Our retrospective spotlight on the illustrators and artwork of Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Team Up covers eight Fighting-type Kanto species.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Toedscool may be mistaken for a relative of Tentacool but this new species featured in Pokémon TCG's Violet ex is a distinct Pokémon.
Dedenne features on the Tera ex from Triplet Beat, the first subset from Pokémon TCG Japan's first Scarlet & Violet-era subset.
Pokémon TCG Japan has released Scarlet ex which opens up the potential for unevolved species like Starly to appear on Art Rare cards.
Learn about new Paldean species Nymble and its evolution Lokix before they come to the Pokémon TCG with Triple Beat, the next Japanese set.
Journey with us through Pokémon TCG history as we revisit the artwork of Sun & Moon - Team Up with today's spotlight on Mr. Mime & Cosmog.
Dendra & Clavell from the Scarlet & Violet games make their Pokémon TCG debut on Trainer cards in Japan's March 2023 subset, Triple Beat.
Kingambit, a new evolution of Bisharp, stands above the others in this Art Rare from Pokémon TCG Japan's new Scarlet ex set.
Pokémon TCG has revealed a new English-exclusive Klara Full Art Promo that will come in the Klara Premium Tournament Collections in March.
This week's Pokémon TCG Artist Spotlight goes to HYOGONOSUKE, illustrator of the Tyranitar V & Leafeon VMAX Alternate Art cards.
Our retrospective spotlight on the artwork of the Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon era continues with the Psychic-types of Team Up.
Klawf, a new Rock-type coming from the region of Paldea, got its first Art Rare in Pokémon TCG Japan's Scarlet ex set, now in stores.
Pokémon TCG Japan: Triplet Beat will feature the regional Paldean Tauros in all three forms: Combat Breed, Blaze Breed, and Aqua Breed.
Pokémon TCG is set to release Paldea Pals Mini Tins in May 2023 featuring Fuecoco, Sprigatito, Quaxly, Pikachu, Pawmi, Smoliv, & more.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Shining Fates in February 2023 calls into question the viability of opening sealed product for this set.
Our spotlight on the history of Pokémon TCG shows how Mitsuhiro Arita was the mastermind behind the TAG TEAM GX cards in Team Up.
Pokémon TCG Japan is gearing up for the next set of the Scarlet & Violet era, Triplet Beat, which includes a powerful Quaquaval ex.
Pokémon TCG Japan has now released Scarlet ex & Violet ex which will feature Art Rares instead of Rainbow Rares to allow a broader focus.
The Pokémon TCG has revealed new artwork for the upcoming Cyclizar ex Box as well as a bonus card featuring Rotom that will be featured.
Our retrospective history of artwork and card types of the Pokémon TCG takes us to the end of Prism Stars with Team Up's Tapu Koko.
Fidough comes face to face with a wall full of pastries in this funny and cute Art Rare from #PokemonTCG Scarlet ex. #Pokemon
The Quaxly evolutionary line takes center stage in the next Pokémon TCG Japan set Triplet Beat which continues the new Scarlet & Violet era.
Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR League Battle Deck will be released in May 2023 from the Pokémon TCG with quite a Radiant guest appearance.
Pokémon TCG has announced the upcoming release of the Ampharos ex & Lucario ex Battle Decks coming to stores in May 2023.
Our retrospective spotlight on Pokémon TCG's Sun & Moon-era set Team Up features Electric-types Emolga, Helioptile, & Heliolisk.
We continue to delve into the new species of the Paldea region with the new Pokémon TCG Japan: Scarlet & Violet ex Dondozo Art Rare.
Pokémon TCG Japan's Triplet Beat will feature a Quaxly Art Rare by the artist who brought us Lost Origin's Pikachu VMAX Character Super Rare.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Champion’s Path in February 2023 sees the Charizard VMAX Rainbow Rare reaching at the $200 mark once again.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Vivid Voltage in February 2023 wonders if the Pikachu VMAX Rainbow Rare is steady now or if it will slip.
We look back on the Sun & Moon era today with a spotlight on, Pokémon TCG's landmark expansion Team Up which included the Mareep line.