The Elder Scrolls Online dropped Update 45 today, and with it came the new Fallen Banners DLC, both available to play right now
The Elder Scrolls Online Archives
The Elder Scrolls Online has a new update available right now, as Update 44 brings with it two PvP modes and new companions
The Elder Scrolls Online has a new update out, as Update 43 brings about Home Tours, among other cool additions to the game
Bethesda Softworks recently held a livestream for The Elder Scrolls Online, giving players info about Update 43 as it hit the test server.
Bethesda Softworks has released Update 42 for The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, bringing in several new additions for everyone.
Bethesda Softworks released a new update and DLC pack for The Elder Scrolls Online today, as you can now play Scions Of Ithelia.
Bethesda Softworks has revealed the latest major update coming to The Elder Scrolls Online, as the Gold Road chapter arrives this June.
Bethesda Softworks have some interesting plans in mind next year to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Elder Scrolls Online.
Bethesda Softworks released Update 40 for The Elder Scrolls Online today, bringing an all-new PvE challenge, the Endless Archive.
The latest update comes to The Elder Scrolls Online as Bethesda Softworks have added the Endless Archive and more in Update 40.
Bethesda Softworks made two small announcements during the 2023 Tokyo Game Show about Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls Online.
Some new additions have been made to The Elder Scrolls Online as Update 39 has officially gone live this morning for PC/Mac.
Ascent Of The Arcanist has launched in The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom, giving you a limited-time event to snag some special rewards.
Check out the latest trailer from Betheda Softworks for The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom as we learn more about the Arcanist class.
Check out the latest trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom as Bethesda Softworks show off new amazing and terrifying regions.
Bethesda Softworks has officially released The Elder Scrolls Online Releases Scribes Of Fate DLC for you to play today.
Check out the latest video for The Elder Scrolls Online as we get our first in-depth look at Morrowind in a new series.
The Elder Scrolls Online has a brand new expansion coming as well as a brand new class, plus a new DLC, all happening from March-June.
Bethesda Softworks have released new information for The Elder Scrolls Online players to transfer their Stadia accounts over to PC and Mac.
Bethesda Softworks held a special livestream today for Elder Scrolls Online as we watched the Legacy Of The Bretons Autumn Event.
Last week, Bethesda released Update 36 into The Elder Scrolls Online, along with the latest expansion to the game with Firesong.
Bethesda Studios revealed details of the next update coming to The Elder Scrolls Online, as we get a better look at Lost Depths.
Bethesda Game Studios has revealed a new celebrity will be joining The Elder Scrolls Online as they'll be in the new High Isle chapter.
ZeniMax Online Studios and Bethesda Softworks released a couple of new Elder Scrolls Online videos showing off the High Isle Chapter.
Bethesda Game Studios revealed the latest expansion to The Elder Scrolls Online as we head out to sea with Legacy Of The Bretons.
Bethesda Softworks is teasing new content coming to The Elder Scrolls Online with a brand new trailer and a livestream this month.
Bethesda Softworks have launched the Life Festival event into The Elder Scrolls Online with a ton of festive things you can do.
Bethesda Softworks revealed the next chapter for ESO as The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands will launch this November.
Bethesda Softworks revealed new improvements and updates for The Elder Scrolls Online for Xbox and PlayStation.
Bethesda Softworks revealed during the Blackwood Chapter Preview Event the upcoming release of The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced.