Pokémon TCG Japan's next set, the Lugia-themed Paradigm Trigger, will feature an unlikely Ultra Rare with Skuntank V.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Japan reveals Quagsire V as a Gym Promo along with six other new cards exclusive to these promo packs for players.
Mewtwo is the mascot of Pokémon TCG's special set based on Niantic's Pokémon GO, and it gets a standard VSTAR, Rainbow Rare, & Gold VSTAR.
Pokémon TCG Japan's next set Paradigm Trigger will feature the Snover evolutionary line, including both Glalie and Froslass.
Pokémon TCG Japan reveals a new version of the popular Charizard VSTAR and Rayquaza VMAX cards, but when will they arrive in English?
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO set features Niantic's characters Professor Willow, Spark, Blanche, and Candela as Rainbow Rare Trainer Cards.
Pokémon TCG Japan reveals the new Paradigm Trigger-inspired merch coming to the Pokémon Center Japan on October 21st.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Brilliant Stars in October 2022 sees the Charizard V Alt Art begin to raise in value, nearing $200.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Astral Radiance in October 2022 notes relatively steady value for this Hisui-themed set.
The Litten evolutionary line tells a story as Litten evolves to Torracat and Incineroar in Pokémon TCG Japan's Paradigm Trigger.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Evolving Skies in October 2022 sees Umbreon VMAX Alt Art continue to rise in value, nearing $500.
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO expansion Conkeldurr V is one of only two Alternate Arts in this set. It pays homage to the game's raid mechanic.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Pokémon GO in October 2022 sees the Mewtwo V Alt Art drop to a new low due to high pull rates.
Pokémon TCG Japan's upcoming Paradigm Trigger set will feature the Dratini line, which culminates in a stormy Dragonite holo-rare.
The first Pokémon TCG set of 2023 gets a release date. This as-of-yet untitled special set will close out the Sword & Shield era.
The Alternate Art Mewtwo V from Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO pays homage to the original Legendary Raid trailer that sees Mewtwo attack NYC.
Pokémon TCG Japan's next set Paradigm Trigger will feature Secret Rare cards depicting the newly unearthed Legendaries Regieleki & Regidrago.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game shows Bardock go Super Saiyan in the latest main series expansion, Dawn of the Z-Legends.
Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO set includes a Professor Willow Full Art Trainer in the main set, but where can the Team Leader Full Arts be found?
Regidrago gets an Ultra Rare feature in Pokémon TCG Japan's Paradigm Trigger which will be adapted into Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest.
Our spotlight on Pokémon TCG's special Pokémon GO expansion moves to the Full Art section of the set with Alolan Exeggutor, Melmetal, & more.
Could Regieleki VMAX from Pokémon TCG Japan's upcoming set Paradigm Trigger be the final VMAX card ever released?
Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO expansion includes a Pidove card with 3D art that looks like the GO Snapshot mechanic from the distant future.
Magneton Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: Use these Ground-types to defeat Magneton during the Evolving Stars event.
Pokémon TCG Japan's next set Paradigm Trigger will feature Omastar V as well as a Full Art Omastar V by Saki Hayashiro.
Pokémon TCG took their Pokémon GO special set to the next level by having Ditto disguised as other peelable cards in the set.
Pokémon TCG Japan's next set Paradigm Trigger includes cards featuring Keldeo & Stunfisk, which will likely be adapted in Silver Tempest.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Vivid Voltage in October 2022 notes this Pikachu-themed set dropping in value, becoming more affordable.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Chilling Reign in October 2022 notes several cards retaining their high market value as time passes.
Pokémon TCG's special expansion inspired by Pokémon GO pays homage to Blissey's role as an expert Gym Defender with this hilarious card.