Cayde-6 is a beloved character from the Destiny video game series that was developed by Bungie. He first appears in the original Destiny game, which was released in 2014, and is a Hunter class Vanguard Just like the rest of the leadership Guardians, he provides players with guidance but with plenty of humor[...]
Destiny Archives
Bungie has launched the annual Halloween event for Destiny 2 this week, as they have brought back the Festival Of The Lost for 2024 The event is pretty simple as its a chance for Guardians to dress up with festive masks and complete challenges to earn rewards for the next couple of weeks Along with[...]
After much secrecy, Bungie has released Destiny 2: Echoes – Act 2 today, and with it comes a new launch trailer to check out The team really hasn't been going too far in depth about what's to come in each act, leaving the bulk of what you'll experience a surprise So the fact we got[...]
Bungie held a special developer livestream earlier today in which they went over new content for Destiny 2, with the reveal of Echoes: Act 2 First off, the big news is that Act 2 will come quicker then expected as it will launch on July 16, just a month after this season began The livestream[...]
Mystique and Destiny have had quite the Age Of Krakoa Former mutant terrorists, Mystique worked with Krakoa, undertaking dangerous shape-shifting missions against Orchis, in return for the resurrection of her wife, Destiny Which Moira Mactaggert was determined never to give, so Mystique took it anyway, vowing to burn down Krakoa But now? Revealed as the[...]
Bungie has teamed up with Wizards of the Coast for a special crossover event, as Dungeons & Dragons will invade Destiny 2 Both serving as part of D&D's 50th Anniversary and a prelude to the release of The Final Shape, the game will have new Faerûn-inspired looks that will become available at the Eververse store[...]
Last year at São Paulo's CCXP comic convention, Luciano Vecchio, artist of Immortal X-Men, was selling this print of Mystique and Destiny with the slogan "Be Gay Do Crime." Which is a little easier if one can shape-shift into anyone or anything, and the other always knows what's coming next.
Signed print of Mystique and Destiny[...]
In the Uncanny Spider-Man series, it was revealed that the mother of Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler, was not Mystique as previously believed, but Destiny, Irene Adler And that the shape-shifting Mystique, Raven Darkholme, was Nightcrawler's father, as originally planned by Chris Claremont This was new information to all involved, to one degree or another, thanks to[...]
Today sees The Fall Of The House Of X #3 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck and Jethro Morales, but it also harkens back to two other comics written by Gerry Duggan, X-Men #24 and Hellfire Gala #1.
X-Men #24 (2023)
In X-Men #24, Destiny spoke to her adopted daughter Rogue about events that were to come.
X-Men #24 (2023)
Bungie is preparing to launch one of their biggest annual events next week in Destiny 2, as they have revealed everything for the 2024 Guardian Games. Starting on March 5 and running all the way until March 26, you'll have two specific areas you can compete in, as you're getting an All-Stars system and the[...]
Mystique and Destiny are an old married couple Natural parents to Nightcrawler, adoptive parents to Rogue, they have been villains, heroes and everything in between, and their history is intwined with the X-Men, Days Of Future Past, the age of Krakoa and the Sins Of Sinister But we never saw their marriage – well, it[...]
Bungie has a new Exotic Mission currently happening in Destiny 2, as you have a chance to snag a special weapon for a limited time Right now, as part of the Season of the Wish, you can take on a special challenge where you will enter the Black Garden to recover the Ahamkara remains, with[...]
Bungie has brought back an old favorite to Destiny 2 as the Frosty Festivities event returns with an all-new activity for everyone to do From now until January 2, 2024, players can gather around the Holiday Oven, as you can fight off enemies and collect ingredients to bake into cookies, which you can then gift[...]
Looks like our man on the ground got his copy signed.
Signed print of Mystique and Destiny by Luciano Vecchio from CCXP
Mystique was created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum for Ms Marvel #16 in 1978, and Destiny was created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne for Marvel X-Men comics in 1981 as part of the[...]
It has been through a lot of versions… including the one that Kurt Wagner currently believes.
He used to believe he was the son of Mystique and Baron Christian Wagner.
Ahd now that he was the son of Mystique and the demon Azazel.
But the also-pregnant maid in the background reveals more.
Something Mystique had previously referred to in[...]
he told Back Issue magazine that "too many people in the Marvel Universe are secretly related to one another, and it's much more interesting when mutants have normal parents." Stern later became Claremont's editor on X-Men.
So Claremont came up with another plan, introducing shape-shifting mutant Mystique alongside Destiny for the Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants[...]
Bungie took time this week to reveal a couple of new aspects to the next expansion to come to Destiny 2, as we learn a little more about The Final Shape Specifically, we learned that they will add three new Light subclass Supers and Aspects, each of them empowering Guardians with extra abilities to withstand[...]
Earlier this week, Bungie held their annual Destiny 2 Showcase event, in which they launched the latest season and revealed the next major update, The Final Shape First off, Season of The Witch is officially underway as it will run all the way until late November After being teased for months, this will be one of the[...]
But how to get there?
Destiny has provided the keys Mother Righteous just has to turn the fob, however inhumane it may be If she can delete everything and start again, does it matter what atrocities she commits along the way?
So Destiny's plans that fail are only the first part There are wheels within wheels and[...]
Instead, it's a jump to Mystique and Destiny, Raven Darkholme and Irene Adler's past We get to see a World War II period that is somehow a cross between Robert Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project of the USA that created the atomic bomb, and Josef Mengele's human experiments of the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.
Immortal X-Men #8
The word on the island of Krakoa is "messy," as the children of the atom struggle with the cost of making choices in Immortal X-Men #2. An unexpected one
And it begins, narrated by the young Destiny who, at the age of thirteen saw the future, laid out before her – even the Chris Claremont and John Byrne issues of X-Men.
Immortal X-Men #3 by Kieron Gillen and Lucas Werneck published by Marvel Comics.
And, knowing that she was losing her sight, began to write like[...]
It's currently up at $225 at Heritage Auctions, and with the news of Inferno returning to Marvel Comics this autumn, might there be a little more interest regarding the role that Madelyne Pryor in this comic – and that of Destiny and Mystique who also play major roles in the comic book Worth keeping an[...]
It's the end of May, and given the cadence of a seasonal update schedule, Bungie is already hard at work on Destiny 2's next season's content So, what changes does Bungie need to prioritize for season 15? I have five suggestions.
First, more Gambit maps Gambit (a PvEvP mode) is in a free fall with only[...]
Bungie dropped a release date for Destiny 2: Season Of The Splicer this morning as the next wave of content will arrive on May 11th This will be a bit of a throwback for a lot of players as this content will throw you back into the Vault of Glass raid from the original Destiny[...]
In their April 22nd blog post for This Week At Bungie, focusing on the upcoming Season 14 of Destiny 2, Bungie announced a big change in how their armor ornament system would work The TLDR is that the long-awaited quality of life feature that would allow players to change the outward appearance of their armor[...]
Bungie has announced that they will be bringing back the Guardian Games to Destiny 2, starting on April 20th Much like last year, there will be several events that Guardians can take part in and earn several rewards through the course of the Games, including the Heir Apparent Exotic Machine Gun and catalyst, an Exotic[...]
Bungie confirmed this past week that the transmog system will be added to Destiny 2 when Season 14 comes around The developers released a news update on their site last week going over the details of getting to The Witch Queen and other development information We have a snippet from that update below in which[...]
Bungie has released new details to players for the epic return of Season Of The Hunt to Destiny 2: Beyond Light If you're not aware of what happens in this mode, followers of Xivu Arath seek to seize power for some unknown purpose that's really never explained but we're sure we'll get one Guardians will[...]
Bungie has released a new trailer this week for Destiny 2: Beyond Light as they explore more of the characters and the lore As if the caverns of snow and ice and the baren frozen wastelands weren't a big enough tip-off that there's danger in every direction, this latest trailer will enhance that problem tenfold[...]