Mythic legions Archives

The Snake Men Returns with Final Mythic Legions Retailer Exclusive 
The last figure for this release is a brand-new Mythic Legions figure as the Snake Men return with the Coatl druid, Vernaliss Ardenscale This figure follows the soul out Ninian Infantry figure, and now more Snake Men are ready to join your army with an impressive new figure For accessories, this druid will come with[...]
Cosmic Legions T.U.5.C.C. Phantom Trooper Retailer Figure Revealed
Four Horsemen Studios expanded their acclaimed Mythic Legions figure line to space with Cosmic Legions These highly detailed, articulated figures feature alien warriors, spacefaring mercenaries, and intergalactic enforcers, each with intricate sculpting and lore-driven backstories Four Horsemen Studios is now adding the Cosmic Legions to their upcoming 2025 Retailer Appreciation Wave with a special edition[...]
Four Horsemen Summons the Haunted Blue Ghost of Christmas Past 
Pre-orders arrive on February 14, 2025, at shared retailers that sell Mythic Legions for $69.99.  #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Credit: Four Horsemen Credit: Four Horsemen Four Horsemen Summons the Haunted Blue Ghost of Christmas Past  "The next figure to be revealed for[...]
New Silver Knight Legion Builder 2 Mythic Legion Up for Pre-Order
The Silver Knights have arrived as Four Horsemen celebrates Mythic Legions: The First 10 Years A new army builder release is on the way to help collectors build up the Order of Eathyron's army These knights will feature a new and updated range of motion, allowing for even more poses than before Standing 6" tall,[...]
Dark Magic Enters the Mythic Legions Realm with J’hennem 
The Four Horsemen are back at it with another incredible set of Mythic Legions action figures Unlike previous waves that focus on the Medieval era, it looks like things are getting a little more wild with some beastly new additions The fury of the animal kingdom has arrived, including the debut of the first of[...]
Dark Magic Enters the Mythic Legions Realm with J’hennem 
A new set of Mythic Legions figures are on the way as the Four Horsemen reveal the Reign of the Beasts A new animalistic set of creatures is on the way, giving life to a new era for collectors to fall in love with, from lion warriors to snack guards However, there are a few[...]
Dark Magic Enters the Mythic Legions Realm with J’hennem 
Animal figures are on the rise with Animal Warrior, Savage Crucible, and much more, and now Mythic Legions is joining in on the fun One of them is the Serpenspire Royal Guard, a wicked set of serpent-like amry builders with Aztec elements who follow the reign of their queen, Bassylia. These serpent figures feature a slick[...]
Pre-Built Legions Armory Knights Coming Soon from Four Horsemen
LegionsCon 2024 is also upon us, arriving in November, which will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Four Horsemen Studios and the 10th anniversary of Mythic Legions One thing that is arriving at this year's LegionsCon is the Legions Armory Experience, which will allow attendees to build their own custom Legions Knight However, Four Horsemen has[...]
Pre-Built Legions Armory Knights Coming Soon from Four Horsemen
A special edition 4-Pack of Mythic Legions figures are on the way as the Graveyard Skeletons are rising from the grave This set features four fully articulated skeletons that get a new deco that will be captured here compared to the previous release with an ashen grey look Not only will this graveyard set feature[...]
BBTS Exclusive Mythic Legions Stavros the Unwavering Revealed
Mythic Legions easily has a voice of its own these days and has greatly grown from their Kickstarter campaign days to something incredible It looks like Four Horsemen does not forget their origins as they are here to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Big Bad Toy Store BBTS was one of the few companies[...]
Four Horsemen Reveals Figura Obscura: Frankenstein’s Creature
The hit creatures behind the Mythic Legions line also have another line of figures called Figura Obscure, which is more oddball releases that do not have a specific category In the past, we have seen Santa, Krampus, the Headless Horseman, and even the Monkey King Now, it is time for Frankenstein's Creature to awaken with[...]
Mythic Legions: Rising Sons Wave Revealed By Four Horsemen Studios
Mythic Legions fans have descended upon New Jersey this weekend for Legions Con, two days celebrating the Mythic and Cosmic lines created by Four Horsemen Studios But yesterday they held their online G-Con where they reveal the latest wave of Mythic figures Dubbed Rising Suns, the wave is full of all sorts of ranges of[...]
Mythic Legions All Stars 6 Is Now Up For Preorder
Mythic Legions collectors were glued to the Four Horsemen social media channels this weekend as the big reveal of All Stars 6 took place, and the preorder went up Always a fun time; eleven new figures were revealed, four of which were the winners of the fan vote to bring figures back from previous waves[...]
Four Horseman Debuts Figura Obscura Sun Wukong, The Monkey King 
At this point, Four Horsemen Studios is very popular for their impressive 1/12 scale action figure line Mythic Legions Cosmic Legion is also going strong, as well as their surprise drops from the Figura Obscura Figura Obscura is dedicated to some of the wild releases that fit outside the realm of Mythic Legions These figures[...]
Mythic Legions All Star 6 Vote Is Now Live
Mythic Legions fans: it is that time of year The Four Horsemen have opened up voting for fans to choose which figures will be included in All Stars 6 What is that, you may ask? Well, once a year, the 4H listens to the fans and puts a vote up for a wave of figures[...]
Four Horsemen Spectral Green Headless Horseman Arrives Tomorrow 
We are a day away from Four Horsemen Studios kicking off their new wave of Mythic Legions figures This special wave is unlike any other that has arrived with a special Retailer Appreciation Wave featuring some rereleases This whole wave of figures features some modified rereleases, including the Halloween 2022 return of the Headless Horseman[...]
Mythic Legions Retailer Appreciation Wave Fully Revealed
Mythic Legions collectors are a family, from Four Horsemen Studios, through their approved retailers, to those of us who gobble them up as soon as we see them They take care of their fans, but they also do a lot for their retailers, and to show even more thanks they have revealed an exclusive wave[...]
Mythic Legions Necronominus Wave Revealed And Up For Preorder
Mythic Legions fans are having a weekend LegionsCon, the yearly get-together for the fans of all things Four Horsemen Studios, is happening as I write this, and it kills me not to be there in person As a newer collector to the line after years of resisting, I have drunk the kool-aid, so to speak,[...]
Mythic Legions Furious Four LegionsCon Exclusives Set Revealed 
In preparation for the big event, The Four Horsemen have givens fans a closer look at their exclusives Mythic Legions LegionsCon Exclusives Set This special 2-pack set is titled the Furious Four and will include two figures with a nice assortment of swappable parts This will include four head sculpts with Dinosaur, knight, skull, and[...]
Four Horsemen Debuts Cosmic Legions Book Two Figure Wave 
Mythic Legions has easily taken a lot of collectors by surprise with its very impressive lineup of figures Four Horsemen dropped the Mythic Legions line, which focused on the Medieval Era with demons, magic, and everything in-between The company recently expanded its coverage by introducing its new Space-Themed Legions line titled Cosmic Legions We are[...]
Mythic Legions Red Krampus Variant Arrives from Four Horsemen
We have reviewed the figure right here, and besides the issue with the tail, this is a powerful figure for the Mythic Legions line The Figura Obsura line is supposed to be creatures, heroes, villains, and other beasties that just do not fit in the other lines Krampus fits exactly that, and if you missed[...]
Your Figure Ride into Battle with A Giant Wolf Thanks to D20Studio
The figure is scaled perfectly for 1/12 figure lines and would work great with Mythic Legions, Marvel Legends, and Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective figures The Black Giant Wolf is scaled at 7.48" and is fully articulated with 25 points of articulation and high amounts of detail Three different versions of the Black Giant Wolf will[...]
Krampus Arrives This Holiday with New Deluxe Mythic Legions Release
The holidays are not always filled with cheer as Mythic Legions unleashes the haunting horror of Krampus this year As part of their 2021 Holiday Special, the devil of Christmas is here and ready to hunt for some new wicked boys and girls This figure is getting a special In Stock release and will be[...]
Pre-orders Arrive for Mythic Legions Newest Figure Wave: Poxxus
The Four Horsemen are back as they put up pre-orders for their newest set of collectibles as part of their popular and impressive Mythic Legions line This wave is titled Poxxus and there is a total of 10 figures heading our way, one of which is a new horse companion Some of the other included[...]