full Art treatment in Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO expansion which is now just a few days away from release.
Pokémon TCG to release new Shiny Charizard & Rayquaza cards in Japan's Special Battle Set Charizard VSTAR vs. Rayquaza VMAX.