Modiphius Entertainment revealed a new addition to the TTRPG Star Trek Adventures with the Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook.
Modiphius Entertainment Archives
Modiphius Entertainment revealed they have a new campaign book coming to Dune: Adventures In The Imperium with Masters Of Dune.
Modiphius Entertainment revealed four new items they released today for their TTRPG Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.
Modiphius Entertainment released two new books for the Infinity TTRPG this week, both of which contain a ton of sourcebook material.
Modiphius Entertainment has officially put up their latest board game for pre-order as you can get your hands on SPECTRE: The Board Game.
One of the big breaking TTRPG titles for Modiphius Entertainment over the past few years has been the popular Star Trek Adventures.
Modiphius Entertainment revealed a few new items coming to the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG to help bring more life to the game.
Modiphius Entertainment revealed a new TTRPG title on the way as players will so be able to experience Cohors Cthulhu later this year.
Modiphius Entertainment has announced a brand new tabletop strategy title on the way as players can experience the battles of Dice Legions.
Modiphius Entertainment has announced that Star Trek Adventures will be getting a brand new campaign guide with Discovery content.
Modiphius Entertainment announced that they have now put the Third Edition of Five Leagues From The Borderlands up for pre-order.
Modiphius Entertainment revealed a new addition to the Dune TTRPG this week with the Agents Of Dune Campaign Experience Box Set.
Modiphius Entertainment has released a new adventure module for Achtung! Cthulhu 2D20 as players can tackle Operation Wallace.
Modiphius Entertainment has released a brand new Mission resource for Star Trek Adventures with the new PDF Upsetting The Balance.
Modiphius Entertainment revealed a new item coming to Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game as GM's will be getting a Gamemaster Toolkit.
Modiphius Entertainment announced a pair of TTRPG releases as you can get Homeworld: Revelations and Legends of Avallen.
Modiphius Entertainment is announcing a major tabletop title today with several additions in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Adventure Game.
Modiphius Entertainment has something awesome for fans of Dune - Adventures In The Imperium as they have three collector's editions.
Modiphius Entertainment revealed that they will be publishing new indie creator tabletop titles under their Via Modiphius program.
Modiphius Entertainment has released the PDF files for their role-playing game based on Bethesda's Fallout series.
Modiphius Entertainment has released new content for the tabletop RPG Star Trek Adventures with the Shackleton Expanse.
In SPECTRE: The Board Game by Modiphius Entertainment, you play as a Bond villain in your bid to become Number One and take over the world!
Modiphius Entertainment has announced that preorders for Homeworld: Revelations, their new TTRPG, have begun!
Modiphius Entertainment has officially released a new Dune tabletop RPG this week with Dune: Adventures In The Imperium.
An extensive guide to the lands south of the Styx River, Conan the Adventurer has many features to add to your role-playing experiences.
Modiphius Entertainment, known for various miniature games and role-playing games, have launched an all-new sourcebook for their Infinity RPG.
Modiphius Entertainment has got a pair of summer bundles going you might like for the current version of Vampire: The Masquerade.