World of Warcraft Classic has revealed the next expansion on the way later this year, as Mists of Pandaria will arrive in August
World of Warcraft: Classic Archives
World Of Warcraft Classic has revealed what's to come in the Season Of Discovery, which will be released into the game in a few weeks.
World Of Warcraft Classic Hardcore players have something new to challenge them as you can now access Solo-Self Found mode.
Blizzard Entertainment revealed two new additions coming to World Of Warcraft Classic with a new season and the next expansion.
Business is going to pick up later this year in World Of Warcraft Classic, as Blizzard will be adding Hardcore Realms to the mix.
The latest update to World of Warcraft Classic is live as Call Of The Crusade has been added as part of Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
Players can now go back and experience the classic raid in Wrath Of The Lich King as it launched in World Of Warcraft Classic today.
Blizzard Entertainment is continuing the Burning Crusade content in World Of Warcraft Classic as players can now head to The Black Temple.
Blizzard Entertainment announced their plans for the launch of the Season of Mastery in World Of Warcraft Classic happening next month.
During BlizzConline today, we learned the next adventure coming to World Of Warcraft Classic is a return to the Burning Crusade.
Blizzard has released new content into World Of Warcraft Classic as the Naxxramas Raid is now available to play.
This afternoon, Blizzard crowned a new pair of regional champions for the World Of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest.
Blizzard revealed a new addition to World Of Warcraft Classic this week as players can now head to the ancient troll city of Zul'Gurub.
If you had to pick an expansion pack to come to World Of Warcraft Classic, would you choose The Burning Crusade? Blizzard wants to know.
if you ever want proof that people love World Of Warcraft Classic, the numbers apparently speak well for themselves this week.
Someone is apparently mad as hell at Blizzard as the World Of Warcraft servers have been taking DDoS attacks for two days straight.
Monday was launch day for World of Warcraft: Classic and the MMORPG set a new record for the highest launch-day concurrent viewership on Twitch, with livestreams of World of Warcraft reaching a peak concurrent viewership of more than 1.1 million unique viewers This is a record launch day, but not an overall concurrent viewer record,[...]
World Of Warcraft Classic kicks off today, and while the lines to get into the servers are long and hourly, at least there's a song you can sing while you wait.
This week may be PAX West in Seattle, but that doesn't mean there aren't video game releases happening leading up to the event.
It looks like Blizzard may not have fully anticipated just how many people were going to sign up for World Of Warcraft Classic.
Before World Of Warcraft Classic makes its way to the public, Blizzard Entertainment decided to film a little video with some people familiar with it.
Would you like to secure what your name will be in World Of Warcraft Classic? That option is now open to the public to take care of.
We get it, it's been a while since you've played World of Warcraft as it was back in 2004. It has been a decade and a half and games have changed a lot
In time for the game's fifteenth anniversary, Blizzard announced today that they would officially release World of Warcraft Classic on August 27th.
Those looking forward to playing World of Warcraft Classic whenever Blizzard finally releases it will be dealing with a couple of changes to the game.
For those who want a more vanilla World of Warcraft experience, Blizzard is releasing World of Warcraft Classic this summer. The retro server will take
Fans looking forward to the upcoming World of Warcraft Classic addition coming to Blizzard's network may be excited to hear this news.
Other unofficial classic servers have popped back up since then, but this is the first we've heard of an official version coming straight from Blizzard.
The World of Warcraft: Classic reveal trailer is below.
If you've ever found yourself sitting in your favorite tavern in Azeroth, sipping a beer and feeling nostalgic for the early days of World[...]